Topics About 'Vomit'.

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Found 11 results

  1. I've been a nurse for nearly three decades and have decided to go back for my BSN. Honestly, it's more for job security than anything but I'm a fan of furthering my education so there you have it. I can't be the only one here who was suddenly overwhe...
  2. Exclude for vomiting

    How do you exclude for vomiting? Our state guidelines say to consider exclusion for vomiting more than once in 24 hours. The nurse I work with tends to exclude after one episode of vomiting. This is for high school, BTW. Input appreciated!
  3. Postop. nausea and vomiting?

    I know that with post operative nausea and vomiting, there are several factors that are ingolfed including, the type of surgery, length of surgery, intra operative opioid administration, volatile anesthetics, etc. But as far as IV induction agents/ s...
  4. Keepstanding

    Vomit Happens

    So I guess I am in the "Dog House" with a certain teacher. She sent me a student who "has gas". No breakfast. No fever. Color is good. Chatty and active. I give them some Saltines. Rest, observation x 25 minutes. No vomiting. Send them back ...
  5. Cleaning up vomit

    hello all, i am new to this forum and am just now starting prerequisites for nursing. everything about nursing excites me except for one thing: cleaning up vomit. i've done it plenty of times with my kids, but the smell of it makes me want to vomi...
  6. Dear Nurse Beth, Do you have any advice for dealing with vomit? I truly want to become a nurse but I have a severe issue with vomit. The smell and the feeling of it gross me out to the point of nearly vomiting myself, even hearing someone throwi...
  7. Is this a big limitation to work in a hospital?
  8. Vomiting

    Question for you guys. What do you do for kids complaining of vomiting (and you actually see them throwing up) whose parents cannot come pick them up? I'm talking no fever or other symptoms other than a tummy ache and vomit. Exclusion guidelines here...
  9. Farawyn

    The Vomit Thread

    I was here for 5 minutes and an 8th grade girl vomited all over the bathroom! LOVE the custodial staff! Love them!
  10. 24 hour vomit rule

    I have a teacher not happy with our department (and me since I am the face of our department in this building). PreK student vomited on the bus yesterday at 745am. Student's mom dropped her off at school this morning at 8am. It's been 24 hours, whic...
  11. All pukes are not created equal

    Normally, our "policy" is that kids are to be home for 24 hours after their last episode of vomiting/diarrhea. But, of course, there are exceptions to every rule...we have a number of kids who get motion sick on the bus, kids on spinny things at rec...