Holiday presents rolling in already!


Specializes in School Nursing.

I've spent the last 4 years working with students with severe medical issues in very low-income settings. (Many of the students I had previously live in facilities with varying degrees of parent custody.) Every year I would get 1-2 notes wishing me a Happy Holiday season and one very thankful and generous family giving staff a heartfelt gift.

This year I'm in a pretty high socio-economic demographic, and holiday stuff is already rolling in!

Today I got a thermus and some treats from a student who I've never interacted with. I thought there was a little treat-tin in the bag - turns out it was a Amazon gift card!

Anyone every get anything super cool/interesting during the holidays?

Mine will probably start coming in next week as families take off early before the break. So far 2 gift cards to Starbucks - the only time I actually go to Starbucks is with a GC, I refuse to use my own money for their overpriced coffee/lattes :) After nurses week last year I received just shy of $200 in starbucks GC - my kids loved it when we were on vacation this summer - Starbucks for all every morning!

Cool! I haven't gotten anything, but we're also in school until 12/22.

While we're on the topic, I'd like to get things for my daughter's teachers. Are gift cards the way to go? I usually get amazon cards for them, but is that boring? I personally love gift cards, but I'm just wondering if there's something else I should think of. (I should add that I'm not crafty and won't do any Pinterest-y projects).

Specializes in School nursing.

I don't usually get much as a lot of my families can't afford it and that is okay by me.

But I have gotten baked goods. One year one of my asthma FF students brought me a Wonder Woman mug, which I keep on my desk as my pen holder. One of my diabetic students usually bring me a lovely card and a gift card to my favorite local coffee place (her mom is a nurse and wonderful).

I work in a very low SES school, though there are a couple students who are outliers. Last year, we had a new K student who bright in a gift for every single staff in the school, including cleaning crew, bus monitors, etc. Plus a gift for each child in the class (25 kids). The really weird thing is, they left the price tags on everything, and there was not a single gift under $50! I got a $50 leather wallet, my Operations manager got a $100 cashmere sweater- really strange. Like it was a nice gesture but SO extremely over the top and then to leave the price tags on, etc. Just really strange. My favorite gift was a sweet drawing from a student who had been in my office a lot that was a picture of me and him with a heart around it that said "I luv my nrs". LOL, it was so cute!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Nothing of monetary value so far but I did get a gift from Heaven today and maybe's cold (for South Texas) and rainy which equals NO RECESS!! Praise the Lord!

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
picture of me and him with a heart around it that said "I luv my nrs". LOL, it was so cute!

My Grinchy heart just grew three sizes, plus two.

I never expect anything so I am never disappointed. But I get asked a lot by friends what to get for their kids' school nurses. We've stopped doing gifts for all the teachers. My kid is in dual credit and for the college teachers...we're getting gift cards to the liquor store that has all kinds of other stuff as well. Actually, gift cards to the liquor store for the coaches, too.

Perhaps I'll suggest that as a gift for the nurse next time someone asks....

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
Nothing of monetary value so far but I did get a gift from Heaven today and maybe's cold (for South Texas) and rainy which equals NO RECESS!! Praise the Lord!

It's gonna FREEZE tomorrow in the NTX. Really. It will be under freezing for unknown amounts of time. You up north are blessing our hearts, aren't you....

Specializes in School Nursing.
Nothing of monetary value so far but I did get a gift from Heaven today and maybe's cold (for South Texas) and rainy which equals NO RECESS!! Praise the Lord!

Heaven owes me a Snow Day after the last 2 days of Supermoon craziness.

Specializes in kids.
Cool! I haven't gotten anything, but we're also in school until 12/22.

While we're on the topic, I'd like to get things for my daughter's teachers. Are gift cards the way to go? I usually get amazon cards for them, but is that boring? I personally love gift cards, but I'm just wondering if there's something else I should think of. (I should add that I'm not crafty and won't do any Pinterest-y projects).

We have local childrens auction that I used to make a cash donation to in their name. They were very appreciative of the thought and not one more candle/mug etc!

I don't work directly with students anymore so I am not expecting to get anything.

I never got anything over the top but I have received some nice things over the years. Mostly GCs, candles, lotion, etc. I received a BIG box of fannie mae one year and I regifted it to my babysitter since they were her absolute favorites (mint meltaways) and not something I care for.

I supervise two nurses now and I want to get them something. Any suggestions?? I had thought about a nice ornament that says "School nurse" in some way. Or may GCs to local places.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I don't work directly with students anymore so I am not expecting to get anything.

I never got anything over the top but I have received some nice things over the years. Mostly GCs, candles, lotion, etc. I received a BIG box of fannie mae one year and I regifted it to my babysitter since they were her absolute favorites (mint meltaways) and not something I care for.

I supervise two nurses now and I want to get them something. Any suggestions?? I had thought about a nice ornament that says "School nurse" in some way. Or may GCs to local places.

Bud Light and "Bad Santa" DVD

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