Do you still hold doors for women?


I still hold doors for women. I once held the door for the female students after class was over. Boy, that took a long time!

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

Of course. Also seniors, people in wheel chairs or other assistive devices, anyone carrying something. Those are who I will go out of my way to hold a door for. If I happen to be going through I will hold it for whoever is coming behind me.

Chicks dig it.

Yes, please keep holding the door open because I as a women can appreciate it. I love it when a man holds a door open for me, it makes my day.

I'm kind of slow this morning, but does "holding the door" mean holding it open for the person behind you as you enter, or holding the door open and stepping to the side so the woman can enter first? Unless its a woman I know personally, or a woman who is older, struggling with a package, etc. I no longer hold the door and step aside so she can enter first. I was raised to do it that way but in my early 20's noticed that very often when a man makes that gesture for a woman - particularly attractive women and most particularly young, attractive women, they won't even make eye contact or say "thank you". Either they think you're trying to hit on them, or they think being young and attractive means they should be rude in the face of courtesy. So while I personally hold the door as I enter for anyone, male or female, I no longer do the "Step aside, ladies enter first" routine unless I'm dealing with a woman who looks as if she really needs it.

I'm dumbfounded at how many gentlemen here say that women either don't say a simple "thank you," or they give them heck for it. Really??? Jeez o' Pete, what barnyard are these people raised in that they don't recognize common courtesy? I always hold the door for people behind me, and it really burns me when people just accept the gesture and don't say "thank you." Generally that will trigger me to say loudly, "You're welcome!!" That usually gets their attention.

From all of us ladies, thank you for holding our doors and having manners!

A gentleman would hold the door for anyone. It seems like manners and common courtesy have been going out the window for quite some time!

Specializes in Lactation.

Guys I am also a very appreciative lady. Thank you on behalf of the jack a$$'s out there. LOL Please keep making our day by holding the door.

Personally I am a door holder too. :-)

Specializes in Surgery.

I too notice a lot of women will walk right through without even acknowledging the person who held the door for her. So weird. I don't care who it is or how many people are walking through at once, I always say thank you. I say it extra loud & friendly if a little boy is holding the door for me. I just think that is the cutest thing.

Yeah, I do. I'll hold the door for men as well if they are present. I never much cared when someone had a problem with chivalry.

I also hold the door open for anyone, regardless of sex, color, whatever.

It's pretty much an automatic response for me. I don't expect anything in return or any acknowledgment. It's sort of like me in my head saying "Well, I'm already here, and there's this person behind me, so why not?"


I hold the door open. I figure it is a nice gesture for one and all. My husband holds and lets people come through. Old men say Thanks and get the door so my husband can catch up with me. Young guys walk through. Most women say Thanks.

Specializes in I can take BP!! lol.

It's just good manners. Hold the door until somone else grabs it.

Specializes in RN.

Best way to get a look at their butt :-)

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