Published Dec 31, 2008
25 Posts
How competitive is it to get into UTA, TWU, TCU, or Baylor (Texas) for BSN ?
Just wondering if there are any nursing students, grads or recent grads who are from north Texas area?
How competitive are the schools in the area?
I am currently taking my pre-reqs at a jr college and want to know what i'm getting into here.
My counselor says UTA is a great program, but I just hope I get in at UTA. Any comments? I would really appreciate it, Thanks.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Moved to the Texas Nurses forum. Good luck to you.
167 Posts
I'm a TCU nursing student...I'm in the accelerated program which is pretty competitive. I took all of my pre-reqs at TCC and was told that the best way to make sure my app was competitive was to make all A's in the pre-reqs. I did that, but I think there are other people in my class who got in with 3.5 or so. I am not sure about the regular track.
Before I decided on TCU, I spoke to a recruiter from TWU and she told me my application more than likely would not be considered if I didn't have a 4.0. Not sure if that's really true or just a scare tactic they use, lol.
I hope I helped some. Good luck!!
kittyn, MSN, NP
144 Posts
I applied to TWU and UTA. Both schools denied me into their program with a 3.0ish GPA. Now to the nitty gritty:
It's good that you're considering applying to more than one nursing school. Hope this helps! :wink2:
287 Posts
UTA is great nursing school, I'll be applying before June 1st for the spring '10 class. My best friend took almost all of her classes at CC and had a 4.0 science gpa and got in. She starts in 2 weeks at UTA! I am taking the same route as her hopefully I'll get in to!
91 Posts
How competitive is it to get into UTA, TWU, TCU, or Baylor (Texas) for BSN ? I'm at TCU in the regular track, and I think my overall gpa was 3.25 and my pre-reqs were around a 3.5. I also applied to TWU at the same time, and was waitlisted.A few days later I was accepted to TCU. TWU called me 5 days before classes were to start to say I was accepted (but all my loan info was already done at TCU, so I just went there.) The only thing I hate is the $14,000 per semester price tag, but the teachers & clinicals are great. I don't feel that the classes are really that hard, but you do have to study. I am graduating this December, so good luck to you! If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!
I'm at TCU in the regular track, and I think my overall gpa was 3.25 and my pre-reqs were around a 3.5. I also applied to TWU at the same time, and was waitlisted.A few days later I was accepted to TCU. TWU called me 5 days before classes were to start to say I was accepted (but all my loan info was already done at TCU, so I just went there.) The only thing I hate is the $14,000 per semester price tag, but the teachers & clinicals are great. I don't feel that the classes are really that hard, but you do have to study. I am graduating this December, so good luck to you! If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!
Yes thank you for your comments! I will be applying to all these in the DFW area, but hopefully UTA is where I will be accepted. I do plan to keep my GPA as perfect as possible. :)
Another question I have is what is nursing school like?
the short answer is...... a lot of studying! You no longer get asked questions like: define bacteria or somesuch. Most questions have to do with what you should/will/can do as a nurse, what you should expect as possible outcomes, and disease processes and what they do to the body, etc etc.
It's all doable but it's just SO much information at one time. I really enjoy it though.
Thanks for the info.
I just like to know what I am getting myself into. :)
I really appreciate it :redpinkhe
I'm a CPhT and I love that job too. I just know I am capable of way more.
Ah! As you can see from my info, I was a CPhT for 8 years! Use that to your advantage...know brand vs. generic name, basic categories: antibiotic, beta blocker, etc., ask pharmacists to start quizzing you on what drugs do what and why. Have them give you practice drug calculation problems. That's what I did and it has helped tremendously...seriously gave me a leg up in Pharm!
Good luck!
Oh, yes, I see now! Do you work retail or mail order? I work in mail order. I only worked retial for a month or so. I type scripts and recently got trained in doctor calling function. It's fun though. I work with over 200 RPh's, there's got to be some RPh I know to "mentor" me. I will look into that! Thanks for the suggestion. I asked one RPh if being a CPhT would be an advantage and he said I should be way above the curve.
No problem! I worked in a hospital pharmacy for the whole 8 years. Definitely if you can find a pharmacist who's willing, get them to help you out. It impacted me tremendously in pharm, and it was a great boost to my self esteem to feel like I knew at least ONE thing my first semester in nursing school, lol!