Updated: Published
I put my vacation request in 30 days prior to the new schedule as per policy. The new schedule comes out and they have me working during my requested time. So talk to the scheduler confirms I have requested time off and confirms it with HR.
I had just covered the UM vacation the week before mine and 1 other nurse's vacation prior to that. Two days prior to my departure, my UM informs me that my leave has not been approved and no explanation is required. I informed her that it was not acceptable answer and I would not be working regardless of whether it was approved. Everyone else got to take vacation and I covered most of them.
Yesterday, after returning from vacation, they fired me over the phone. No call, no show. Surprise right?
Now before some of you go off, I'm not crying, whining, complaining or looking for sympathy. I very much knew what the expected outcome was going to be.
Sometimes you just have to give zero #####.
Self care is self respect.