How many got only 75 questions?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took the NCLEX yesterday morning and I was done in an hour and only got 75 questions. When it shut off, my heart sank and I felt sick. I had no dosage cal. questions(which I'm good at), lots of pharm.(which I suck at), and a ton of priority questions. I hate this waiting and it's only been one day. :o

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S qeenie!


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S smf!


Thanks latrinidad! Congrats to you too! I see your big day was not too long ago. :balloons:

Congrats Jenniegirl44! :balloons:

Thank God, I PASSED! I found out last 6/29 from a friend who viewed it online. Then, yesterday I received my license via mail. YIPEEEEEE! :-)

Specializes in orthopaedics.
thank god, i passed! i found out last 6/29 from a friend who viewed it online. then, yesterday i received my license via mail. yipeeeeee! :-)

wtg!!! i bet you are feeling great!:balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons:

So...I have been reading posts on this forum for a few weeks, and it has helped me. But when I walked out of the testing center having only answered 75 questions, I almost had an aneurism.

I took it 7/7 at 2 and my results should be up now. This post is just to express, before knowing, that I am very much in doubt. I got a lot of nutrition, who to discharge in an emergency situation and prioritization, 2 med calculations that were fill in the blank, about 5+ select all that apply, and many...many...pharm questions that I had never heard of. For the last 15 questions, I had to pee so bad that my molars were floating, but said "just make it to 75 and then take a break." At 75...there it screen.

I have been a wreck for 2 days. And right NOW, I am going to the website to check my results. I am broke, and I start my job in a week and a half if I have a license...if not, its waitressing for me for the next 4 months.

Congrats to all of those who have made it

Wish me luck!

ok! i am not an emotional person, but i am crying now...tears of joy because...

:balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons:i passed!!!!!!:balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons:

and i really had my doubts.

good luck to everyone else. they are not testing your knowledge, they are testing to see if you can think like a nurse. sometimes i even wonder if there is 1 right answer...or if they just want you to be able to think critically under stress!!!!


Specializes in ER.

Aprilequinox, I knew you passed as soon as I read your first post. Your experience sounded IDENTICAL to mine--the type of questions you got, the # of questions you got, even the having to go pee so bad but waiting till 75 questions to take a break--and I passed. My heartfelt congratulations to you.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

CONGRATS April and everyone else who passed!

I have been on this site forever reading and learning. I pray I too can pass the evil exam first try! ;)

Specializes in emergency surgery.

Just found out I failed with 75 questions!!

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