Governor Dean changes his mind and his views...

Nurses Activism


i am no dean fan...he changes his mind and position more often than i change my clothes...i still have no idea who i will vote for, but as an independent, i certainly peruse the views of is a letter written by dean concerning bosnia...just insert iraq and the same letter applies, then of course....interesting that he is so against things now...i profess no prejudice toward any other candidate but this certainly interested me...guess it has to do with it being a campaign year and his thoughts were to a democratic president..or, perhaps the atrocities committed in iracq were somehow less important than his mind , anyway...

howard dean letter to president clinton

below is the text of howard dean's letter to president clinton on the conflict in bosnia, dated july 19, 1995.

the honorable william j. clinton

president of the united states

the white house

washington, d.c. 20500

dear mr. president:

after long and careful thought, and after several years of watching the gross atrocities committed by the bosnian serbs, i have reluctantly concluded that the efforts of the united nations and nato in bosnia are a complete failure.

i think your policy up to this date has been absolutely correct. we must give, and have given, this policy with our allies and with the united nations every opportunity to work. it is evident, however, that the cost in human lives in allowing this policy to continue is too great. in addition, and perhaps more importantly for the united states, we are now in a position of ignoring, as many did in the 1940s, one of the worst crimes committed in history. if we ignore these behaviors, no matter where they occur, our moral fiber as a people becomes weakened. as the catholic church and others lost credibility during the holocaust for not speaking out, so will the united states lose credibility and our people lose confidence in themselves as moral beings if the united states does not take action.

since it is clearly no longer possible to take action in conjunction with nato and the united nations, i have reluctantly concluded that we must take unilateral action. while i completely agree with you that no ground troops should be committed for other than humanitarian purposes in bosnia, i would ask that you take the following steps in bosnia. first, lift the arms embargo as it applies to the bosnian government. second, enforce a full embargo of the sort that is now in effect in iraq on the bosnian serbs and upon yugoslavia. third, break off diplomatic relations with yugoslavia. fourth, commit american air power to support the bosnian government until the situation is stabilized and the civilian murders and atrocities by the bosnian serbs have been stopped.

i understand the risks of this policy and their implications for the nato alliance and the future success of the united nations. surely, however, as you watch and read about the huge amount of unwarranted human suffering, particularly of children, you would agree that our current course must now be changed.

i urge you to make these changes as soon as possible, and i look forward to supporting your policy fully to the best of my ability.


howard dean, m.d.



I am thrilled at this moment Kerry is the top in the polls.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
Originally posted by BarbPick

I am thrilled at this moment Kerry is the top in the polls.

Welcome to the "KERRY" club, BarbPick! :chuckle

Hey........maybe we need a "John Kerry for Prez" thread? :D

Massachusetts Nurses Association endorse Kerry.


Originally posted by cheerfuldoer

Welcome to the "KERRY" club, BarbPick! :chuckle

Hey........maybe we need a "John Kerry for Prez" thread? :D

works for me. they say women make up their minds last minute, and I did today, too bad I don't live in Iowa.

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

Here is the link to the letter Dean wrote to Clinton.

I personally think it says a *lot* about his "character" (or is that "chameleon"?

Just wanted to add this in if no one has seen it yet for themselves, though its all over the internet.

I really don't know why I will be voting for but I'm sure it will not be for Dean at this point. And I certainly don't trust him as a *very* bureaucratic doctor doing much for nurses. I actually don't think any of the candidates will do much for the nursing situation honestly.


I don't get it, being unilateral is ok for Bosnia, but not iraq?

Dean is getting one president's support, President Bartlett.

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

And who is Dean to say that the people of Bosnia deserved a "humanitairan" unilateral military invasion but the people of Iraq are not? Somehow the atrocities of what Saddam did to his people for YEARS and YEARS is just not "that bad"?????

All other issues over the war aside (because there are many but that is what *Dean* focused on), that REALLY makes me not like Dean whatsoever.

And I don't think Dean will secure the Democratic nomination either. His poll numbers are already starting to drop with all this other crap starting to come out about him (threatening WorldNews Tonight, Clinton letter, etc).

It cracks me up how some people will just support ANYONE (I can't belive how many on this board have said that) just as long as they are a Republican or a Democrat.


Originally posted by marilynmom

And who is Dean to say that the people of Bosnia deserved a "humanitairan" unilateral military invasion but the people of Iraq are not? Somehow the atrocities of what Saddam did to his people for YEARS and YEARS is just not "that bad"?????


Are you equally upset about the politicians who care about the people of Iraq, but not of Bosnia or Rwanda or the Sudan, etc? Just curious, because I always respect people who care about human rights in general.

Now that we know the Bushies and Chickenhawks were, at best, woefully misinformed or, or worst, lying through their teeth to us about the WMD rationale for invading Iraq, the new rationale is the horrible atrocities he was committing against his people. As soon as you say (or imply!) that you don't support the war, you get asked, but don't you care about the awful things he was doing to his people???

Well, yes I do, BUT we were told by our government that the reason we needed to invade this sovreign nation and overthrow its government was because it represented an immediate and concrete threat to US. Not because we felt bad about how rough the Iraqi people had it.

If being a bad man and doing awful things to your own people is a sufficient rationale for us invading, overthrowing the government, and occupying the country for the forseeable future, we're going to be very busy for the next few decades, because the list of countries with leaders who meet that description is pretty darned long!! Are we going to invade and overthrow ALL of them? If not, why not? How are we going to pick and choose? Whose suffering gets top priority? Who "deserves" to get rescued by us and who doesn't?

Call me a cynic, but I don't think it's any coincidence that the country the Bushies felt the need to "liberate" from its awful leader is sitting on top of some of the largest oil reserves on the planet ...

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Well said, elkpark, well said.:D

Actually, Saudia Arabia is on the largest known oil reserves in the world so if we really wanted oil, I guess we'd be unilaterally invading them. :D

We went to war against Iraq because SH did not meet the very stipulations he himself agreed to after the Gulf War and we let him "party on" for too too long. I think we should have continued the Gulf War until we got him but you can't go back and change history.

Wow, I haven't read much about a "John F'ing Kerry" fanclub on allnurses. Nice to see we are branching out from Dean and Bush. ;)

I agree with those who think the good doctor would side with the physicians and hospitals before the nurses. With all the doctor bashing that goes on around here, I'm surprised that people like him.

:D steph

We don't have to invade SA to get their oil, because they are our best friends in the middle east.... despite the fact that their citizens have basically no human rights. A sad situation. I find myself wondering more and more if it is even possible to act ethically on the world stage.

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