Happy Nurse Roll Call


We've seen enough rant/vent threads here about nursing. I'm not going to change course because of what I read here but some young folk (or not so young folk) who might make great nurses are logging in and getting weirded out. The tag line of this board is "nurses helping nurses" - not "nurses chasing away prospective nurses".

So with that said, I think it would be nice to hear from the other side for a change.

Nurses: If you're happy to be a nurse, if you like your job, if you're not looking to quit, if you think nursing is the place to be this thread is for you. If you can't imagine doing anything else for a living - job politics, bad managers, mean patients, aggravating coworkers notwithstanding - check in and say hi. If you've been on the same job for a while and still like it (or love it) in spite of the aforementioned stuff - please post and shine some positivity on the board.

Students: If you're a student who's in nursing school and enjoying it - check in here. There's enough threads by people getting A's but saying they're miserable. B students are underrepresented though. If you're getting B's and enjoying the ride ... speak up. If you're getting A's or C's and still excited about the future (bad economy notwithstanding) - please share.

Specializes in Gerontology.

I have to say, I've been nursing for over 23 years now, and I still love it - most of the time. Our unit is going through a rough patch right now due to a particularlly annoying pt, but for the most, I love it.

I love it when a pt smiles to see you. And thanks you for taking care of them.

I love it when a pt says "you make me so comfortable". I love it when a doctor asks my opinion of what a pt needs and listens.

Would I do it all over again? Even knowing the stress, the irritating pts, the annoying families? You betcha! :)

Specializes in LTC, Med-SURG,STICU.

I like being a nurse. I do not think there is anything else I would rather be doing right now. I enjoy helping people and I love the smiles that I recieve almost daily. Nothing makes my day brighter than when I help someone to feel better whether it is physically or emotionally. This is something that I have wanted to do since I was a small child and now I am doing it.

Specializes in ICU, nutrition.

I absolutely love what I do now. The only thing I'd like better is to be independently wealthy with hours 9-2 M-F no holidays ;) I think nursing is experiencing some growing pains these days and I hope the profession emerges stronger. I can't imagine doing anything else.

There is nothing i would change about my life as a nurse i love my job every aspect, my chosen career has afforded me the ability to emmigrate to the USA mid life and because i was a RN my family also were given the treasured gifts of green cards.

The job is one of self exploration and knowledge expansion always, In over 20yrs of nursing i have never had 2 shifts the same i never get bored, of course the biggest plus for me is the faith and trust our pts have in us to guide them through often traumatic times.

The best thing for me personaly if im feeling down or sorry for myself i go to work and things are put into prespective and i realize what a good life i do have, i would and do posativly encourage anyone to make the 1st step and become a nurse i have never regretted my choice.

Specializes in Certified Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurse.

I have been a home care nurse since becoming an RN in 2001 and I love it. I have been at my current job for almost four years and make a good salary with benefits. Per diem visits and on call are offered to full-time nurses so there is the opportunity to make more money. Raises and bonuses occur yearly. I case manage a group of medical and behavioral health patients and actually can help people. It is terrific to be out in the real world instead of cooped up in a windowless clinic or hospital.

Specializes in O.R., ED, M/S.

I really like what I do, most of the time. I can't really think of any other profession where I can make the money I make and interact with the patients that I come into contact with. Seeing how many of them have to deal with chronic illnesses and diseases just makes my aches and minor pains seems so miniscule.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm a student but so far I love nursing and can't wait to become one in July this year !

Specializes in CCU,ICU,ER retired.

I had to medically retire and I miss it so much!!!!! I dream about working a least once a week. If I had it to do over again I would. I worked ICU,CCU, and ER. I loved all the critical thinking, the fast pace, and mostly I loved seeing all those sick, sick, sick people get better. I ciried when they would die as well. I loved all the emotions I felt with nursing.

It does sadden me when I see so many telling new nurses to run. I loved being a preceptor and seeing faces when they get it. When you are truly into nursing it is the most rewarding job I have ever had. But I do have to say the politics suck.

Specializes in critical care: trauma/oncology/burns.

Hello All:

If I had to do it all over again, I would, in a hot New York City minute!

I have been a nurse since 1975 (bedside, clinical nurse). The only sad part is that, as you ascend the rank in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps you are give more administrative duties. I wouldn't mind being a Chief Nurse in some MEDCEN as long as I was able to "roll up my ACU sleeves" and work at the bedside from time-time.

I advocate the nursing profession to everyone I meet. There are SO MANY avenues out there, within the profession, that with the right credentials and/or degree(s) you could literally write your own job description (but now with the tough economic situation many health care providers are happy with the positions that they hold now)

Thank you for this thread!


I am a thrilled, though stressed out, pre-nursing student! And hopefully, come August, I will be a joyful, still stressed out, nursing student. I am so excited about nursing, helping fellow humans, a sense of purpose. I cannot wait!! I can handle the stress and see them as challenges! I cannot wait to be a NURSE!!!:heartbeat

Specializes in Med/Surg, ER.

I have been a RN for less than a year but I love every second of it! There is nothing I would rather be doing. The opportunities are endless. I had a patient the other day tell me I was a great nurse and that I made him feel better. That was what nursing is all about for me. I encourage anyone looking to become a nurse to do it, it is challenging and difficult at times but the rewards far outweigh all the negatives. :prdnrs:

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