Published Aug 4, 2006
Bala Shark
573 Posts
Hi, I have the Kaplan, Saunders, and ATI questions..So far I done only about 1000 questions..I plan to do more because I have 10 days before taking NCLEX..I was wondering, how many questions should I do to prepare for NCLEX?
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Probably not a good time to tell you this, but Kaplan recommends 5000....I myself did about 4000, most people I know did about the same.
I'm sure you'll hear from lots of people who did less, though; I guess it might depend on if you're doing really well so far?
960 Posts
I did about 6000, the first time I tested and I failed, now am doing kaplan
447 Posts
I did about 3000 and passed with 75 questions. Everyone's different though! My friend did 1000 and got all 265 questions and passed.
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
It really does depend. Though when I was in school, they told us to do between 3000-5000 questions before taking the NCLEX...i think I may have done a little over 3000 but i never kept track lol. All the best to you.
44 Posts
I studied for 4 weeks and did about 2000 questions on the computer. Kaplan questions only. Good luck studying!
1,303 Posts
I di around 4000 questions and that was when I started keeping track. I studied for about 2 1/2 months. I used Kaplan, FEUER nursing course, Saunders, and Mosby flashcards. . I passed on the first time with 84/8 6 questions. I know some people at work who passed doing only 1000 and some that failed after doing 3000. It will depend on you. I knew when I was ready to test because I felt I could go in and was prepared to test. I felt that I had done all I could do, and that even if I answered more questions it would not make a difference. But the key for me was feeling like I could sit for the test and was at least prepared.
The Saunders CD is great review on content..It breaks it up into systems..Very good learning tool..
NJNursing, ASN, RN
597 Posts
I did I guess between 1000-2000 questions the month before the NCLEX and this includes the 400 or so that we did during the Kaplan course and I only studied hard about the last 10 days before the question, completely crammed the 4 days before doing about 100-150 questions a day the last 4 days (except the day before). Kaplan recommended doing 3000-6000 but over 4-6 weeks before the NCLEX.
You really have to think about how you needed to study for tests when in nursing school. When I broke the info up over a long time and studied gradually, I didn't do well in tests. If I crammed and loaded it all in quickly before-hand I did well. I used that same theory with the NCLEX and i passed with 75 questions.
I cannot do some many questions in one day to 3000..So I rescheduled my NCLEX to August 23..I was going to take it August 14..I want to do 3000 or more questions and to go back and review it..
colleennurse, ASN, RN
342 Posts
I did over 4000 mainly with Saunders and passed with 75 first try. Good luck!
149 Posts
I test for the PN on 8/9 and so far I have done about 1400 questions with Saunders and NCLEX made easy.