Nursing Students NCLEX
Published Apr 26, 2007
3 Posts
gt4everpn, BSN, RN
724 Posts
Sorry to hear, for now u should put nclex aside momentarily, just to take some stress and anxiety off and to clear your head. I recommened a review class, where you can ask questions about what you don't understand and also seek advice on how to recognize what the questions are asking which is vital! I personally used all the study material I could get my hands on! Study slow and carefully, and always try to reword the question in a simpler way so that the question becomes clear to u. Another good tip is to put yourself in the situation the question is presenting. Imagine yourself doing all 4 choices, and determine what won't and will work for that particular situation the question is presenting. Good Luck, its tough but its possible!
Gingerbell, BSN, RN
66 Posts
Ok, I'm a newbie (having found out I passed only hours ago), but I will tell you what worked for me. I used Saunders. Not the book, only the CD's. I took the tests to see where my weak points were and set my focus on those. I literally went back to my textbooks and read those chapters I was weak in. Then if I still didn't understand it, I would make super big colorful posters of difficult concepts and put them all over my house (and yes, people laughed at me). There was a also post I found on here that REALLY helped. (I hope I linked that right). I used the tips in that post on almost every question. Other than that, I used a whole lot of prayer! Again, this is what did it for ME. Best of luck to you and I will pray for you.
1 Post
I took my pn nclex test 3 yrs ago and failed. I have recently decided that i want to take it again but need to study up and need GOOd study material. Any suggestions?
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I would definitely invest in a review course since it has been three years. I find it hard to really suggest good study material because each person has individual needs. Most people liked Saunders, but I found that it was TOO much information for me. It was great to study from in school, but for the boards, I was overwhelmed. I used Delmar's NCLEX-PN, CDs from Helen Feuer Nursing Review and the literature that was gained from my review course. Also, I made sure that I practiced from more than one CD ROM so that I can see different styles of questions. After awhile, I began to see patterns. I was a bit obsessive, because I would do at least 300 questions a day within about 2 hours and then would study the material that I had a hard time with. Go to a bookstore and look at all of the review books they offer and see which one has the best 'feel' and how it appears to your eye. I'd certainly get one with plenty of diagrams, because for me, my memory was sharp for pictures and also, purchase bright colored highlights pens (yellow) to illuminate main points. Best of luck!
42 Posts
:monkeydance: I know you must be upset and tired of having to deal with this. I hope you take a short break and try to relax. I also used saunders and the study guide had a over whelming amount of information. I studied with another student in my class. I graduated may 2005, studied (on and off) in may/june, took test july 9th, got results july 12(passed). I don't know your personal test taking techniques, but I personally felt ILL on my test day. I didn't think I studied hard enough, and I felt negative on the drive to the testing center.(my studdy buddy drove) when I was taking the test alot of the test questions covered nursing theory, skills, rationales(why/what would you do?-all that good stuff you learned in nursing school.). If you re-examine the rationales behind the nursing actions, go over nursing skills/procedures, double check your pharm math questions I think you'll be closer to obtaining your license:smiley_aa (but there's no guarantee's!!!) Just have the strength to keep going and try to stay positive.
26 Posts
Hallo all i also have taken my Boards 3 times and failed it.i think i covered all the material and was actually doing very good with average was in the 70s.What do i need to do and prepare i really have to pass this test and i worked as a graduate nurse and most nurses felt i would make a teriffic nurse.What should i do--help please
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,066 Posts
Moving the NCLEX forum since your question specifically addresses NCLEX. Look at the "stickey's" at the top for some advice as well as the other threads. Good luck to you!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Sorry to hear you failed. Check out the forum plenty of information on study and there is also Suzanne's plan which you can find under the sticky called New revised first tip
84 Posts
Ok, I'm a newbie (having found out I passed only hours ago), but I will tell you what worked for me. I used Saunders. Not the book, only the CD's. I took the tests to see where my weak points were and set my focus on those. I literally went back to my textbooks and read those chapters I was weak in. Then if I still didn't understand it, I would make super big colorful posters of difficult concepts and put them all over my house (and yes, people laughed at me). There was a also post I found on here that REALLY helped. (I hope I linked that right). I used the tips in that post on almost every question. Other than that, I used a whole lot of prayer! Again, this is what did it for ME. Best of luck to you and I will pray for you. Gingerbell
Gingerbell please can you cut and paste this tip because not everybody can see this link.I can't open it.Thanks
This link has now been taken out of action and can't be accessed
210 Posts
i failed the nclex 3 times and i need help... i had 85 questions twice and 205 once. i need your help on how to pass the boards. what books to study and how to study. please help me
i would check out the sticky new revised first tip of suzanne's plan that is all i used and passed for a third time. remember the focus is read and understand the rationales whether it's right or wrong. remember will never know why god puts us in these situations but he has a time for everyone and he knows when were ready. stay positive, don't give up and determined and god will follow through.