my first C+ :(


I just finished up my first semester of my senior year, and we got our grades back today. I found out I got a C+ in my complex care class, and I am really in the depths of despair over it. I've never gotten a C in any of my nursing classes before. What to do? :crying2:

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

There is nothing you can do but chalk it up and move on. It's done, get mad and have a little self pity party for a few hours and than brush it off and move on. Dwelling on it won't do any good.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I'm sorry you didn't get the grade you wanted. I know how much it sucks to get that first bad grade...but as you'll soon find out, the world doesn't end, people don't think any less of you, and the next semester is going to start no matter what that last grade was :)

Give yourself one day to mope/mourn/beat yourself up, then put it behind you and focus on your last semester and the larger goal: passing the NCLEX.

Specializes in Operating Room.

While success is nice, I wholely believe that you learn much more from let-downs and failures. It keeps you fighting and working towards a goal; perseverence is very very importance. Let downs let you know your weaknesses, it allows you to self-analyze. Please don't forget you're in school for a reason: to learn. You don't know everything and aren't expected to. Don't compare yourself to others, because people love to gloat about their A's, just do your best and be glad that you are passing.

Specializes in Psych.

What to do? Be bummed about it, then let it go. Then you can focus on the happy countdown to graduation! :) I obsessed plenty over my grades, but once the diploma was in my hand, I was over it.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Gotta try everything once at least.

Hmm, you can start by stop being so self centered, and going down the road of "woe is me." This is nursing school, and you haven't even gotten out into the "real world." In clinicals, you can run to your nursing instructor, but once you're out there, that selfish attitude is going to be picked up on real fast. And nurses are notorious for bullying their peers on every little detail they can get their hands on. So how do you feel about your horrid C+ now?

REALLY?????? sorry but there are people that are homeless, starving, addicts, dying, etc........... GET A GRIP! :down:

Specializes in Oncology.

I feel like Tyler & rdsx are out of line. It's not like the OP said, "I've been telling my patients about my C+ and they've been judging me - what do to??" :rolleyes:

My first C in nursing school was hard for me. As a perfectionist, I really beat myself up over it and had an emotional rollercoaster all semester until the end. However, for me it was one of those semesters where I knew that if I simply passed and moved on to the next semester, I was going to be okay. Senior nursing classes are HARD, so please cut yourself some slack. As everyone else has said, the important thing is that you are moving on with your life, and that grade will be just a stepping stone in your career.

Nobody is perfect at everything - even the students who get straight A's struggle somewhere. I know a girl who does get straight A's...but she completely lacks self-confidence in clinicals and any time I've helped her out in a patient's room, I end up inadvertently "taking over" her patient because she doesn't talk to them hardly at all. Me, I'm a 3.0 nursing student and I get complimented on my patient rapport and skills in clinicals all the time. Is either way better or worse? Who knows. We're still students and we're still in school, and until we get out in the real world and get more experience, we'll never know how good or bad of a nurse we are.

As far as I know, no one will inquire about your grades at work or at the bedside. They will care much more about your attitude, what your interactions with patients and staff look like, and how much down time (read: slack off time) you allow yourself. If you are a hard worker that practices safe, knowledgeable care and treats your co-workers and patients with respect, you can bet that it will be noticed much more than a 4.0.

REALLY?????? sorry but there are people that are homeless, starving, addicts, dying, etc........... GET A GRIP! :down:

This post and the post above it are way out of line. :down: for you.

Hmm, you can start by stop being so self centered, and going down the road of "woe is me." This is nursing school, and you haven't even gotten out into the "real world." In clinicals, you can run to your nursing instructor, but once you're out there, that selfish attitude is going to be picked up on real fast. And nurses are notorious for bullying their peers on every little detail they can get their hands on. So how do you feel about your horrid C+ now?

REALLY?????? sorry but there are people that are homeless, starving, addicts, dying, etc........... GET A GRIP! :down:

My goodness. Do you two use this technique with your patients? Someone will always be in a worse situation, but that doesn't mean we don't feel disappointments as well. I hope you both feel nice and superior now, so that at least someone will have benefited from your posts.

To the OP: I agree with everyone else who said to mourn and move on. It's ok to feel bad about your grade- for a limited amount of time. The important thing is that you passed and are moving on to the next semester. Use it to motivate you to study smarter next semester.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Hmm, you can start by stop being so self centered, and going down the road of "woe is me." This is nursing school, and you haven't even gotten out into the "real world." In clinicals, you can run to your nursing instructor, but once you're out there, that selfish attitude is going to be picked up on real fast. And nurses are notorious for bullying their peers on every little detail they can get their hands on. So how do you feel about your horrid C+ now?

Didn't you say in another post that you aren't even in nursing school anymore? You hated it and left or something along those lines.

REALLY?????? sorry but there are people that are homeless, starving, addicts, dying, etc........... GET A GRIP! :down:

Ok seriously, if you are so concerned about the homeless starving dying addicts out there, why are you on a message board to begin with to belittle other people. This is a nursing board, this here is the student section, if she wants to vent about her C this would be an appropriate place to do so. If she went to the addicts board and posted how she got a C on a forum of people trying to go each day without taking their next hit, than yes I could see where your post might be insightful.

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