Failed for the fifth time


Hi all I just took my NCLEX rn for the fifth time and failed at 265. I know my content like the back of my hand. I wasn't anxious, I went in with a positive attitude and I took breaks. Please help me and keep the negative comments if any to yourself please.

1st attempt : Kaplan 77qs

2nd attempt : Hurst and Kaplan 78qs

3rd attempt: MK audio,Kaplan 265qs

4th attempt: MK, lacharity 105qs

5th attempt: Board vitals, MK audio 256qs

You say you know the content, so is the question style that's hanging you up? Did you do all of the q banks for the methods you are using? Are you failing/near passing the same areas each time or do they vary? How long are you giving yourself between attempts? What are your scores when you do the practice questions? There's really nothing anyone can help you with with the information you've provided so far. I'm sorry.

Uworld. Only thing I used. Make sure you get the practice exams.

@Sekaiya did you pass ?

You definitely need to get Uworld, everyone I know who has used it was successful. Good luck!

It's my understanding that if you get to 250+ questions, the way the test is formatted, you're borderline pass/fail. Under 100 + fail means it's certain you aren't capable of passing. So getting more questions isn't a bad thing.

Your school has access to a testing report that doesn't specifically say which questions you missed, but it does show which areas you were weakest in. I'd be tracking that down & working on those areas specifically, vs trying to guess which areas you need to study for yourself.

Specializes in Med-surg, home care.
Uworld. Only thing I used. Make sure you get the practice exams.

Ditto. Everyone I know that used Uworld passed, including myself. Also Uworld includes assessments that predict your likelihood of passing NCLEX.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I am sorry about your situation. I just want to suggest that you should consider a refresher course. With each unsuccessful attempt, the odds of passing get lower. I highly recommend using UWorld. I actually used both UWorld and Kaplan. I finished the qbank for Kaplan which was 2000 questions and I studied for a month; I did about 1000 questions for UWorld and studied that for less than two weeks. The NCLEX looked more like UWorld and it was thanks to their more in depth rationales that I feel I was succesful. Kaplan's rationales are too brief and unless you study with their ebook, it would be hard to be successful at the NCLEX. Give yourself a bit of time before you go on to your next attempt.

Uwolrd + mark k audio=charm. Make sure you get the uworld subscription that has the self assessments

Please email me. I am near your area and would like to link up.

[email protected]

Uworld + Mark K + RegisteredNurseRN on YouTube + Prayers !!

i would suggest hurst review and do their elevate portion. When I did it the first time i just did my own thing, but when i used hurst like they stated know everything without a doubt or hesitation I passed. Now don't think i felt like i passed. It took me over 200 questions to finish, but the way it teaches you to think is great. I did uworld it is great, but it is just a test bank you are only learning the rationale that you come across. Kaplan is great as well, but it covers too much material it is hard to know all of it well.

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