Published Nov 24, 2004
240 Posts
I went and tried out the Littman Classic II stethoscope this evening and the first one I couldn't hear anything. So the guy checked it out and he really couldn't hear anything he said it must be the scope. So he tried out the other one he had and could hear better in it. Well I tried it and could barely and I mean barely hear a pulse. :uhoh21: He said you just need to focus on the sound your listening to and I should be able to hear it better. Is he right on that or is that just not the scope for me? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
928 Posts
If you can't here out of it I wouldn't get it. You shouldn't have to strain to hear from it. Keep trying till you find one. I use just the Littman and it works pretty good. I do get the other ear pieces that fit into the ear better.
ERNurse752, RN
1,323 Posts
Keep trying other types. Different scopes for different folks, haha.
212 Posts
I agree, you have to use that piece of equipment everyday! You want to make sure that you can hear VERY well with it. Maybe go to a medical supply/uniform shop and try every brand they have until you fine one that works well for you!! :)
NewEnglandRN, RN
486 Posts
Try the Littman Master Classic; it works well for me. All yes, the soft-sealing ear tips really make a different if you have small ears (get the small ones.)
Good luck,
4,491 Posts
I purchased a Littman Cardiology scope, but hear as well with a $19.00 double tubing scope.
I mean lungs, murmers, extra sounds, bruit, the works. Best with the less expensive.
Well I was thinking of ordering the Littman Classic and trying it with the soft ear tips and see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't...then I can just return it. The guy wasn't too friendly about trying a bunch of different scopes where I went.
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
Lol! :rotfl:
I have 2 Littmans- one I bought, the other was a gift. I can't hear a darn thing out of either one. There are much better (and cheaper) scopes out there, imo.
22 Posts
ER I have to giggle at your Response! Having a rough day here work in homecare and had a PT pass Away and that gave me a good laugh TY I needed it!
483 Posts
I've heard good things about Ultrascopes. I think they're around $85.00.
160 Posts
6,011 Posts
Whne I got my first Littman I had the same problem. One of the older nurses showed me how to move the metal tubes of the yoke forward so it would "hit" my ear better. At first I would lift my shoulder and press the earpiece tightly to my ear. After a while that wasn't necessary. The soft tips caused to much adventitious sound....scratching, rustleing etc. The right size nylon tips work fine.