Does anyone like their job?


I just graduated nursing school and have been working as a PCT since march. I work on a very busy tele/medsurg floor. It seems like every nurse is miserable and burnt out. I sometimes get floated to other floors and find it's the same on other floors too. I'm starting to wonder if I've made the right choice. But then other people tell me I need to start out on a floor like this because I will learn so much. But I dont want to be miserable like them. I'm hoping that it will be different for me, but I am not feeling very encouraged. I have wanted to be a nurse for a long time and have been very passionate about pursuing this. I hope there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Specializes in Peds Hem, Onc, Med/Surg.

Nursing isn't for everyone.

That is true, BUT there are a lot of factors that may play into the nurses seeming miserable. (maybe it's a bad hospital, maybe that day its a bad staff combination)

IDK, I am the type of person that tries to change my working environment. It's amazing what one person with a positive attitude can change. I also know that most people tend to focus on the negative and overlook the good things.

I enjoy what I do, sure I am not working on med-surg floor, but that is the great thing about nursing you have the option to try something different. When I worked on the floor, I had clinicals there and I thought it was the worst floor ever. I worked there and the nurses that I thought were really mean and stuffy, were not like that at all. they were actually very nice and caring individuals. I left due to the manager, and shortly after I left they changed managers. I go to that floor every now and then and its 100% different. The nurses are much happier, that manager was just very overbearing and very nitpicky. So maybe its management. It can be so many things. You just have to find that place where you fit in. So don't despair!

Specializes in Cardiac/Tele/CVICU.

I love my job. :)

Specializes in Substance abuse, hospice.

I like my job. Maybe it's because I've been a working nurse for only 4 months. I work in substance abuse. I did clinicals on a med/surge floor; that area of nursing is not for me.

Specializes in LTC, HH, and Case Mangement.

I have two jobs. I work for an agency, mostly CNA type of work. I don't really mind it, I have wonderful pts and would go out of my way for them, it's def not the type of work I wanna keep doing. My other job I love sooo much, it's only part time though. I work on assisted living in a LTC facility. IMO it's the cleanest and most well run facility I have ever been too. Most of the employees have been there around 20 years, so I think that says it all. I have been a nurse there over a year. My boss has been there 13 years. One nurse on our unit has been there 12 years and two of the other nurses on the unit have been there 4 years. I am getting back to school for my RN next month and I can't wait. :yeah: I wanna work in a great hospital someday. I def think that these two jobs have helped a lot!

Specializes in Med-Surg/Oncology.

One of the first posts I ever read here, I remember a quote from it, as plain as day: "Do I love my job? What day is it?"

I love nursing. Some days I love my specific job on my specific floor, and some days I don't. Some days things go mostly as planned (never entirely as planned!), some days I can't even remember what I was supposed to be doing because on the way to doing it I have to stop and do 10 other things. Some days its like floating down a quiet, gentle river, some days its like trying to keep your boat afloat in rushing rapids. I do not regret my career choice, but some days I just don't like my job very much; I'm stressed out and feel overworked and don't have enough resources or proper resources or enough help and everyone is yelling at you and everything is going wrong.

But I am not a special case; everyone feels like this sometimes, and it is not unique to nursing either. However I am under the impression that if you are consistently miserable, never happy, and are making others miserable or are just generally not a good ambassador for the career, you should either find another job or find another career. Who wants to be miserable all the time anyway? The important thing is that you do not allow it to sully your disposition; misery is a poison and it will infect you if you let it. You WILL learn a lot, but make sure you are learning the right attitude about things as well. If you find yourself miserable just like everyone else on the floor, get out (of the unit) before you burn out. There are plenty of places to "learn a lot". :)

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

I love my job pretty much all the time. I work in a hospital on Complex Continuing Care unit and I float to med/surg and tele floors.

I work postpartum with occasional floating to antepartum or NICU. When I first got this job I was a little disappointed that I couldn't get into L&D. The hospital was doing a massive hiring at the time and they had just filled the last L&D spot, but asked if I would be interested in postpartum. I thought, sure, why not. At least I'll have a foot in the door and have first crack at any future L&D openings.

Fast forward a bit, and I was hooked. I love about 90% of my job, and the things I don't like aren't horrible. I get to spend time with new moms (and old moms, too :D), teaching them about breastfeeding and helping them with their babies. Most of my patients are pretty healthy. And the babies are great.

I have terrific co-workers, a good manager, a top-notch facility, competitive pay, and a pretty good schedule.

Now, I'm so glad that I didn't end up in L&D. It's too tense and physical for me. I like to be mellow and nurturing, so postpartum is right where I'm supposed to be.

Specializes in hospice, ortho,clinical review.

Yes, Now I do but if you were to ask me while I was still working in the hospital my answer would change. Staffing is ridiculous to even try to make it enjoyable. There were aspects I really enjoyed but it was all ruined by the staffing issues.

I always knew hospital nursing wasn't for me. I was blessed to find a clinical review position. So I love having my life back and working Mon-Fri with weekends free. I'm learning a ton too, it's not boring but I'm taking the attitude that I want to learn more so I'm doing stuff on my own.

I work with a great team as well so that helps. It's actually a pleasure to go in, we all get along really well, but honestly I've never had issues with my co-workers, I've always enjoyed them for the most part wherever I worked. I've been lucky that way I guess.

Not sure if you only wanted to hear from hospital based nurses, but my experience was the same as yours when I worked there. Everyone complained and talked about getting out.

Specializes in GI, ER, ICU, Med/Surg, Stress Test Nurse.

I love my Job! I started out on a Med/Sug Tele unit and loved it.

I just Love nursing!

I do have bad days but I still love my job


Don't confuse a bad day for the norm. There are some not-so-good days, but if you can find your niche, it is(and will be for you) very lovely:)

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I love my job! I work in home hospice.

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