Frequent Flyers and Calls to parents.


Specializes in School Nursing.

Just curious SN people.......Do you ever call parents of frequent flyers to alert them that their Little Darling is always in the clinic, or do you just address it with the teacher.

The FF's are wearing me out !! No real illness or injury either. Ugh !!

Thanks Folks !

Specializes in School Nursing.

Sorry Admins. This was placed in the General Nursing area and I meant it for the School Nurse section. Not sure how to move it. My apologies :rolleyes:

Not the School Nurse, but I am a nurse in the health office (SN's assistant) and I handle the kiddos that come in.

I usually don't have to alert the teachers because they already know and they do try to keep them in class. However, there are those times where the FF are not under the supervision of their teachers- recess/lunch/gym/music/art/ and (the worst scenario) SUB'S in which the FF can work their way here.

I do call home after 10 times with the same symptom under the premise that I am 'concerned' and perhaps a physician should 'check that out'.

One time I did call home when a student was coming in with varying symptoms almost every day. I was completely unaware that the student was having issues in school (socially) until mom told me. I am very glad I made that call-I have a much better understanding and empathy for the student.

Specializes in School Nurse.

I usually call home after the student has been in three or more times within a short time frame. Most times, parents are unaware of the situation. I too recommend an evaluation from a physician for an ongoing issue. Many parents agree that it probably the student trying to get out of class. I suggest that the parent have a conversation with their student about missing class time and what they should really being coming to the clinic for. More times than not, I do not see that student again for a long time.

Yes. They should know. Sometimes there is stuff going on at home.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Yes...when it starts to get excessive I call every time the kid comes in, regardless of the complaint.

Specializes in ICU, Adventures in school nursing.

Yes, I will call after I've seen the student several times, especially if it's for the same complaint. I usually ask what the student is missing out on in class to see if there is a trend. Math seems to cause lots of bellyaches here in Kindergarten.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Yes - once it gets to a certain point i find that i have cause to call home to find out if this is an issue at home too. That point, however varies based on how quickly they are seen in a time frame.

I usually talk to the teacher first and write it on the clinic form that goes home. I also get the counselors involved to help see what all is going on.

Yup even on the high school level I call home for my FF's.

Specializes in School Nurse, professor, OBGYN.

I call the parents and alert the teacher and sometimes the counselor. It stops them quite a bit.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

One time I did call home when a student was coming in with varying symptoms almost every day. I was completely unaware that the student was having issues in school (socially) until mom told me. I am very glad I made that call-I have a much better understanding and empathy for the student.

I always consult the teacher when I have a student who becomes a FF with vague complaints. I want to know if maybe there is a classroom dynamic involved. I will make the call to the parent for the teacher to discuss any relational issues that may be impacting their learning.

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