Does age matters,when planing to become RN?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi,I'm 36 years old I'm planning to into nursing school. By sometimes I feel I'm a little old.i wonder if they would hired me,by the time I'm done with my RN.PLEASE ADVISE

Specializes in ICU.

My mom is in her 50s and is finishing school this fall. It's possible!

Nope, age doesn't matter. I plan on applying to a school out west and on the website for this school, it said last year they recieved applicants to their program ranging from 20 to 46 years old!

My mom decided to go back to school for nursing after she turned 50. She graduated December 2015. You are never too old for something you truly want!

I started back at age 36 and 2 years later.. I'm still in! I will admit, it was a little frustrating at first remembering how to write papers and re-learning fractions, but it is not "impossible." I'm very proud of myself and I love all the different looks I get when people find out that I'm in college. You can do it!

I don't think you are ever too old to follow your dreams. Good luck!!

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

After a career in business and healthcare administration, I became an RN at 51. Age is not an issue!

I'm 41 and just got accepted to a nursing program. Getting an RN opens a lot of different pathways that can allow you to work for an extended time period, it's not all floor work in a hospital. Right now I work in acute care/Onc and plan to return to my floor as an RN but after that infection control for our facility sounds promising when 12 hrs on my feet get to be too much.

Specializes in medical surgical.

I finished my BSN at 46 and my MSN at 50. I have been gainfully employed ever since. When I was working the RN role I could run up and down the halls just like my peers. I also worked nights. I am 56 now and have no plans to retire (3 kiddos in college!).

I doubt it matters, the average age of Registered nurses are 47. Its never to late to follow your passion.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

About half my class is in their late 30s into 40s. You probably won't even be the oldest in your class.

Specializes in Pediatric Home Care, Dr Office/Clinic.

I feel the same. You are not alone! I'm 45 & will be 49 when I finish RN school (I still have about 1 year of prereqs left & then 2 1/2 years of RN school) but truthfully I think it's all in our heads, you're never to old to follow your dreams & passions. I remind myself of that everytime I start feeling discouraged & "old". You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to if you want it bad enough! We can cheer each other on! Just take a deep breath & go for it! Take things one day at a time & one exam at a time & before you know it you'll be an RN! 😄 Good luck!

Specializes in Midwife, OBGYN.

I'm 34 and applying this year for nursing school in 2018 so I will be 35 when I start. Spoke to a lot of people and they say that many people have second careers and they even had some people in their cohorts who graduated with them well into their 40s. If you know you want to be a nurse, then go for it! I had my doubts when I first started looking at programs since I feel I started a bit late as well but a lot of very nice nurses and friends gave me pep talks and said that I am definitely not to old. 2 years of pre-reqs later, I am now in the process of applying to schools. You are never to old to learn or try something new!

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