Railroaded at work

Nurses General Nursing


I accepted a job on a PCU. The requirements were simply, willing to train Med Surg RN w/expereince. I have my ACLS and passed their telemetry exam, not just a simple version either, with 96.6%. I further had to take a Critical Care class and pass with 81%. Which is did with exactly 81%.

I have a BSN from Oregon Health and Sciences University. I am a caring and thoughtful RN/person.

I struggled at first in this new hospital learning a new charting system (DOS) and free text. I was used to using Horizons Clinical, a click the box type of program used the the Povidence Health systems. I was also used to using a Pyxis and a scanner to administer medications. The new hospital uses the old, pull the med out of the drawer and do your 5 checks of administration and sign off in the book.

So, it was overwhelming for me at 47 to go into a new unit and learn so much of everything. New skills, higher acuity, where is everything, what to chart...med book.

I still look like I'm in my 30s. Its good and bad . It probably helped in getting the job but I think it is a detriment, in a way, on the floor. I have a 47 year old's confidence and give off an aire of self-acceptance. I seems that you have to grovel and eat sh** from some of the nurses in order to fit it. One of my preceptors was arguing that if a QRS comples is >.10, this indicates a conduction block. I tried to tactfully get her to rethink this, "I've always been told it is >.12" or something like that. It was just one thing that got me off on a bad foot with this particular preceptor. I had approached her three times that shift to report my guy had'nt peed since having his foley removed. The first time was just after taking report that he would be coming to our floor. I was told the foley had been removed and I asked "has he peed yet." I was told no. After I got off the phone, I went to her and told her about the guy including "and he hasn't peed yet." The second time I went to her to inform...not yet, she responded, "It's still early" The shift was busy. At change of shift (I'd had him about 5 hours at this point) I told her he still hadn't peed, we instructed the aid to obtain a bladder scan. The oncoming RN was not happy with us at report. The next day this preceptor confronted me at the start of shift and accused me right on the floor of never having given her a heads up about this. I was speechless but did not intend to argue on the floor. I just acknowledged the concern and apologized in an effort to get along/fit in. I was later that week called into the Manager's office and accused of being misleading in regard to my experience in my interview. I was told "We are ready to part ways with you."

I am a single mom and had invested quite an effort into this job or I would have probably left at that time. But I stuck it out. It got better for a while. Then when I made the transition to nights, my position was a night position, my personal hell began. I was assigned a very pleasant appearing RN, an older woman who also looks suprisingly younger. She is newly divorced and I only mention this because she is probably one of the most miserable people I have ever encountered in my life. When I enthusiastically told her, "I want to do well. It is my hope that a year from now, I will be cross-trained into the ICU," her response was..."Good Luck! I've been here for years and they've never cross trained me." This was said in the most sour tone. And while she looks younger, she has the mannerisms and coloquialisms of a much older person. In a conversational/sarcastic tone stated that the 24 hour check of orders which had already been performed and resulted seemed to me "busy work". I never said I wouldn't do it. Her response was, "You'll do it and put it away, or you'll be done with and put away." Again, speechless. I just don't know people who think like this let alone say it aloud. Oh, did I mention, I'm a city girl and this is a rural community. This nurse has worked here for 20 years. It is her first and only nursing job. So, she never appreciated my coming from outside, new system and all. Most who start new to this unit are nursing school grads who have cut their teeth here. And so, entirely different learning curve.

Its gotten unbearable. The click this woman belongs to has it out for me. All I can say is I've been nice. So nice, in fact, that the manager mentioned specifically, "Everyone says you're real nice, it's just that you can't seem to do the job. Oye....let me tell you. The reports she gets are skewed. They will say, "she failed to manage 5 patients." and leave out the details, like: I was working with three, one of whom was a 3:1 when asked to admit a forth. Then, having a 5th forced on me when I had already refused stating it was unsafe because my 3:1 was so terribly busy. This same night, having the Charge request of my preceptor to report unsafe staffing on the way to meet with my managers. And still my preceptor having the audacity to simply report, "unable to manage 5 patients."

The last night I worked, Wednesday, I was given 5 patients. Everyone else had 3, maybe 4. Part of my correction plan for not being able to manage 5 was to "take 5 patients every night". So, I started with 5 and handed off my easiest patient at 2300 because even my evil preceptor acknowledged it was unsafe. She has further forbid me from delegating tasks. I am expected to do EVERYTHING. And she stated she was told by management not to help me. So, I had a poor quality of sleep that day. I was given a young male aid who was more interested in the basketball game in the breakroom than in being on the floor. He failed to report critical VS to me. And at the end of the shift, I realized I had neglected to turn an elderly and frail woman more often than I should have. She was Alert and Oriented and I would have expected her to say something about having stool incontinence sooner in the shift, but she didn't say anything and I didn't think to just peek in until about 6 am. I asked my preceptor to come in the room to assist me as the woman was not able to help. My preceptor came in with my aid and took over my patient. She told me to go and pass my morning meds and she and the aid would clean my patient up.

During report, I was recommending to the on-coming nurse, "we might want to order an air mattress" for this patient. My preceptor was standing next to me at this point and added, "she has a red mark over her coccyx". The on-coming nurse was the same who had accused me of never reporting to her about the man who didn't pee after having his foley removed. That evening as I was preparing to go into work, I got a call from my manager telling me I'd been suspended and the were performing an investigation. I am to report to work on Tuesday. I expect to be fired.

I feel terrible about the little lady. I also feel I was set up to fail and am now being kicked for doing just that. I am also very fearful about losing my license should this little lady go on to develop an ulcer on her bottom.

Does anyone have any such experience. I accept my responsibility here. I would hope for the best in terms of, the little lady's interventions came in time to save her bottom. If not fired I will resign. And I would seek another job in another capacity. I think I'm burned out of floor nursing for now.

Please feedback and this is a shortened version of the nasty encounters I've endured in this hospital. Don't know why I can't get accepted by the majority of nurses. I'm an idealist and I know most nursing personalities are "guardians" (if you are familiar with those terms). I can't stand petty, grumpy, negative focused people and maybe they sense that in me even though I smile and try to get along. I am a little stand-offish by nature. I don't drink and so have declined a couple of invitations to "go out." A lot of the nurses drink because they talk about it. I don't drink coffee either and that makes me stand out because the night shift all share in various coffees. I'm not unpolite about it. I'm LDS and I've shared that. And I have overheard a few unkind stories about missionaries at the door from my preceptor. She talked openly in front of me, knowing I'm LDS, about pulling her dog back from going out to be friendly to the boys who showed up at her door and shutting the door in their faces (boys who are far from home, 19-21 y.o.). I've heard another nurse make negative comments about mormons. Again, I've been open about being LDS only because of the coffee thing, having offered that in declining someone's offer for coffee.

Again, very fearful for my license. Any feedback that would be helpful is appreciated.

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

I'm so sorry you've had a terrible time lately. I wonder why nurses who have worked at places for many years 'eat their young'. I just can't understand it. I try to think logically that maybe they have seen so many come and go that they are just tired of it. Or maybe they have to make themselves feel superior. Or maybe they see something that tells them this particular nurse is going to fail. I just hope that I'm never like that. I always try to help or at least point someone in the right direction if I'm too busy. I have felt beat down by seasoned nurses who think it's their duty to watch me fall and then tell me they knew it was going to happen, rather than help me out. WHY???? I'm always open to learning and never carry on like I know everything.

Please keep us posted and I'm so sorry that you seem to have been eaten!

Thank you NC Girl RN and TurnLeftSide.

Yes it does suck. And I fully expect to be scapegoated with the bed sore, if it is a bed sore. I pray it is not. And I will sit with the managers on Tuesday to hear them tell me what an incompetent nurse I am. I've already prepared a written response. And if they don't fire me, I'm resigning. It encourages me to know that at least one other RN sees the group responsibility here.

Put nothing in writing, say nothing until you have heard what they have to say and have taken a few days to process it. I mean it. No response for a few days from you. Repeat: do not respond verbally or in writing for a few days. I mean it.

do start looking for a new job. Maybe do that instead of going in to see them on Tuesday.

Write down all the times your aide was off watching TV, too. Shouldn't he have been turning and cleaning the patient? And I don't see how you can be blamed solely for causing a bedsore. There are lots of factors involved in bedsore formation.

Being railroaded seems to be the new way to do people these days. I have been an RN since 1985..and was an LPN for 3 years prior to that. I was hired in February at a small specialty hospital, who advertised a 3000 dollar sign on bonus for RN's, by the interum CNO.. she wanted me to work in the SCU with the vent patients and also cross train to being a house supervisor. Unfortunately, this was overheard by a male nurse who doesn't know how to do the titrated drips required, when they do come up, and didn't even recognize V fib on his ACLS megacode. From the 3rd week of my "so-called" orientation...which was NOT any of an orientation at all...this guy would not come when I needed his help to turn my patients..which with a trach..were not to be turned without two healthcare workers present, for risk of decanulation. He got to blantantly taking longer and longer to come and I timed him at one hour one day...in the meantime..he looks as if he is always so busy, busy..yet he never would chart until his shift was over..to pad his paycheck.. I went to the new CNO when the monitor tech, who seems to have the hots for this guy, had a hissy fit on me one day...saying that this male nurse was 'doing everything".. I'd been orienting someone to the unit who barely spoke English, while trying to save a man who was bleeding out, rapidly..needing a transfusion prior to transport..the monitor tech hadn't told me that the blood bank had called to say the blood was available..but she kept coming in trying to boss me around, with the other nurse there as my witness. Well..the new CNO.. listened to me.. made it sound as if she would be taking care of this problem..after making it clear she was thinking this male nurse was intimidated by my experience being more than his.. and..who had appointed this monitor tech Queen of the unit?... I was not told anything about the resolvement..for a month..but was put out to work on the med surg units without ANY prior orientation to where things were kept or how the flow of the unit went..with total strangers, to work with, in addition... then.. about two weeks ago..I was called in for my evalution..4 days prior to my getting my first installment of my sign on bonus.. I was given an eval that made it clear I wasn't good enough to take out the trash...which is ludicrous...since I was told to orient some Cuban nationals this new CNO had hired, shortly after she came... turns out...she was their HEADHUNTER.... Gee...is this not a direct conflict of interest??? I thought so!.... Yes...this woman railroaded me out of MY job...and was sly enough to have the gutless unit manager write her name on the eval...even though I'd had very little interaction with the manager..She's terrified she's going to lose HER job if she stands up for what's right...in the meantime.. these nurses hired in are taking scab wages, can't speak English well..nor understand it...and patients are at risk... I am not sure they know ANYTHING about nursing...they had to be shown every little thing... there's something wrong with this picture.. This woman doesn't care about the patients obviously...she only is after her own interests..and CASH..... meanwhile... I am searching for a job in an economy that doesn't want to hire someone with experience as it costs more to have that wisdom and knowledge...but it keeps people ALIVE!!!...

You need to report this to your state Board of Nursing and to JCAHO, also to CMS. You could be liable if you don't report it.

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

I am too tired to properly reply to this thread except to say it is a travesty! Makes me wanna :barf01:

Yes, this is a union hospital. They held their little "we're ready to part ways" meeting without giving me a heads up so that I could invite a union rep. I'm paying union dues.

Some of these comments are giving me courage. I was just laying down because I have to work a night shift (agency/Providence...yeah!). I noticed I was feeling deeply depressed. Then after reading some of these comments (Comancheshadow..OMG!) I'm feeling strong again. Vito...I think you're right. I do expect they will fire me on Tuesday. I was told on the phone last Thursday they would be conducting an investigation and that they didn't want me there when they were investigating. I spoke w/my union rep on Friday, she had no idea they were investigating me. So, I assume they began the investigation without the rep present. I will hold off on response, verbal included. You are so wise.

And just for the record, I never discussed my scores until here, just trying to give some background, I was qualified for that job. I will never, never get mean people. Thank God.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

major snipping here:

i still look like i'm in my 30s. its good and bad . it probably helped in getting the job but i think it is a detriment, in a way, on the floor. i have a 47 year old's confidence and give off an aire of self-acceptance. i seems that you have to grovel and eat sh** from some of the nurses in order to fit it. one of my preceptors was arguing that if a qrs comples is >.10, this indicates a conduction block. i tried to tactfully get her to rethink this, "i've always been told it is >.12" or something like that. it was just one thing that got me off on a bad foot with this particular preceptor.

then when i made the transition to nights, my position was a night position, my personal hell began. i was assigned a very pleasant appearing rn, an older woman who also looks suprisingly younger. she is newly divorced and i only mention this because she is probably one of the most miserable people i have ever encountered in my life. when i enthusiastically told her, "i want to do well. it is my hope that a year from now, i will be cross-trained into the icu," her response was..."good luck! i've been here for years and they've never cross trained me." this was said in the most sour tone. and while she looks younger, she has the mannerisms and coloquialisms of a much older person.

its gotten unbearable. the click this woman belongs to has it out for me. all i can say is i've been nice.

does anyone have any such experience. i accept my responsibility here. i would hope for the best in terms of, the little lady's interventions came in time to save her bottom. if not fired i will resign. and i would seek another job in another capacity. i think i'm burned out of floor nursing for now.

please feedback and this is a shortened version of the nasty encounters i've endured in this hospital. don't know why i can't get accepted by the majority of nurses. i'm an idealist and i know most nursing personalities are "guardians" (if you are familiar with those terms). i can't stand petty, grumpy, negative focused people and maybe they sense that in me even though i smile and try to get along. i am a little stand-offish by nature. i don't drink and so have declined a couple of invitations to "go out." a lot of the nurses drink because they talk about it. i don't drink coffee either and that makes me stand out because the night shift all share in various coffees. i'm not unpolite about it. i'm lds and i've shared that. and i have overheard a few unkind stories about missionaries at the door from my preceptor. she talked openly in front of me, knowing i'm lds, about pulling her dog back from going out to be friendly to the boys who showed up at her door and shutting the door in their faces (boys who are far from home, 19-21 y.o.). i've heard another nurse make negative comments about mormons. again, i've been open about being lds only because of the coffee thing, having offered that in declining someone's offer for coffee.

again, very fearful for my license. any feedback that would be helpful is appreciated.

there are several things that bother me about the original post. the poster claims to be a caring and thoughtful person/rn, which she/he might very well be. i don't know the person. interesting, though, to contemplate: what person is going to write in and claim to be an uncaring, thoughtless person? i always have to wonder when someone write that they're being railroaded, fired for no reason or excluded from the cliques because they're just so darned cute and everyone is jealous. the truth really cannot be that one-sided, can it?

several things make me wonder if this person didn't start the new job determined to show everyone what a "whiz" she is. she has a bsn from a good school, good scores on the competency exams, and is a "city girl" slumming in the country. furthermore, she's used to using newer and better equipment than that used at her new place of employment, and she seems to be using that as an excuse for not catching on to the new routine as quickly as expected. i can't help but wonder if her new co-workers caught on to her superior attitude . . . that might make them less than excited about welcoming her to the group. if she's determined to "correct" her preceptors (the thing about the qrs interval), that wouldn't help.

like the new grad we heard from a couple of years ago who was sure that she was meant to rock the er, and that her new colleagues resented her because she was just so much better looking than the rest of them, this poster seems overly preoccupied by everyone's age and looks. (we're told she's 47 and has the confidence that go with being in your late 40s, but that she looks like she's in her 30s.) then she says that her difficulties with her new job stem from starting over at her advanced age, but no one gets it because she looks so much younger. we hear about her transition to the night shift and an "older preceptor who looks, surprisingly younger" and who is so preoccupied with her recent divorce that she's become a miserable human being. once again, the op admits to bragging about her own wonderfulness and how she's going to cross train to the icu. i suspect the preceptor wanted her to concentrate on the job she was actually hired for before worrying about rocking the icu as well! it ain't your age or your looks, honey. and i doubt it's because anyone resents you coming from a newer system in the big city. i suspect it has more to do with your attitude! the "click" this woman is part of may have it in for you now. but it sounds as if they genuinely tried to include you, at least at first, and you spurned their overtures.

people inviting you out for a drink or for coffee has less to do with the consumption of alcohol or caffienated beverages than it does with a desire to get to know you outside of work, or perhaps to include you in their clique. if you self-righteously asserted that you can't participate because you're better than they are or because your religion precludes you consuming the particular beverages they mentioned, you can't have come across as wanting to be a part of the team.

because you're lds, you may not understand how you're coming across when you refuse someone's offer of a drink or coffee. no one is trying to corrupt you -- they're just offering to get together outside of work. and apparently you don't understand how annoying it is -- especially for a night shifter -- to have the doorbell ringing all day and to answer the door and find missionaries attempting to convert you to their religion. if you're trying to sleep and cannot because their ringing of the doorbell is making your dog bark, you don't care that they're teenagers far from home. the fact that they are far from home ringing doorbells to attempt to convert folks who have expressed no interest in their religion was their own choice. defending the missionaries who have interrupted your colleague's sleep is not a good way to get along. if you stay on night shift, you may understand that one day!

you claim to understand why you can't get along with your peers, but you're subtly (or not so subtly) putting them down through your entire post. that's why you can't get along with them. it's not because you're an idealist, or that you look so much younger than you are, or because your nightshift preceptor has a miserable personal life. it's because you're rejecting these folks right and left. if you want to get along with a work group, please look to your own attitudes. resign this job if you think that's best for you. wait to be fired if you need the unemployment. but before you move on to a new job in a new place, please take a careful look at your own attitudes and the way you present yourself. in the end, you are the only person you can change. and whereever you go, you take yourself with you. good luck!

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Great post, Ruby.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.
Great post, Ruby.

Yep, Ruby usually nails it. (Along wih a few others on here who are quite astute)

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

The above problem makes some things very clear

1. Always carry your own

2. Never tell people your religion

3. Never tell people your age

4. Never tell people that you had cooler/newer stuff at your other job

5. Never wait to get fired (resign before then)

If this is the only job where you had trouble fitting in (and you have been okay in many other locations) then the problem is most likely the unit or hospital

If this is a recurring problem then the problem is most likely you.

I have worked in at least 12 different ERs and was the outcast in 2. So I feel I can safely say that it mostly wasn't me. But there is still lessons to be learned from the 2 bad locations and I did take away valuable personal growth.

I find it hard to believe that a nurse with the experience you say you have would continue to work in a unit that deliberately denied you help on any level. This should be reported to risk management. It is not legal. ANd this is why we need personal liability insurance in case we find ourselves stuck in such a situation.

If you choose to resign they will most likely walk you out the door when they get your resignation letter. You need to make a clean, quick break with this place. I find it best to not burn any bridges as you never know who you may end up working with in the future.

I am not from the US but are you registered with the ANA? I live in the UK and we have the RCN. this is an organisation that represents nurses. I dont know if you have a similar organisation where you are or maybe its a state one. You do need some representation. It appears that you have been bullied. Its not acceptable. This unit you worked on seems notorious for treating outsiders badly

Specializes in ER.

Right on Ruby.

There's a reason Miss Manners says not to talk religion or politics, (especially if you are disagreeing with your coworkers).

Never tell people how much better it was where you came from, and how you are destined for better things than where you are now.

OP, resign NOW without notice, and go into your next job meek and mild, no matter how you feel you've been wronged.

Thats not good advice at all. It sounds like she being blamed.

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