failed nursing school again


i need advice from an experiencedn nurse. I am an LPN failed in Rn bridge program and kicked out last semster.I failed medusrg 1 sem and last semster of nursing .i was away from one nursing class to become graduate.Previous years, I went to bsn and failed nursing program thats when i went to lpn program and made it. Should i try nursing program again .I m scared as well i lost my money and time.I feel emotionally drained because i came this far to fail nursing.My family is telling me to quit nursing and major in bachelor degree .Should i attempt to do nursing program one more time or go for bachelor degree.when i was young, i cried when i kicked out of program right now i dont feel that eventhough i m despaired.I felt a defense mechanism of coping that i have failed before. The program i went to was horrible basically teach yourself i came this far because of my hardwork only.please need advice whether i should try rn or look something else.

Nope .I cant appeal .

Id hate to see you give up. There has to be another way to continue

Specializes in Tele, OB, public health.

Okay, hold up for a minute. I'm sorry but knowing English does have everything to do with being a good nurse in a country where English is the dominant language. How can you write good notes, communicate with other professionals and educate your patient without a good grasp on language?

There is a reason a reason why when our patients are ESL we still use a professional medical translator for education and explaining procedures

I agree to this one. Nursing is not easy. Language barrier will make it even more challenging.

Specializes in Tele, OB, public health.


Please listen to what I am about to say:

Based on your profile, this is not a new problem for you

Four years ago you posted about failing your foundations course, one of the first problems you have encountered among many

I will not list them all here, because it is not my intention to publicly shame you

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but you should really stop

Just. Stop

You are wasting your time and money by continuing to attempt your RN degree


Just be an LPN!!!!

I love LPNS, I could not do my job without them

I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but nursing school is not for everyone

And the whole anecdotal story junk lots of people spin about "You can do it! I know this person who failed sixteen times and is now one of the best RNs I know!"

It's just not true

The fact is, most RNs did not fail at all

The fact is, grades DO matter

More and more employers want to see transcripts/GPA to weed through job applicants

In fact, I think I'm gonna start a poll on how many RNs on here failed any classes...

:(. Snowy bee says she have one more class til she graduate! That means she does have skills... Something just happened that one time that made her fell out of loop. :(
Specializes in Tele, OB, public health.
:(. Snowy bee says she have one more class til she graduate! That means she does have skills... Something just happened that one time that made her fell out of loop. :(

That's not true if you look at her profile

Specializes in PACU.
:(. Snowy bee says she have one more class til she graduate! That means she does have skills... Something just happened that one time that made her fell out of loop. :(

Here's the thing... She has now failed out of 2 nursing programs. I am really not the kind of person to kick someone when they're down, but this is a clear indication of something. I would not recommend snowybee to attempt nursing school a third time. I don't think she will even find a program that will take her with 2 failures on her academic record. They usually ask if she has been removed from a program or suspended, and she cannot lie in good faith.

Now, snowybee can do whatever she wants, but in my opinion she needs to settle with just being an LPN. Not everyone can be an RN, or hell, an LPN. She is already a nurse. That in itself is already an accomplishment.

Specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.
I mean one final destroyed me being RN Graduate .not one class.

I don't think it is one final that destroyed you. There has clearly been ongoing issues. I'm not judging or bashing. Just reading your posts.

I wish you the best. Nursing is hard, I am in med surg now and I am praying for this semester to end.

Being an LPN isn't bad. But if you really want to be an RN... Just know your limits (time. money. knowledge)

Good luck

Here's the thing... She has now failed out of 2 nursing programs. I am really not the kind of person to kick someone when they're down, but this is a clear indication of something. I would not recommend snowybee to attempt nursing school a third time. I don't think she will even find a program that will take her with 2 failures on her academic record. They usually ask if she has been removed from a program or suspended, and she cannot lie in good faith.

Now, snowybee can do whatever she wants, but in my opinion she needs to settle with just being an LPN. Not everyone can be an RN, or hell, an LPN. She is already a nurse. That in itself is already an accomplishment.

I think anything is possible in this world..."you think they will not accept her after failing" but she hasn't tried. Honestly, anything is possible with prayer dedication and hard work...I believe she can make it. Let's say she passes the third try after previously failing twice, don't you think that shows how much she tried and that she successfully achieved her goal. Not only achieved but Nursing isn't a piece of cake easy so of course maybe it's just a lil harder for her but it doesn't mean she can't be a great great nurse.

writing skills has nothing to do with nursing skills

Alas, not true. You have to be able to do patient and family teaching, delegate safely to others, be sure your charting is understandable and meets documentation guidelines for legal and other reasons, and you need to be able to understand others' written work and research findings. Those are all very critical nursing skills without which you would be a poor nurse indeed.

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