Healthier Living Support Thread: PART TWO!

Nurses Stress 101


Ok folks, time has come to Start anew.......over 1000 posts means LOTS of bandwidth use here at So I have been asked to remedy the situation.....

Anyhow, I have enjoyed so much your sharing, help and support here on the Healthier Living Thread....let's keep it up!!!!!:)

QOD: What is your favorite "old" or "new" healthy food/recipe? Care to share?

I have "rediscovered" oatmeal. Yep old fashioned good ole Quaker Oats-----the slow cooked kind.....with raisins, a bit of cinnamon and some Splenda.....YUMMY. Eating this as my dh's cholesterol and lipid counts were very high---trying to clean up my own dietary practices to help him with his....anyhow.....

Anyone else? As you change/grow/develop new tastes, what are your "old" or "new" healthier-choice favorites??? Care to share????

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

AH thank goodness I was not the only one...

Hard to stay on my plan when I had my anniversary dinner Friday and a dinner cruise for Christmas last night----I tried to keep it to small amounts and took home some doggie bags----but I know the calorie count was too huge to even contemplate. Time to get back to work.....

It's a new day, right???

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
AH thank goodness I was not the only one...

Hard to stay on my plan when I had my anniversary dinner Friday and a dinner cruise for Christmas last night----I tried to keep it to small amounts and took home some doggie bags----but I know the calorie count was too huge to even contemplate. Time to get back to work.....

It's a new day, right???

Right! :)

Specializes in NICU.

Hi guys! Sorry - been gone for a while, but yes, our office is decked to the hills with X-mas stuff! I had so much fun! :) I love the holidays. Now . . . if I could just get rid of the cold weather and snow :rotfl:

I have been good lately, but today is our anniversary, so I probably won't stick to the full-tilt diet tonight because I'm sure we will be going out. I will do my best to be good though and at least keep portions in mind. :D

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Happy Anniversary, Sarah. Another December couple, eh?

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Hi guys! Sorry - been gone for a while, but yes, our office is decked to the hills with X-mas stuff! I had so much fun! :) I love the holidays. Now . . . if I could just get rid of the cold weather and snow :rotfl:

I have been good lately, but today is our anniversary, so I probably won't stick to the full-tilt diet tonight because I'm sure we will be going out. I will do my best to be good though and at least keep portions in mind. :D

Congratulations Sarah! :balloons:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Rats, I forgot to get a plantain today at the grocery store. Oh well, I'll still eat my usual style beans for today. I'm also eating brussel sprouts and a salad, and boneless breasts of chicken marinated in mojo.

I called John to ask him to get some lettuce on the way home..."what's for supper".........."boneless, fat free chicken"..........."yeah boneless, fatless, and tasteless". Sorry, no fried dark meat today. LOL

Specializes in NICU.

Thanks Deb & Jess - yes, ours was kind-of a "spur of the moment" wedding, hence it is December, but it has worked - 9 years and we still love each other, that has to be a good thing. :D

Tweety - aah, I know what you mean, poor John :chuckle You two are so good, I seem to sway with my dedication.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Rats, I forgot to get a plantain today at the grocery store. Oh well, I'll still eat my usual style beans for today. I'm also eating brussel sprouts and a salad, and boneless breasts of chicken marinated in mojo.

I called John to ask him to get some lettuce on the way home..."what's for supper".........."boneless, fat free chicken"..........."yeah boneless, fatless, and tasteless". Sorry, no fried dark meat today. LOL

Try them with the green platain next time Don.

I bet spouse will like them too. :)

Specializes in Picu, ICU, Burn.

Hey guys...well I wasn't tempted to eat bad today since I slept most of it away.

Deb Happy Aniversary! A dinner cruise sounds soooo nice. Too stinkin cold in these parts for anything like that.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Yea I used to take rides on Lake Michigan and see the Chicago skyline...this reminded me of that...

but of course we did that in SUMMER there.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Going out to brunch for my birthday today with dh. Maybe some dessert later :imbar

No dieting for me today.

have a good day everyone. :)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.


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