How competitive is it to get into UTA, TWU, TCU, or Baylor (Texas) for BSN ?


How competitive is it to get into UTA, TWU, TCU, or Baylor (Texas) for BSN ?

Just wondering if there are any nursing students, grads or recent grads who are from north Texas area? :nurse:

How competitive are the schools in the area?

I am currently taking my pre-reqs at a jr college and want to know what i'm getting into here. :D

My counselor says UTA is a great program, but I just hope I get in at UTA. :rolleyes: Any comments? I would really appreciate it, Thanks.

Specializes in NICU.

panzyo3 thanks very much for the info. They told me the same thing. During the course of applying for the spring 09 semester I was retaking a micro class and recieved a A so now I have a 3.7 so I hope this time I will get accepted for the fall

Hi Karaelaine!!

I attend UTA and I will be applying before June 1 for spring 2010 entry. My current stats are Science GPA 4.0 and the rest of my prereqs are at 3.5 just wondering if there is any advice you might have. I am taking Concepts with Ms. Priddy right now and she is very nice. But just wanted to know if Pharm or Patho online is hard? Would it be better to take it in class or online? Also I really hope that I will get a interview in October, but Im kind of scared because I have no experience with working in a hospital? Do you think that might affect my chances? And what do you think I could expect if I do get an interview? I heard that they are not doing the writing samples anymore either. Thank you for your time!

Specializes in trauma, jail health.


Im pretty sure most of the nursing students have taken som classes at a comunity college. I took my first year of college in a community college as well. But I remember seeing quite a few in at least the last few pre reqs before nursing school. But just so you know nursing school is definitely a day time schedule. In fact it kind of consumes your life for about 2 years. The school doesnt recommend that nursing students work more than 1-2 days a week. In nursing school you pretty much get one day off during the week and then the weekend. Thats it. And when you apply for nursing schoool if you get an interview they will be asking you how much you are going to have to work during nuring school and what kind of support system you have. Just be in mind of that for the future. =) Good luck with everything! If you get great grades im sure you'll be fine.


Your grades are great. You'll be JUST FINE. Your GPA is quite a bit better than mine were when I got accepted into nursing school so you probably dont have anything to worry about. As far as patho and pharm depends on you. I do fairly well in online courses but thats because I dont really get much of going to classmost of the time anyway. Im mostly learn by the book/notes and studying on my own. But thats just me. Whats your learning style? Do you need class to keep up with the class? Those classes are pretty hard classes. I would say they are pretty equal to both A&P's. And having no experience in the hospital I dont think will hurt you any. They dont expect you to have that yet. Thats why we have clinical in nursing school. But if it would make you feel more comfortable you could volunteer at a hospital over the summer or something. I volunteered at JPS for a little bit before nursing school and it was good for me because it confirmed to me that I would like nursing and that it was for me. So I would suggest it not cause it will help you get into nursing school but more for your own confidence that you for sure want to go into nursing. For the interview, they will probably ask you about your studying style, support system, goals in nursing, why you want to go into nursing, why they should accept you, you know typical interview questions. I was also asked what I thought was an important issue in nursing. Im not sure but I think I talked about stem cell research or something. Or maybe obesity. I cant remember. Anyway you'll be fine. Good luck!

Thanks Karaelaine for your advice I really appreciate it! yeah I think I'm gonna take the classes at campus rather than online. I might slack off if I do them online :zzzzz! I'm going to look into volunteering. Again thanks so much! and Good luck on the NCLEX when you take it! :thankya:

Hi Karaelaine!!

I attend UTA and I will be applying before June 1 for spring 2010 entry. My current stats are Science GPA 4.0 and the rest of my prereqs are at 3.5 just wondering if there is any advice you might have. I am taking Concepts with Ms. Priddy right now and she is very nice. But just wanted to know if Pharm or Patho online is hard? Would it be better to take it in class or online? Also I really hope that I will get a interview in October, but Im kind of scared because I have no experience with working in a hospital? Do you think that might affect my chances? And what do you think I could expect if I do get an interview? I heard that they are not doing the writing samples anymore either. Thank you for your time!

How was Concepts with Ms. Priddy? Also, when are you taking pharm and patho? I'm taking concepts this summer at UTA, but don't know who is teaching it. Thanks!

How was Concepts with Ms. Priddy? Also, when are you taking pharm and patho? I'm taking concepts this summer at UTA, but don't know who is teaching it. Thanks!

Hi Goopsy

It's not bad at all, I'm sure Mrs. Priddy will be teaching concepts in the summer bc she's the only one who teaches it. The only thing is the Exam Reviews are very long. She post them a week before the test, and always remember to pick the answer that is most correct. We have only taken one exam so far the next exam will be in about two weeks. If you would like I can email you the Exam Reviews that a group and I typed up before the test. I remember it was around 3 or 4 hours and I didn't even have my whole review completed I did my own and combined it with the groups. It takes a long time for the reviews. I only have one so far and will be completing the other one in a couple weeks. Also the final is comprehensive. One more thing you have to write a paper that is very easy, and then you work on one as a group. Actually I wish I would have taken concepts it in the summer lol I'm taking Pharm and Patho in the fall, what about you? And are you applying this June? :)

Hi Goopsy

It's not bad at all, I'm sure Mrs. Priddy will be teaching concepts in the summer bc she's the only one who teaches it. The only thing is the Exam Reviews are very long. She post them a week before the test, and always remember to pick the answer that is most correct. We have only taken one exam so far the next exam will be in about two weeks. If you would like I can email you the Exam Reviews that a group and I typed up before the test. I remember it was around 3 or 4 hours and I didn't even have my whole review completed I did my own and combined it with the groups. It takes a long time for the reviews. I only have one so far and will be completing the other one in a couple weeks. Also the final is comprehensive. One more thing you have to write a paper that is very easy, and then you work on one as a group. Actually I wish I would have taken concepts it in the summer lol I'm taking Pharm and Patho in the fall, what about you? And are you applying this June? :)

Hmm..I'll remember that about picking the answer that is most correct. Omgosh! that would totally be so sweet of you if you would email those reviews, thanks for offering!! Ill PM you my email. Also, thanks for all the advice. I'm applying for the fall so I am really excited!

Hi premedturnednursing...what made you turn from premed into nursing? I am considering nursing school vs. medical school...which I know nursing school yields a faster return on investment then nearly 8 years of medical school.

I guess this would be a good discussion thread. :wink2:

This is GREAT!!! information...thanks!!!! Maybe that's why Texas Health Resources and UTA partnered up for the Accelerated BSN programs...the hospital will at least know the students will be trained by their own staff.

I was disappointed in UTA since they rely on their reputation (build from word of mouth and hobb nobbing). When I went looking for my first job after graduating from there, I was told by hospital recruiters that the grads from UTA are the least qualified because the actual nurse training was so poor. However, I have heard that they had to change the program and now have a capstone that can allow a GN to at least know something upon graduating. The majority of my graduating class never got to start an IV or work a pump, so the hospitals that hired us basically had to train us from scratch. But, I did learn how to write some mean 20 page papers on community health, geratrics, pediatrics and management, along with brushing up on my performance/acting skills.

Wow, I graduated from UTA with a BSN a number of years ago and I hate that you had that experience. To all of those considering UTA I would say the program is what you make of it. My clinical skills were top knotch, but I ACTIVELY pursued experiences...even taking an elective ER/Trauma rotation that put me in the JPS ER for 40 hours per week one summer. If you emerge from the program with minimal clinical skills I dare say it is because you shied away from clinical experiences and electives.

Hi Premedturnednursing,

If you don't mind sharing, what classes did you have to take(and/or retake) for prereqs at TCC? I'm planning on applying to the TCU Accelerated BSN program for summer '10 entry. I have BA in psychology already and was initially a nursing major in 1998; so I already have the A&P I&II and micro. Though I bet I need to retake them since it's been so long. I'm a bit stressed because if I DO have to retake some prereqs then I might not be able to apply to the TCU program till Nov '10 for '11 entry. ALso, were there any 'surprise' prereq classes you had to take? I'm looking at the program prereq list, and gosh, a religion and speech class, too? I don't think I have either of those in my undergrad degree.

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