Published Oct 4, 2009
295 Posts
The hospital that I work at is requiring all staff to get the flu vaccine, and if we don't get it or we cannot get it due to allergy, we are going to be required to wear a mask while inside the hospital at all times. Problem is that they have already run out of the vaccine so we now have to go to a cvs pharmacy with our badge if we want the vaccine. Are other hospitals requiring employees to wear masks while in the hospital? Can they legally make us do this? What about visitors etc.
ChristineN, BSN, RN
3,465 Posts
My hospital is not making it mandatory (although we do have to sign a waiver if we decline), but I am aware of other hospitals that are also taking the mandatory route. It's hard to imagine being out of flu shots when flu season hasn't really started.
101 Posts
Strongly encouraged, sign a waiver if you don't get it. No talk of it becoming mandatory or making folks wear sugical masks as a threat. Given free of charge by RN's pushing vaccine carts to each unit (on all shifts). Take it or leave it.
Just as it should be........
2,228 Posts
Are all of the HCA hospitals making people wear masks if they don't get the shot?
ShantheRN, BSN, RN
646 Posts
I work at a pediatric hospital, and they made the seasonal mandatory unless you have a confirmed allergy. If you refuse, you get suspended for a week without pay. You can come back after that but you're ineligible for any employee bonuses for that year.
They've also seriously tightened visitor restrictions. On my floor (hem/onc) visitors under 14 aren't allowed unless it's a sibling with a parent....and even then, it's one at a time and they must wear a mask.
171 Posts
Hi, Im a weekly vistor at St. Marys Medical Hospital. I don't wear a mask, I don't see any nurse's or other staff wearing them either. I'll ask about this next time I go. Hey just curoius, Why not take the flu shot? I hear alot of people saying they avoid this shot. My mother inlaw took this shot some years ago and right after this, she was diagnosed with diabeties.
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
1,465 Posts
Our policy is get it or waive it. Haven't heard about making anyone wear masks at this point. School is a different story. Get it or you can't go to clinical. No biggie for me. I get it every year since I work on a respiratory unit and want to protect my residents. I also have a husband whose immune system is not up to par, so I would like to protect him too.
Our facility has signs encouraging visitors not to come visit if they are sick and they have hand sanitizer at each entrance. I believe all the residents will be given the flu vaccine unless they refuse or have an allergy.
197 Posts
Where are you that flu season has not started? I am jealous. It is kicking our tail in our ER and has been for a month. Several physician's offices have run out of vaccines in my area. Hopefully you won't get it as hard as we are. And it is only October!! Yikes!
BTW- we are not mandatory or signing waivers.
251 Posts
My current hospital strongly advises it. My former hospital just made it mandatory. You can decline, but you have to wear a mask at all times. They put green stickers on the badges of people who have gotten them, so you know who has and who hasn't. It's mandatory for EVERYONE (regardless of patient contact).
The ICU I just started working at has implemented strict visiting rules. Immediate family only (or whoever is the patient's primary support), no one under 18, must have special orange band. 6 of our 8 patients last week were rule out H1N1, 3 were positive for Influenza A. All intubated. Frankly, I'm scared crapless.
32 Posts
Its mandatory..u dont have a choice......
GadgetRN71, ASN, RN
1,840 Posts
My hospital is making those employees who don't want the flu shot sign a waiver stating that they refused it. I assume this is to circumvent someone trying to claim workman's comp by claiming they got the flu at work.
My hospital also put into place a policy that those who are under 18 cannot visit patients in the hospital..IMHO, they should keep it like that all the time, but I digress. They will make exceptions in rare cases.