How many times did you have to take A & P to get your "A" grade?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm feeling super discouraged right now.

A year ago I took half a semester of A & P but dropped before I could finish due to a family emergency. At that time I had taken one test and barely passed. Now here I am at my second go around and it looks like I'll be getting a "C". Sigh... should I give up? Before I was a graphic designer by degree but I wanted a change in my careers and I love working with people. Now I feel like I probably didn't study science before because I stink at it. Help!

got an A in both AP I and AP II the first time

keep up the hard work everyone! Just tell yourself it's worth it!!!!!

Specializes in Neuroscience.

I got an A in A&P 1 only took it once, and I have A&P 2 right now with a 98% average so far. I HAVE to get an A because I refuse to take this class again.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I took AP1 with Nutrition and Chem in a spring semester and AP2 with Micro and General Psych in the summer. I took them all online and got A's in every class. Its not easy and I had no life, but it's definitely doable.

I took it once and got a very high B. I begged for an A but, i guess i got what i deserved. I'm proud of it!!

Specializes in Ambulatory.

Perhaps you should evaluate your studying. Are you spending enough time on the materials? Are you over studying? Are you studying the right materials? Or maybe if you know your instructor's "style", you can modify your studies accordingly. If your school offers free tutoring or if your instructor has office hours / open lab available, you should take full advantage of those. If there are study groups that you can join, I highly recommend those. A&P group discussions really help (at least in my case) with memorizing & understanding concepts.

I took anatomy & micro together and got A in both classes. I've been an anatomy teaching assistant for 2 semesters. Often times when I see students struggle, it likely because 1) they are taking too many classes 2) they work 40+ hours 3) they just don't put enough time into it.

my advise is to always try to research the professor before you take the class. Try researching them online and getting other students feedback before you take them

Specializes in ICU.
If there are study groups that you can join, I highly recommend those. A&P group discussions really help (at least in my case) with memorizing & understanding concepts.

This definitely! I've found that being able to explain a concept to someone else correctly means you really understand it! Even if I feel like I don't have specific questions, I go to groups anyway because I'll get to opportunity to explain things I understand to others, which really reinforces them for me.

I've also found confidence helps a lot. I know when I go into a test thinking that I can do it, it's just physiology, look at questions in light of the big picture of body systems - I do MUCH better than those tests I go into feeling totally overwhelmed and when I'm still cramming tiny details into my brain as I walk in the door. When I approach my subects with a "this is easy, I just need to put time into it which is kind of a bummer but at least it's easy" mindset, I do a TON better. Self-fulfilling prophesy and all that. :)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

I NEVER walk into a test with my materials trying to cram any little detail in my head at the last minute. I walk into the classroom with only my Scantron and my pencils and that's it. As a general rule, I stop looking at anything related to my test about 2-3 hours before my test, maybe more. What I don't know by that time I just won't. I enter the test with a relaxed demeanor and I stay away from the people freaking out and trying to mentally swallow whatever they can during the last few minutes. The hours I spend relaxing actually helps me soak up and compartmentalize everything for the test in my mind. And the moment of truth comes and I take the test with so much less stress. It works for me, maybe for you too?

I actually am taking the class at a community college! I have a two year old and also work part time but this is the only class I'm taking. I feel as if I put in a lot of study hours writing notes over and over but nothing sticks. My GPA for my last degree was 3.6 and I graduated in the top of my class in high school. I should be able to get this. I get a lot of flack from my family for trying to study instead of paying attention to my child which makes everything worse. ~sigh~

I actually am taking the class at a community college! I have a two year old and also work part time but this is the only class I'm taking. I feel as if I put in a lot of study hours writing notes over and over but nothing sticks. My GPA for my last degree was 3.6 and I graduated in the top of my class in high school. I should be able to get this. I get a lot of flack from my family for trying to study instead of paying attention to my child which makes everything worse. ~sigh~

Have you ever figured out what your learning style is? There are all sorts of online quizzes that will guide you in the right direction.

I only ask because some folks learn well visually, some by what they hear, some need to be physically doing something. Knowing how you learn best can guide your studying. That way you can use your study time to the best effect!

Our teacher actually had us take a learning styles quiz at the beginning of the class and I scored right down the middle with no preference for any style! I thought it was kind of funny.

I actually am taking the class at a community college! I have a two year old and also work part time but this is the only class I'm taking. I feel as if I put in a lot of study hours writing notes over and over but nothing sticks. My GPA for my last degree was 3.6 and I graduated in the top of my class in high school. I should be able to get this. I get a lot of flack from my family for trying to study instead of paying attention to my child which makes everything worse. ~sigh~

Sometimes its not how long you study, but how effectively you are studying. If reading and writing things over and over again is not working for you, then you've got to come up with another strategy.

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