failed nursing school again


i need advice from an experiencedn nurse. I am an LPN failed in Rn bridge program and kicked out last semster.I failed medusrg 1 sem and last semster of nursing .i was away from one nursing class to become graduate.Previous years, I went to bsn and failed nursing program thats when i went to lpn program and made it. Should i try nursing program again .I m scared as well i lost my money and time.I feel emotionally drained because i came this far to fail nursing.My family is telling me to quit nursing and major in bachelor degree .Should i attempt to do nursing program one more time or go for bachelor degree.when i was young, i cried when i kicked out of program right now i dont feel that eventhough i m despaired.I felt a defense mechanism of coping that i have failed before. The program i went to was horrible basically teach yourself i came this far because of my hardwork only.please need advice whether i should try rn or look something else.

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

I am sorry you are distressed over failing nursing two times. I can understand why you are considering switching majors at this point. I will tell you that even my nursing program was fast paced and we taught ourselves most of the time. Our instructors would teach by reading off Micro Soft word slides and at the end of the class they would answer a few questions. It was up to each student to go home and re-read and learn the material and to understand it. There isn't enough time in the day for the instructors to make sure everyone "gets it" before moving on to the next subject. My first reaction is to tell you to move on. Find another area that you are interested in and leave nursing behind BUT it is your life, your money and your decision to make. I wish you the very best in whatever you do. Hugs.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I think that it will be very hard -- and perhaps impossible -- for you to get accepted into a good nursing school with 2 failures on your record. So, even if you do manage to get accepted into another school, it won't be a good one. Is that really what you want? I doubt it. I can't see how another bad experience in a "bad" nursing school will be good for you.

I think your family is right. It is time to move on. Take a little time off from school altogether to grieve the loss of that first career dream. Get a job and be a good employee for a while to earn a little money and build your self-esteem back up. You can also use that time to do some exploration and self assessment to find another career path that you can get excited about.

Then (and only then) should you enroll in another program. If you jump too soon into something else that you don't really care about and that might not be well-suited for you ... it will just give you a 3rd bad experience. Take the time to make a good choice about your next attempt at higher education.

You should also be using the time off from school to be addressing the problems that led to your 2 past failures. Be totally honest with yourself about whatever weaknesses led to those failures and address them before you enroll in another program.

Good luck to you, whatever you decide.

the problem is i m an LPN . I m just one class away from being RN. I tend to change my answers on test.MY first failure in BSN was first semster which i had no idea about nursing school. I feel so bad to make in end and fail RN last year. Now i have to start another major which will take years. I also dont want to jump any more nursing school either any more .I need some good teachers who can teach .My school never teacha single word no powerpoints are there .Nothing is there to save you. Basically worthless to come in school. I stay home and study especially this was a bridge program which is so fast. Mean time i work as lpn come back to nursing school may be next year after a re evaluation of thoughts about other major . i was so close.i m not going to quit. i will have to find the right school and right program may be next year or later. I would have quit nursing if i never made through lpn program and my family never understood this. Thanks again for advice . im work mean time and find out where did i go wrong and take some time to go back to good school.

Specializes in hospice.
im work mean time and find out where did i go wrong and take some time to go back to good school.

Right here, dear.

I tend to change my answers on test.

I can't tell you how many times my instructor has told us to trust our instincts and NOT change our answers, and yet she tells us she sees it on every test. Someone always changes some of their answers from the right ones to the wrong ones. I bet stopping that one thing would make a huge difference.

So keep working as a LPN, talk to an academic advisor to see where you can go from here....and if you do get another chance don't change your answers!

thanks everyone for advice. yup thats right changing answers lol nursing school got me tired it makes me done anyway its not end of the road. In future ,i might if all goes well. I might try majoring in computers later.

Specializes in MedSurg Hospice.
the problem is i m an LPN . I m just one class away from being RN. I tend to change my answers on test.MY first failure in BSN was first semster which i had no idea about nursing school. I feel so bad to make in end and fail RN last year. Now i have to start another major which will take years. I also dont want to jump any more nursing school either any more .I need some good teachers who can teach .My school never teacha single word no powerpoints are there .Nothing is there to save you. Basically worthless to come in school. I stay home and study especially this was a bridge program which is so fast. Mean time i work as lpn come back to nursing school may be next year after a re evaluation of thoughts about other major . i was so close.i m not going to quit. i will have to find the right school and right program may be next year or later. I would have quit nursing if i never made through lpn program and my family never understood this. Thanks again for advice . im work mean time and find out where did i go wrong and take some time to go back to good school.

When you say you are "one" class away from "being an RN," are you saying you have about 4 credits before you can take your finals, then take the NCLEX? I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Can you help me out? Thank you ♥

Specializes in Tele, OB, public health.

This may sound harsh, but if you have failed school twice, what makes you think you can pass NCLEX?

Als, nursing school is mostly self driven; I would read the material on a particular subject prior to the lecture about it, while making my own notes. then I would go to lecture and take more notes, and use the lecture to direct my focus.

Finally, I would go home and spend the days leading up to the test redoing my notes, in addition to drawing my own diagrams, pictures, charts, flashcards, etc. Whatever made the most sense for the subject

I was spending at least 20 hours a week OUTSIDE of class and lab studying

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.

If you continue to blame your failures on the instructors, you will never succeed.

Do not try again. Be happy as an LPN. It's a great job. It's not worth the emotional distress and money if there is a good chance you might not be successful. Not to sound mean, but I don't realistically see you being successful at a competitive program with your current writing skills.

I mean one final destroyed me being RN Graduate .not one class.

Never give up on your dreams but reevaluate what you need to do to fulfill that dream

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