Healthier Living Support Thread: PART TWO!

Nurses Stress 101


Ok folks, time has come to Start anew.......over 1000 posts means LOTS of bandwidth use here at So I have been asked to remedy the situation.....

Anyhow, I have enjoyed so much your sharing, help and support here on the Healthier Living Thread....let's keep it up!!!!!:)

QOD: What is your favorite "old" or "new" healthy food/recipe? Care to share?

I have "rediscovered" oatmeal. Yep old fashioned good ole Quaker Oats-----the slow cooked kind.....with raisins, a bit of cinnamon and some Splenda.....YUMMY. Eating this as my dh's cholesterol and lipid counts were very high---trying to clean up my own dietary practices to help him with his....anyhow.....

Anyone else? As you change/grow/develop new tastes, what are your "old" or "new" healthier-choice favorites??? Care to share????

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Thanks Deb :clown:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

How was your birthday, Jess?

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
How was your birthday, Jess?

I didn't do anything, but it was good. Thanks for asking Deb.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
..............................i have been good lately, but today is our anniversary, so i probably won't stick to the full-tilt diet tonight because i'm sure we will be going out. i will do my best to be good though and at least keep portions in mind. :D

looks like i missed your anniversary sarah! hope it was a good one for you and dh. :kiss :balloons: :biggringi :smiley_aa

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
ah thank goodness i was not the only one...

hard to stay on my plan when i had my anniversary dinner friday and a dinner cruise for christmas last night----i tried to keep it to small amounts and took home some doggie bags----but i know the calorie count was too huge to even contemplate. time to get back to work.....

it's a new day, right???

happy belated anniversary deb and dh! sorry i missed your special day. :kiss :balloons: :biggringi :smiley_aa

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

no worries renee!

how are you doing???

I have been good this week, been to curves EVERY day so far.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Well...mentally I think I'd feel a lot better if I could have a few Curves visits myself. :wink2: My dd and a friend of hers both mentioned to me that it looked like I was losing weight. I do notice it myself. Must be from my thyroid pills or stress...or both because other than running my buns off taking care of grandkids and cleaning my dds houses while staying with them, that's all the exercise I've been getting of late. Not to say I'm not bone tired from doing all that because my kids have been grown for years now. It's tiring and exhausting work being a parent. I wouldn't want to raise children today at my age. It's exhausting enough listening to the constant NOISE they make, and all the energy around me all day long. :lol2:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Good job Deb.

I weighed myself at work and it says I've gained five pounds! I'm so disgusted with that. I'll weight again tomorrow because daily fluctuations can be maddening. Didn't realize I was so bad. If true, I have 7 to 10 pounds to loose. Yuk.

Specializes in Picu, ICU, Burn.

I wish I only had 7-10 pounds to lose but I sympathize Tweety. Today's daily weigh says I officially lost 20 pounds. Hopefully in the morning it will still say that. Not that I'm obsessing or anything.:rolleyes:.

Happy belated bday Jess!

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

great job shelly! i need to lose a lot more weight myself..............and it's starting to come off from stress...which is not a "healthy" way to lose weight. :o

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Thanks Shelly. I've had five stubborn pounds for years, that I've almost surrendered as the hormonal changes of a middle aged man and left it at that. But I don't want to go above and beyond that. I'd still like to loose those five pounds too.

Congrats on the 20 lbs!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Good job Deb.

I weighed myself at work and it says I've gained five pounds! I'm so disgusted with that. I'll weight again tomorrow because daily fluctuations can be maddening. Didn't realize I was so bad. If true, I have 7 to 10 pounds to loose. Yuk.

Tweety, I try to convince myself that it is water weight :D

I know the feeling and DO understand you. I too have the same amount to lose and it just isn't happening. I cannot believe how easy it was for me to lose all those previous pounds and these measly few are so stubborn.

I smell a new Year's resolution, but guess what? It is always the same thing :biggringi

Have a wonderful day and don't think about the lbs you gained.

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