Healthier Living Support Thread: PART TWO!

Nurses Stress 101


Ok folks, time has come to Start anew.......over 1000 posts means LOTS of bandwidth use here at So I have been asked to remedy the situation.....

Anyhow, I have enjoyed so much your sharing, help and support here on the Healthier Living Thread....let's keep it up!!!!!:)

QOD: What is your favorite "old" or "new" healthy food/recipe? Care to share?

I have "rediscovered" oatmeal. Yep old fashioned good ole Quaker Oats-----the slow cooked kind.....with raisins, a bit of cinnamon and some Splenda.....YUMMY. Eating this as my dh's cholesterol and lipid counts were very high---trying to clean up my own dietary practices to help him with his....anyhow.....

Anyone else? As you change/grow/develop new tastes, what are your "old" or "new" healthier-choice favorites??? Care to share????

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

morning all! :clown:

arcie - it feels good to me soul to hear you sound so happy and at peace about your wedding. enjoy your week, too! :kiss

i haven't eaten yet today. i know, i know....will stop in a moment and eat something. i'm just not good at eating at regular intervals. i must break this bad habit because my body is in "starvation mode" which is why it's quite challenging for me to drop weight as fast as i used to eons ago. :uhoh3:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Good afternoon everyone!

I just dropped by to say I miss you all. I survived the blizzard

My back is practically ready to collapse and I got to dig myself out of 26 inches of snow......

Good excercise so ain't gonna complain about that!



Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Oh almost forgot to tell you all........

I got rid of my coffee addiction/habit. I decided to quit cold turkey and belive you me, it has not been nice. I did an internal cleanse and now I am feeling more energetic and better yet...........without the coffee! (thought I would never be able to do this).

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

hi jessica!

glad to have you back among us! you were greatly missed! :kiss :icon_hug: rest your young back now. you'll need it to be in tip-top shape when you get pregnant. :clown:

JESS ur back yay

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

woohooohooo welcome back Jess dear. And congrats on kicking the habits.

((((((arcie, renee, and meg))))))

glad to have you all around...and keep on trucking!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I went to the gym and worked on the tired old body and 40 minutes of aerobics.

Hi Jess!!! Good to hear from you. Congrats on getting rid of coffee. That's my next big hurdle. But I'm not going cold turkey. I just need to get a good sleep pattern down too.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

i just posted this same post on the "gm" thread, and now here so i can get as much input from parents on this thread, too.

just ate din-din -- baked chicken and grilled veggies. mmmm...yummy, too. trying to get dgs to eat what's cooked, but he's waiting on mommy to get home so he can get her to fix him "whatever he wants to eat" which usually turns out to be nothing nutritious! :rolleyes:

let me ask you mommies of adults who are now raising children something: do your adult children feed their own children nutritious foods, or do they feed them junkfood?

i raised my children to eat very healthy. one out of three of my children (the baby girl) is a very healthy cook, and insist her children eat healthy foods...even healthy snacks. the oldest dd works full time, so they eat a lot of processed foods -- some with nutrition..some not. dd that i'm currently staying with has one child, and pretty much lets him choose what he wants to eat.......which isn't very healthy.

how do we raise kids on healthy foods only to have them turn around and not be as health conscious with their own brood? :uhoh3:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Renee, there should be a balance between allowing kids to pick what they want and giving nutritious foods. If I had kids I would give them a choice, but they only in healthy choices. That way they get what they want, sort of.

I have nightmares of my mom making me clean my plate of nasty peas which I loathe and deteste even to this day. Why force it? However, insisting a child choose a vegetable of his liking is better in my opinion.

Renee, you do the best with you kids and they grow up to have minds of their own. It's no reflection on you as a mother that your child does not follow your example.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Thanks Tweety! :) It just aggravates me to no end to see children eat unhealthy foods more than healthy foods. I think dd spoils this child wayyyyyy too much by letting him have his own way...especially when it comes to his eating habits. He is her only child. She lost a dd shortly after her birth in December 1994. :( Only children often times do get their own way. I was married to an "only child" once (my 2nd husband), and he was your typical only child. :uhoh3:

Thing dgs is 9 years old, weighs 105 pounds, and the most exercise he gets is to and from school, then video games after school. :uhoh3: I talk to dd and try to encourage her to make healthier choices for him, but she just lets him do whatever he pleases for the most part. She is a fitness buff herself, and tries to get her son involved in things that are actively healthy for him, but all he has to do is bawk about it, and she caves in. :rolleyes:

She signed him up for baseball. He has made one practice recently...doesn't want to go back. I think once she gets out of this stressful situation with this man in her life, things will improve...........a mother can hope anyway.

I agree with you that a picky child should have choices as long as what they have to choose from is healthy for them. :)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I fill my house w/fruits, whole grain breads, healthy cereals, yogurt and the like. When the kids want a snack, they can choose from these things. NO problems w/overweight kids, according to their check ups this week. And they are healthy. Not even a cold all winter yet.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Deb, mom didn't raise any overweight kids either. Good for you. We weren't allowed too many unhealthy snacks. I did hate her military "eat your vegetables" style and it was always canned peas and corn which I hate. What would have been wrong with something I liked like salad, spinach or green beans?

Renee, your gs is typical of Americans, we're setting them up for chronic illness in adulthood which are coming at younger and younger ages because of overweight and sedentary childhoods.

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