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About rzyzzy

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  1. I don’t pretend to have the answers for this, but the headline kinda tweaks me the wrong way, and I’d like to provide a little context to the “value” of at least some of these “$450,000” homes. In 2009-2011, my ex and I were living in Phoe...
  2. Should I resign or am I overreacting?

    I'd hold firm on your intentions to quit as soon as feasible- the BON is a thermonuclear option for an employer- if they're threatening it for anything that isn't obviously related to actual incompetence or something that endangers a patient, they ei...
  3. Should I resign or am I overreacting?

    If you value your license, you'll say nothing- especially in writing, without an attorney's guidance. Anything you say or write at this point will be used against you. You can't write anything down that'll make them just go "oh, sorry, carry ...
  4. The simple answer is you probably can’t buy a $400k house on a single nursing salary, without a significant down payment. the next (unasked) question is why are capital gains (money earned by anything except from the sweat of your brow) ta...
  5. I disagree wholeheartedly and emphatically with this theory. State boards always have the option to do an “emergency” license suspension if the allegations are both serious and there’s any hint that there is truth behind them. Further, th...
  6. Actual answer, based on experience? I had a board complaint filed by an employer that “fired” me years ago. My attorney advised me not to disclose the pending complaint to potential employers, and to actively seek and take whatever positi...
  7. 80% BSN by 2020: Where Are We Now?

    The legal jeopardy attached to nursing isn’t a feature that makes anyone safer. In nursing, going against your employer’s wishes will result in termination in nearly every case. Unsafe staffing ratios being the pinnacle of this “professional” doubl...
  8. Well I failed my RN/NCLEX

    One thing I haven’t heard mentioned - your school gets a report (in general terms) of the areas you failed in. My school encouraged anyone who didn’t pass to contact them, so that report could be reviewed & they could help with a focused study p...
  9. I don’t doubt it a bit. Congress and the president have the best socialist healthcare available. If you’re willing to lie for no reason at all, lying for sympathy when you’re behind isn’t even a stretch.
  10. I’m with the fake publicity stunt camp - to push the narrative that covid is minor and not a threat. Nothing has been off limits for trump so far. No reason to believe anything he says.
  11. Theres a post above that says $180,000 for an accelerated BSN. I sincerely doubt MSN students are worried about access to the sim lab.
  12. Yeah, well, it’s all loans and gifts anyway, right? pro-tip: if you need a briefcase full of $20’s to pay for one semester of nursing school, you’re probably paying too much to qualify for a job that requires you to deal with bodily fluid...
  13. Can I get a job as an ADN?

    Getting the first (decent) job as an ADN was hard. With a couple years of experience, the doors opened up for me. I think the biggest thing that opens doors is the attitude that you present - my goal with my first nursing job was to ensure that I ...
  14. What's up with the RN vs Paramedic hate?

    My ADN program was evenly split between LPN’s and Medics “bridging” to RN.. Much respect to the medics - they had an easy time with some of the things the lpn’s struggled with (cardiac rhythms!), and had to fight through the structure of th...
  15. Is it appropriate to "show off" that you are a Nurse on social media?

    Less anonymous isn’t always a good thing. There was a conversation in the “off topic” lounge recently where a couple of “new” members here were trying to say that those who disagreed with them were “racist”, and were pretty openly threatening to dox...