Do you have any advice for dealing with vomit? I truly want to become a nurse but I have a severe issue with vomit. The smell and the feeling of it gross me out to the point of nearly vomiting myself, even hearing someone throwing up is enough to set me off sometimes.
Blood, urine, and feces don't bother me a bit, but I just can't do vomit, and I don't want that to hold me back from what I want to do.
Any advice on getting over my aversion would be helpful.
Dear Nurse Beth,
Do you have any advice for dealing with vomit? I truly want to become a nurse but I have a severe issue with vomit. The smell and the feeling of it gross me out to the point of nearly vomiting myself, even hearing someone throwing up is enough to set me off sometimes.
Blood, urine, and feces don't bother me a bit, but I just can't do vomit, and I don't want that to hold me back from what I want to do.
Any advice on getting over my aversion would be helpful.
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