Published Nov 10, 2005
7 Posts
Hi i took my test on Tuesday the 8th and got 205 questions. That was one of the hardest test i took. I had questions i had to guess on (about 30% of the questions) alot of priority questions. I could not sleep for 2 days awaiting my results. Reading other post on how if you had 85 questions you most likely passed and hardly any post on 205 questions and passing.I had reapeat questions about a certain disease making me second guess myself. I didnt have any math or any new format questions.
But today i checked the peasrsonvue site and found out i passed so it is true it doesnt matter how many questions you get. So that just leaves me to say one last thing to say .... no matter what you get 85 questions or 205 questions it really doesnt matter!!!
Oh and by the way i took one review class and studyed about 120 questions a day for 3 weeks before the test.And still felt as if i studied anymore it wouldnt have made a diffrence becouse the test is totally not what i exspected.
Hope this post helps some of you guys!!
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
hi i took my test on tuesday the 8th and got 205 questions. that was one of the hardest test i took. i had questions i had to guess on (about 30% of the questions) alot of priority questions. i could not sleep for 2 days awaiting my results. reading other post on how if you had 85 questions you most likely passed and hardly any post on 205 questions and passing.i had reapeat questions about a certain disease making me second guess myself. i didnt have any math or any new format questions.but today i checked the peasrsonvue site and found out i passed so it is true it doesnt matter how many questions you get. so that just leaves me to say one last thing to say .... no matter what you get 85 questions or 205 questions it really doesnt matter!!! oh and by the way i took one review class and studyed about 120 questions a day for 3 weeks before the test.and still felt as if i studied anymore it wouldnt have made a diffrence becouse the test is totally not what i exspected.hope this post helps some of you guys!!
but today i checked the peasrsonvue site and found out i passed so it is true it doesnt matter how many questions you get. so that just leaves me to say one last thing to say .... no matter what you get 85 questions or 205 questions it really doesnt matter!!!
oh and by the way i took one review class and studyed about 120 questions a day for 3 weeks before the test.and still felt as if i studied anymore it wouldnt have made a diffrence becouse the test is totally not what i exspected.
hope this post helps some of you guys!!
hello and to
5 Posts
Congratulations! I took mind today! ahhhhh...
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Congratulations on passing. :)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
:balloons: CONGRATS!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Congrats! :balloons:
10 Posts
12 Posts
Thanks for words of encouragment. I took the examine on 11/5 and I also stop at 205 questions and I also guess on 30% of the examine. Unfortunately since I am in California I still have not received my results back. So I have been very nerves lately. I'm still now convince I passed, but since reading your post maybe so. :)
P.s ,,, Congrats
9 Posts
Congratulations. I will be taking the NCLEX next month.
24 Posts
:balloons: congrats on a job well done
73 Posts
passed with 205 also!
59 Posts
THANK YOU!! For saying that, I'm freaking out over here. You're post gives some encouragement.