How long did it take you to finish your prerequisites?


Hi everyone,

I am going back to school this summer. I will be attending Delta College in Stockton, CA. I was wondering how long it normally takes to finish your prerequisites full time vs. part time for your ADN. I do plan on transferring to get my BSN.

Specializes in Cardiac ICU; CV Nursing; Medical Surg; Psychiatric.

If you take your time and try not to get far ahead of yourself, typically you can be done within 1.5-2years. The best approach is to take classes every semester and summer till you fulfill the requirements.

You really have to be serious though once you get into anataomy, physiology, and microbiology. You shouold never repeat any of the classes, because based on Delta college's merit system, it will shoot you down the waiting list.

So get the best grades that you get, high GPA, DO NOT REPEAT ANY NURSING PREREQ'S. Take advantage of tutors and or writing labs if need be. Also, it is handy to find a good study group or group of peers that you can collaborate with to get good grades on test.

I am from Stockton also, but I went the opposite route and went to Xavier college of nursing for my LVN. Right now I am working the VA, and going to University of Phoenix for my LVN-BSN.

Good luck.

It's really going to depend on how many prerequisites are required and your capabilities of the amount of school work you can take on. For me it only took a year (last semester and current) but I went full force. Last semester I took 17 credits and this semester I'm taking A&P 2 with Microbiology. I think average is likely 2 years.

Took me years! Lol. Thats only because life happens and I had to take classes at limited availability. But, I got in to two schools upon first application and all that work/time was worth it. Its different based on everyones situation. Best of luck!

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

1 year due to taking classes full time, all year round, and pushing myself towards the end (14 credits last semester) by taking A&P II and Microbiology at the same time.

Thank you.

I would say 1.5-2 years for full time, depending on the structure of the school. Make sure to look at almost every school you are applying for and the pre reqs.

I took me 4 only because I couldn't get into a chem class. Only around 2.5 for the stuff the program needed.

Specializes in Psych, Substance Abuse.

It took me 1.5 years because I already had a Bachelor's degree. I could have been done with the pre-reqs sooner, but those classes fill up fast in my region.

I had a previous Bachelor's and only had to meet science requirements, so it took me two semesters (about six months).

If you do it full time and are aggressive about it, you can get it knocked out really quickly, say in a year/year-and-a-half, if you go year-round and max out your credits.

I wouldn't, though. I would suggest you take your time, study hard, and do your best to get straight A's. The higher your GPA, the faster you'll get in. That should take a full two years, longer if you need it.

If you only go part time, it can take as long as four years. It has taken longer for some folks on here (search through some threads and you'll see what I mean).

I went into a traditional program right out of hs. 2 years pre req, 2 yr nsg school. Graduated with bsn.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I'll have finished them in 2.5 years next month and until this semester was only taking two classes at a time (one semester I took one class). This semester I'm taking 4 classes so I can apply to the program I wanted which is through the community college but earning a bachelors at the same time through a university.

I agree with others, do the best you can to keep a high GPA. I work very hard to keep mine and it definitely pays off to not have that kind of worry.

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.

2 years, all quarters I took 10 credits each except last summer and the current spring quarter where I've only taken 5 credits each.

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