How many classes do you have left?


Sometimes I feel like I'll be doing pre-reqs for 2 years!!

Just wondering how many pre-reqs others have to do and how far along you are?

I have to do:

Psychology 101 *DONE*

Math 082 *DONE*

Math092 *1/2 way done*

Math 122

Biology 156 *1/2 way done*

Chemistry 130

Biology 201

The fact that I started on the bottom with the math is what sucks so bad. Plus I had no bio from high school or chemistry to transfer over.

My goal is to be done with pre-reqs by December 2009.

I have the following left because I have only been able to take one class at a time due to needing to work so much and pay off a few things so I can afford to not have to work as much if and when I get into nursing school....

Intro to Organic/BioChem with lab- Spring 09

A&P I with lab - Fall 09

A&P II with lab - Spring 10

Science of Nutrtition - Fall 10

Microbiology with lab - Spring 11

I cannot take anything in the Summer Sessions because none of these classes are offered in the evening. I plan on getting the A&P books this summer though and starting on the body systems then so I can feel as if I am accomplishing something.

I then plan on applying for the Accelerated BSN program and hopefully will be done by August of 2012.

Seems so far away......

i have pretty much done all of my classes i only have maybe 2 more classes to go


anatomy and physiology i

english i

english ii

advanced biology

general biology

human development



interm algebra



remaining classes

anatomy and physiology ii


whooo hoooo!!!! almost done :yeah:

I have the following left because I have only been able to take one class at a time due to needing to work so much and pay off a few things so I can afford to not have to work as much if and when I get into nursing school....

Intro to Organic/BioChem with lab- Spring 09

A&P I with lab - Fall 09

A&P II with lab - Spring 10

Science of Nutrtition - Fall 10

Microbiology with lab - Spring 11

I cannot take anything in the Summer Sessions because none of these classes are offered in the evening. I plan on getting the A&P books this summer though and starting on the body systems then so I can feel as if I am accomplishing something.

I then plan on applying for the Accelerated BSN program and hopefully will be done by August of 2012.

Seems so far away......

This sounds much like my situation. I have some credits from a prior degree, but am also only taking one class at a time. I've only taken A & P I and II so far, and it feels like such a slow going process. However, I'm glad that I haven't tried to overwhelm myself by taking more than 1 class with FT work (and demanding FT work at that), because I've been able to get As in both classes. Next semester I'm taking Chem., and will still have Organic Chem. and Microbiology left after that.

Good luck to you! We will get there eventually. Slow and steady wins the race.

I am taking A&P I with Micro and Nutrition in the spring A & P II in the summer then I'm ready for the BSN program! Kelli

I've been doing my pre-reqs since 05 but for a year I was going only half time.

PSY 207 human growth and development taking during break now

A & P 2 spring 09

Then I am done! I'm petitioning for the nursing program at my CC next semester. They hand out the form during the NUR 101 class I have to take before I can get into the program. It's been a long time coming and I'm finally glade its here! Now all I have to worry about is doing good in my class during break. Good luck to you all and it will be over before you know it. :D

Have prior upper level degree so all Gen. Ed requirements are mostly done.

Needed for ASN:

AP2 and lab -Spring 09

Micro and lab - Spring 09

English 1 Done

Sociology Done

AP1 and lab Done

Psychology Done

Humanities - British Literature Done

College Algebra -Done

Needed for BSN

Nutrition Spring 09

Dev Psych Summer 09

Statistics Done

English 2 Done

Chemistry and lab- depends which university- some require and some don't but will still take Summer 09

Ethics- not really required but will do Summer 09

I will be applying for the ASN program June 09 for the Spring 2010 class then when completed, I hope to find a job, work 3 days and go to USF or UCF for my MSN.

Before I can apply to the nursing program---technically, I have 2 classes--A&P I and II. (I have a prior Bachelor's so many of my pre-reqs were fulfilled). However, I am going ahead and taking 2 more co-requisite classes before I apply---Developmental Psychology and Microbiology. It will help boost up my points and also will allow me to focus strictly on the nursing curriculum once I'm admitted. I'm taking these 4 classes over the course of 2009 and applying for Spring 2010 acceptance.

I am almost done and then I can apply in October! I can not wait to be done with these classes.

Microbio- Spring (qtr)

A&P B - Winter (qtr)

A&P C- Spring (qtr)

English 1A - Winter (qtr)

English 1B - Spring (qtr)

Public Spk - Winter (qtr)

Basically, I will be done by the first of July!


I earned a BE-EE in 1984.....and as of last Fri my pre-reqs are DONE!!!:yeah:

I will be taking the NAT on the 23rd and fill out all my app stuff and wait for the acceptance letter. I started my pre-reqs a year ago.

As of Tuesday (12/16), I am done with all my pre-reqs. I transferred in my Biology and General Psych, the rest as follows:

A & P 1 -- Fall 2007

A & P 2 -- Spring 2008

Sociology -- Spring 2008

Microbiology -- Summer 2008

English -- Summer 2008

Chemistry -- Fall 2008

Communication -- Fall 2008

Elective -- Fall 2008

I will be filling out my application in the next few weeks. They are due by the end of January and a letter will be mailed out the end of April. I will just have to sit patiently and wait. :banghead:

Good Luck to all.


I am in the same boat here. It feels like forever, I started in Fall 2007. It will all be worth it in the end! :D

Intro to Algebra-"B"-Summer 08

Pre-Algerbra Fall-"B"-Fall 08

Intermediate Algebra-Spring 09

Algerbra-Summer 09

Sociology-Spring 09

Freshman English-"C" Fall 07

English II-Summer 09

Microbiology-"B"-Spring 08

Micro Lab-"A"-Spring 08

Nutrition-"A"-Summer 08

Anatomy 1 & Lab-Fall 09

Anatomy 2 & Lab-Spring-10

**And I still have to take one more elective like History for the ADN program**

Specializes in none.

I thought I had a lot left until I read this post. I have been taking pre and co reqs since Jan 08. I have

BIO 100 (General Biology) (Spring 09)

A & P 1 (Summer 09)

A & P 2 (Fall 09)

Microbiology (Fall 09)

Eng 102 (Spring 09)

And then I apply!:yeah:

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