How many of you were older when you went into nursing?


Hi all. Just curious as to how many people went into nursing later in life. I am getting ready to start A&P I Tuesday and will hopefully be getting into nursing school next fall. This will be a second career for me. I graduated with a BS in 1999 and worked as a social worker before having kids. Now, three kids later and 5 years have passed since I quit my job to be a sahm, I am getting ready to go back to school. I was just wondering if I am going to be the only old one in my classes. :p I am sort of nervous about going back to school after 9 years, but also so excited as it has been a dream of mine for a long time to become a nurse. I am excited that I am taking steps towards that.

Anyways, just curious about your story, that's all. :)


Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

How old are you? I went back to school shortly before I turned 39. I decided to follow my dream after 2 kids and a divorce. I wasn't even the oldest in my class (oldest was 50). I think being an older student is a bonus. Life experiences are valuable assets in nursing school. Best of luck to you.

nsg was a 2nd career for me as well.

i started nsg school in my mid-30's, and there were a lot of older students.

being older does indeed, come with its own set of unique advantages.

you will do great, i'm sure.:balloons:


Well, not really OLD per se, 32 next month. I just envision myself being with a bunch of recent hs graduates. Then I would feel old, lol.

Thanks for the reply.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

A nurse friend encouraged me to go back to school. She pointed out that having has kids was an advantage."The diaper changes are the same, just bigger butts"

My class was great because it was part time at night so most of us were moms with day jobs and kids. We had more than one child sit in on a class becuase Mom had no sitter.Girls that had babies during school brought them to class so they could nurse.

I will graduate in December of this year with an Associate's Degree in Nursing. I'm also a 46 yr old mother of four and grandmother of two. I can't say it's been easy - spent a lot of time doing homework at the table with my two youngest after school. But what a way to teach your children that studies come before play, you're never too "old" to learn new skills and to follow your dreams.

In technical schools the average age of students is older. Out of 75 students, only two were right out of high school. The younger students may be able to remember facts more easily; but we have life skills.

Rather than looking at age in a negative manner; think of all the life skills you have learned as a mother, wife, employee, employer, etc. Critical thinking is highly important for nursing students (as well as seasoned nurses). Think of how often you use critical thinking just raising a family. You most likely already have critical thinking skills - you just need to add the nursing knowledge and skills.

That's my :twocents: anyways.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I went to nursing school at 32 also. Glad I did - much more flexibility, more $$ then I was making. I also went back for a BSN, MSN and post-MSN starting at the age of 44!

And....I don't consider 32 old - lol!

Specializes in med-surg.

I just graduated and I'm 40--also a second career for me. At 32, you should fit in well. I think the average in my class was about 35.

Good luck to you!:up:

Like most of you here, I started as an aid at the age of 31, LPN at age 35, RN with associate at the age of 38, then BSN, at 41. It is never too late to go back to school, but of course it is much easier when you are young without responsibilities.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in geriatrics.

I started the pursuit of my nursing degree at the age of 50, after spending 20+ years as a SAHM. I'll have my LPN in December, at the age of 52, then plan to bridge to RN, which I should have at the age of 54.

In our class, at a community college, 32 would be about the average age.

My age makes learning and memorization more challenging. The life skills and critical thinking I've attained by now work to my advantage.

Go for it!

Specializes in med/surg, ER.

Well, I'll be graduating in June with my the ripe old age of 51! I am not only the oldest in my class, but the oldest to go through the CSUS nursing program. No worries! It can be done!!:D


There was a woman in my LPN class in her 60's. One time someone mentioned something about being old and she said, "I ain't old!"

She was a hoot. Acted very young.

I'm getting on up there now (33.) I happen to think college is more suitable for older people. Older people just have a way of looking at the bigger picture whereas the young "whippersnappers" may remember facts more quickly, but they often don't know what to do with those facts.

If I could go back to 18 yrs. old and know what I know now...

Anyway, don't think you're too old. You still have decades worth of good years left.

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