How to drop subtle hints with my nursing students about faith.


Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

Hi all! I am a new clinical nursing instructor and am wondering how to drop hints if possible about having faith. Especially as these are future nurses. I know that carrying the love of Christ shines bright and that in of itself is pretty awesome and an awesome testimony. Occasionally when they get stressed out about exams ill say..." besides studying now would be a great time to learn how to pray about things that concern you...and trust God. "

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Don't do it. Faith has nothing to do with being a good nurse or a bad nurse. You are there to be an instructor, not to proselytize. I can see this leading to trouble if students complain.

Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

Yea I wondering about it.... thanks Rose.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

I agree- it is outside your job description to make these 'suggestions'. Now, if a student approaches YOU- by all means.

PS: I am a Christian and a preacher's wife.

Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

Ok I'm glad I asked....I stick to the skills! Thanks Mary♥

Specializes in CCM, PHN.

Even subtle hints about your faith can lead to serious trouble. If a Jewish, Muslim or atheist student complains (and I would) you could be fired - and worse, these days. I respect your faith but it has no place in teaching nursing.

Keep God out of the equation. Don't ever suggest that your students pray, trust God or a Christian light needs to shine bright to be an effective nurse.

Future nurses just need to have faith only in themselves and their abilities. How they choose or not choose to practice a religion is intensely personal, and has no place in your instruction.

Even when teaching about spiritual needs of patients, it is just that--patients, not the students. So unless you teach at a private christian school, or practice in a private christian hospital (and even then, I would keep it short and simple) know that young adults in this age and time have a multitude of beliefs and/or non-beliefs. Some see nursing itself as their ministry, not attached to a God or Gods or whatever being or non being they may or may not believe in or follow.

Not every nurse is a Christian. Nor is that a requirement.

Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the responses.

Your personal views on religion have no place in the classroom, unless you're teaching in a private, church-affiliated school. Even then, it would be professionally questionable, IMO. Just leave it alone.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.
Hi all! I am a new clinical nursing instructor and am wondering how to drop hints if possible about having faith. Especially as these are future nurses. I know that carrying the love of Christ shines bright and that in of itself is pretty awesome and an awesome testimony. Occasionally when they get stressed out about exams ill say..." besides studying now would be a great time to learn how to pray about things that concern you...and trust God. "

Why would you even think that the classroom was the place to preach your personal religious views? That would be very inappropriate.If I was a student I would definitely be turned off.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Hi all! I am a new clinical nursing instructor and am wondering how to drop hints if possible about having faith. Especially as these are future nurses. I know that carrying the love of Christ shines bright and that in of itself is pretty awesome and an awesome testimony. Occasionally when they get stressed out about exams ill say..." besides studying now would be a great time to learn how to pray about things that concern you...and trust God. "

You're there to teach nursing, not theology, and they're paying tuition to learn how to be nurses, not have someone proselytize to them. Not everyone is going to have the same faith system as you, so you could be offending some of your students with your comments.

I would feel as though I were being preached at with comments like that. I am not religious, and it's wonderful that you are, but it isn't your place to present religion to your students. They are there to learn to be nurses. Please don't do this. If I were your student I would feel uncomfortable.

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