Failed the NCLEX-RN with 75 Qs (and I feel ridiculously stupid)


Hello everyone. I'm new here and I recently took my NCLEX-RN last week and failed after taking 75 questions. I couldn't understand why I failed because weeks up to my test date, I studied doing hundreds of practice questions a day...I used Saunders and Exam Cram. I thought I was ready to take it but the questions on the actual exam was completely different and much harder from my study guides! When the computer shut off at 75, I had a hope that may be I did pass...but instead I read "fail" after 2 days.

I was devastated. I cried all day that day and three days after that. I already had a job as a graduate nurse and had to tell my supervisor and co-workers. As a result, my status was changed and I had two more chances of passing the NCLEX or they have the right to terminate me. It didn't help that all of my classmates were passing during my grieving period.

So I signed up for Kaplan and will be taking the course during February. But as I started watching the online videos telling me about how the NCLEX worked, I felt completely stupid that when you fail at 75 questions, you did REALLY bad. I feel completely incompetent and pretty much discouraged that I did THAT bad. I just hope Kaplan helps me because I am a terrible standardized test-taker and I've decided to re-take the NCLEX as soon as possible for the sake of my job status and my mental/emotional status. So I'm giving myself 5 weeks or so on preparing to re-take my NCLEX...

I'm just so nervous and scared that because I did so bad failing at 75, that I'll probably fail with over 75 questions the next time. I would just like some support and reassurance that there is a chance that I can pass my second time even if I failed with the minimum amount of questions my first time. Please help. Feeling VERY discouraged. :scrying: Thanks for reading.

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

i took mine 1/27 and passed with 75 questions. i took Kaplan review and did the Hurst review. I loved them both. Kaplan is really good and giving you a strategy for taking the information you know and use it to answer higher level questions and Hurst is a content review, but break each system down so simple and it is a really fun course (she is from the south and has a really strong accent) I heard her voice in my head throught my test. Stay focused, do tons of application/anaylsis type questions.

Hi. I feel your pain. My situation is a little different. I just passed NCLEX; however, not without some pain. I actually took 3 times to pass our school's HESI exit exam, and after that I studied for the NCLEX. When I was able to get my brain wrapped around the HESI, I studied predominantly Saunders Comp NCLEX CD..did all the questions on that, and then I did the Prentice Hall Rev & Rationales Hogan Comp NCLEX RN CDROM's NCLEX questions using Saunders for content review. I really read the rationales *and* the strategies presented after each question in the 25 Ques Quiz mode on the CDROM.

Kaplan will definitely help with the prioritization part; however, I also suggest you read as many strategies after each NCLEX question. The NCLEX review book from Hogan gives some really good strategies, and those quizzes I found very helpful in helping me determine if I was ready for NCLEX or not. Plus, when I took Kaplan after passing HESI, I found a lot of my scores for the Q trainers were in the passing range. I really credit Hogan's book/CDROM for helping me with that.

BTW, you're not stupid! You just have to try again. Also, remember, there are many nursing instructors who say that NCLEX is not a determinant of intelligence, so chin up! You'll get through this!

Dont feel stupid cos u're not stupid...i took my nclex-PN 01/27 and just found out this morning that i failed..i studied hard for that exam....i studied saunders cd questions and Lippincott..i did the almost all 3000 question and still didnt pass. i plan to retake it again in march...although march is too far but i dont have a choice....Just know that u r not alone...i have never failed any exam before so i know im not stupid. Just take it easy and u'll pass the next time u take it.

Goodluck on your next try...will all make it! I believe it's 80 percent hardwork and 20% Luck! The luck part well..will come from above! Pray will surely help:saint:

goodluck on your next try... just do your best and dont forget to pray...

You are not stupid. Yes, it is extremely rare that you would fail at 75 questions BUT, think about the test. You probably had anxiety and were not thinking as clearly as you would normally. I am glad you are taking Kaplan because I felt that the questions on the NCLEX were very similar to those on Kaplans Qbank. Kaplan is good because they don't go over content, they teach you strategies to answer the NCLEX questions correctly. I found out after taking Kaplan that the answers to NCLEX questions are not what you would always do when you are working on the unit! So I am sure you are extremely smart, if you passed nursing school you are definitely not stupid. Take Kaplan and I can almost guarantee you will pass next time!! YOu are smart and you ROCK!!!! Think that next time you go into the test, you would be suprised how much a little self confidence helps.

P.S. What kind of questions were you getting mostly?? I took mine Friday and shut off at 75 and am still awaiting my results : (

You CAN do it!!!:yeah:

I myself have now failed twice. I always got fairly good grades in school it didn't make any sense to me on why I can't pass this test. I will say it has made me more determined to be a nurse. I hope it does the same for you.

With determination you will succeed; don't give up, just remember that nursing school was not a cake walk and you made it through, good luck on your next try - YOU CAN DO IT.

With determination you will succeed; don't give up, just remember that nursing school was not a cake walk and you made it through, good luck on your next try - YOU CAN DO IT.

hi skim410,

i know how you feel. its my second attempt taking the nclex rn. i stopped both at 75 and still failed. i dun know where to begin. dun wori think positive and always pray to our dear lord.

Just wanted to add my encouragement to you. Just don't give up. As long as you persist, you will pass. Pick a method to study and devise your plan, then stick to it. You shouldn't be as nervous this time because now you know what it is like to take the test. Just keep at it and good luck.

Hi there skim410!.. how are you now? i hope you are over with the grieving period. please think possitive. keep yourself relaxed when studying. keep in mind that you're getting better in every question u practice. more than that, pray a lot. Ü Good luck on your next take!... keep us updated okay?.. Bless you.Ü

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