How many times did you have to take A & P to get your "A" grade?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm feeling super discouraged right now.

A year ago I took half a semester of A & P but dropped before I could finish due to a family emergency. At that time I had taken one test and barely passed. Now here I am at my second go around and it looks like I'll be getting a "C". Sigh... should I give up? Before I was a graphic designer by degree but I wanted a change in my careers and I love working with people. Now I feel like I probably didn't study science before because I stink at it. Help!

Our teacher actually had us take a learning styles quiz at the beginning of the class and I scored right down the middle with no preference for any style! I thought it was kind of funny.

While it is of course possible that you are a very well balanced learner....I'd Google for a different learning styles quiz. There are loads of them out there and they all have a slightly different tack on it.

I actually am taking the class at a community college! I have a two year old and also work part time but this is the only class I'm taking. I feel as if I put in a lot of study hours writing notes over and over but nothing sticks. My GPA for my last degree was 3.6 and I graduated in the top of my class in high school. I should be able to get this. I get a lot of flack from my family for trying to study instead of paying attention to my child which makes everything worse. ~sigh~

Don't let anyone discourage you for wanting to go into this career. People with children do it all the time. Most of the people I socialize with at school have kids.

This is one of the most rewarding fields to work in. Your child may not verbalize their thankfulness later on in life but they will appreciate the fact that you are such a role model.

It's hard to not spend time with family while studying but your child will not remember it when they are older. It's good to do it now then to wait and they remember it.

I study many different ways. I read the material, take professors notes, rewrite my notes, type them into an outline form, note cards, writing "lines" I study until I'm sick of the material.

Good luck in the class.

Have you tryed the coloring books?

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I have a question, The first time I took it I got a "C" I am int he process of taking it again, but this time the teacher is really hard you can tell she is using it as a weed-out class. I am worried if I get a lower grade than a C this time then well there goes my chances of ever getting into nursing school since you can only take the course twice, and your most recent grade counts I am worried I may do worse. Should I drop? and take it in fall under a more practical professor or keep going and hope for the best? I need an answer soon please I am really worried.

A&P 1 is the only class I have had a C in the rest have been all A's except a B in A&P2 and a B in math.

Or should I just take the C and roll with it?

I type my notes and scan any diagrams directly into my notes. Then I print them and make notecards and take them everywhere. I had a 103 final grade in anat 1 last semester. So far I have a 103 average in anat 2 this semester (and I'm also taking microbiology and management at the same time). I also work fulltime, and I study my notecards anytime I have a few minutes free at work.

wrangler, do you have a chance of getting into the program with a C on your record? How many weeks are you into this class? what have your test scores been so far? If it were me and I was getting a C by the drop date I would definitely drop. I had very difficult teachers as well but I did work my ass off for an A the first time around, because I am too cheap to pay twice.

Whatever you decide to do, you need to identify why you are getting a B or C. Try to find out who is doing really well in your class, ask them how they study for exams. A&P is very time consuming as you know and in my humble opinion, I think the number 1 reason people do not do better the first go around is because they do not put in the time required for this class.

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