Healthier Living Support Thread: PART TWO!

Nurses Stress 101


Ok folks, time has come to Start anew.......over 1000 posts means LOTS of bandwidth use here at So I have been asked to remedy the situation.....

Anyhow, I have enjoyed so much your sharing, help and support here on the Healthier Living Thread....let's keep it up!!!!!:)

QOD: What is your favorite "old" or "new" healthy food/recipe? Care to share?

I have "rediscovered" oatmeal. Yep old fashioned good ole Quaker Oats-----the slow cooked kind.....with raisins, a bit of cinnamon and some Splenda.....YUMMY. Eating this as my dh's cholesterol and lipid counts were very high---trying to clean up my own dietary practices to help him with his....anyhow.....

Anyone else? As you change/grow/develop new tastes, what are your "old" or "new" healthier-choice favorites??? Care to share????

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
...................renee, why could i not have been raised by you? you are so loving....your kids were very lucky indeed.

awwwww deb, 12.gif what a sweet and kind thing to say. you brought tears to my eyes here ya know. :kiss i would have loved to have had you as my daughter. i'm old enough to be your mother, and i think i told you awhile ago that i'd be your "mom" whenever you want or need one. :icon_hug: your kids can even call me "gramma". i love those terms of endearment.15.gif

i may not be ready to turn grayheaded yet, but that doesn't mean i don't love being at my age today. if i weren't my age, i wouldn't know how truly blessed i am with all the grandchildren i've had the honor of enjoying in my life. i've always had "extra kids", too. my kids always brought kids home for me to be a "mom" to......even now -- and they aren't little anymore. :clown:

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
hi all! well, i am feeling good today. we finally have a date and a reception location. woohoo!!! :clown: that's a load off... of course that means time to pick a new detail to worry about. but at least i feel like we're making progress.....................................................

hi arcie! 7.gif now that's the way you are supposed to be as "the bride to be".........happy, joyfilled, and at peace with it all. :kiss so....what date did the two of you decide on? don't keep us in suspense! :clown:

Specializes in Maternity, quality.
hi arcie! 7.gif now that's the way you are supposed to be as "the bride to be".........happy, joyfilled, and at peace with it all. :kiss so....what date did the two of you decide on? don't keep us in suspense! :clown:

ah, so sorry... it's july 29th!

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
ah, so sorry... it's july 29th!

:thankya: thank ya for sharing that with us, arcie. july 29th will be upon you before you realize it. i'm so excited for you. luv your ring too. :cheers:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Arcie,is that the ring, in your avatar??

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I laughed when i saw this:


Specializes in Maternity, quality.
Arcie,is that the ring, in your avatar??

Yes, it is... kinda hard to see, but that's it!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
I laughed when i saw this:



Arcie, that ring is so very pretty, you have dainty hands. CONGRATS again.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Very beautiful ring, Arcie!

Marie, I know how those cows feel. But I'm still giggling.

After contemplating why I overeat, something really weird and unexpected has been happening for about the past week. I'm not eating the huge portions anymore. I'm actually able to put down the spoon and stop without regret.

I didn't realize it until yesterday when we were having lunch. It was one of my favorite foods, in one of my favorite restaurants. About halfway through, I realized that I didn't want to eat more.

Usually I know when I'm full, but I feel too guilty to leave something on the plate, especially in a restaurant, so I finish it up. Or get a doggie bag.

I truly didn't even want the doggie bag.

But partly because of our previous conversations about how we felt about food, and partly because I caught this Dr. Phil segment about a 1,000 lb. young man named Paul -- -- I'm beginning to think that something in my mind has been changed about the way I'm thinking about my overeating.

Mind you, I haven't set foot on the scale. It's not about weight, not really. It's about overcoming an unhealthy addiction to food. When I saw this fellow Paul speak on the Dr. Phil show about how food actually created a high for him, something really clicked in me.

I'm hoping that the revelation will stick with me long enough for me to form healthier habits--such as regular exercise. And more practice with putting down the food when my body says I'm done.

You all seem to be doing great with your goals--I do lurk even though I sometimes can't add much to the conversation--and I just want you to know that this thread has been such a great source of support and information to me.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

WOW you are making HUGE strides, Angie. I am very inspired by your post here.....keep up the day-by-day excellent work. You are really making a difference in your future health.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

angie - keep on keeping on in the direction you are going in. you are so right when you say "it is not about the weight". it should never be about the weight. what things we choose in our life should always be about "growing a healthier person" who lives to enjoy the life god blessed us with. and you do have much to offer this thread. just your presence and sharing what's on your heart is "blessing" enough. :clown:

deb - how are things coming with the home you just bought? when do you get to move in? i'm so excited for you and your family!

i'm always feeding the "gm" crew. today, i'm going to feed all you "healthy living peeps" too just 'cause i wuv you. :kiss i'm getting ready to eat's 1020 hour right now, and i've been up since 0715 hour. :clown: so...enjoy the "food".

yogurt parfait with granola berries -- 23035726.jpg

bowl of wheat flakes in milk -- 23033222.jpg

scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit -- 23037306.jpg

enjoy!!! bbl! :clown:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Thanks Renee for the heatlhy breakfast.

Angie, I can relate to addictive overeating. Like a drug there's a euphoria but the letdown after a binge is devasting. It's a horrible roller coaster ride that doesn't stop. I've tried to look at my triggers...stress, anger, depression, sometimes the morning donut someone brings into work can set something off in me.

That was an interesting link. Obviously mom who is obese has some issues with food as well. I hope the guy is o.k.

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