Published Mar 31, 2013
537 Posts
My case is misdemeanor DUI. No action against my nursing license after the BON investigated- meaning it's clear, as is my DL. It's not a barred offense from the OIG/CMS standpoint. If I applied and you saw this, would you dismiss my aplication? Consider the details? I've been asking potential employers upfront whether this is a barrier on its face, I'm getting all kinds of replies. I am believing that really, they don't want me to be so forthright about my past, since many say 'come in and apply'. I don't want to waste the effort, though, if the DUI is an automatic barrier, so I'd like to just ask upfront. My question is- when you read an application, what are you thinking? What are your parameters? Thanks. I have no illusions about the row I have to hoe- I'm just fishing about for random bits of wisdom.
206 Posts
I have hired nurses with misdemeanors. Our company policy states we only bar those crimes which are assaults or harm to others. When we run the background check, we still ask for an explanation. It looks better if you explain it up front, rather than waiting for us to run the background check and find it.
Thanks. I want to explain it upfront, even before applying, so as not to waste anyone's time. I'm getting the 'sense', though- that it may be offputting to people for me to mention it right out of the gate. Some places say flat-out: clear background check required, so in fact they are also being clear from the get-go, that any conviction is a no-go. Some people have advised people with black marks to 'wait until you are asked'. I don't agree, like I said- why spend any effort, if in the end, it's a no-go? But it is interesting to read job ads, most don't mention backgrounds requirements, although some do require no black marks. Also, a hospital adminstrator in San Diego told me that 'easily, 50% of all nursing applicants here have a DUI or a drug conviction- the ones with drug convictions just aren't allowed to have narcotic access'. I think he may have been exaggerating a tad, to make a point?
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
My suspicion is that many DONs will not hire you if they learn of this crime. Just being real.
Good luck!
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
People make mistakes. I've hired people with misdemeanors before as long as there was no harm. We do CORI checks on every employee. If something comes back, we give the prospective employee a chance to explain.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
I would probably want to know when this if it occurred last month I might have a few more questions. If it occurred 5+ years ago and nothing since I wouldn't think anything about it.
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,399 Posts
my sentiments are the same as Nascar, i know you have a good head on your shoulders from your prior post on other topics, and would hire you in a sec.
683 Posts
I also would hire someone with a "past" as long as it wasn't recent, and they have proven it no longer affects them. For example, have been able to hold a job since the occurence.
308 Posts
As a DON, I definitely would hire someone with a misdemeanor. No qualms as long as it is mentioned up front. I have, in fact, hired a few. I, in fact, have a misdemeanor, although not a dui. Picking a good nurse to me is not who is going to do the most work in the shortest time, but be honest, safe, and accurate. Admit your faults, explain them.
368 Posts
Since you have a clear nursing license, then go ahead with applications. Most applications will ask you to declare offenses and it will most likely show up on your background check. Just be prepared to answer any questions about the occurrence in the interview. You may not be hired in all situations, but most employers will hire you and let your practice speak for itself.
40 Posts
Yep, I've hired nurses with misdemeanors, depending on what it is and how recently. We ask outright in the application, then if anything comes up in the background check that you didn't already tell us in the application, we can't proceed with the hire. Consider it to be lying on the application. Better to be honest and up front about it.
33 Posts
I am not a DON but a nurse manager. I interview and hire. Prospective employees are cleared by HR before I interview. Someone with a serious offense would not reach me. If there is a misdemeanor, HR would send them to me and would not tell me about it. Of course, I interview the occasional person before HR but I still leave the background checking to HR.