Do all schools do this??:(


Many moons ago when I spent one year as a traditional college, student anyone could take intro to chem,bio or algebra. I need those classes to apply to most of the programs on my list(for 2010 admissions).

I have looked into attending these classes at a few community colleges. All of these schools want everyone to be tested and then the school determines if the student can take an intro class or needs a few development classes first. In other words, I would have to spend time and money taking the developmental classes before the intro classes...time and money I do not have.

To me it seems silly to be forced to take a developmental class before enrolling in an intro course,kwim?

Is this the norm? Do local high schools offer these intro classes to adult learners? Help!

Specializes in Gyn/STD clinic tech.

no, no!

my cc has been doing this for years.

they want to ensure that you have the eng, math, and reading skills necessary for college classes.

college math is required for nursing.. they need to make sure you are advanced enough to do college math. if you do not place into college math you have to make remedial classes.

do it. i did it, and most other students on here did it too.

if you want to be a nurse you need to go through the proper steps.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

most colleges do this placement testing so students don't waste their tuition taking a class that they might end up flunking. these placement tests determine your level of knowledge in a subject so the college knows where they will allow you to start the sequence of classes. i took one for math several years ago and it was only one page long and had about 15 or 20 questions of increasing difficulty on it. the college will have remedial classes in those subjects that they will explain you need to take before you can get into the required class you actually need. at my college it was printed on the handout that came with information about the placement test.

if you want to study up on chemistry, biology or math on your own before you take one of the tests at the school you can do that. there are plenty of free online websites that have this information. or you could go to a used bookstore and buy a used textbook in these basic subjects.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Some colleges also have to prove that the federal funds they are using are being used wisely, i.e., on students capable of passing the classes. So it isn't just to make money, its to be able to provide funding for students.

In general, yes, unless you've passed the SAT/ACT with a certain score. Most college textbooks are written at a certain level of understanding and if someone can't even write a decent sentence or have comprehension well you get the picture.(not saying that is you). I had to take a remedial bio class before I could take A&P, not because of the test, but because I hadn't had bio since 1982-LOL!! It was an easy A, but it was a great comprehensive brush up for me.

When I went back to school I had to take an entrance exam so they could gauge where I stood and i had to take an entire 2 semesters of prep classes before i could even get to classes that actually counted towards pre-req's for nursing. It is time consuming and it has taken me 5.5 years to earn my 4 year degree. It is a pain in the rear, however, it was necessary.

Good luck to you!!

I was just wondering, to those of you who have graduated, is it normal for me to be scared to death. I am an excellent student and in the top 3 of my class. I have studied like a nerd and feel that I have a pretty good understanding of patho and etiology. I have a predicted 99% chance of passing boards based on our NCLEX prep program. I have only ever failed 2 tests in nursing school and it was by 1 question each time. I'm comfortable in clinical settings and feel that my brain is worth the 30K in student loans I have to pay back, however, the thought of being on my own and having the responsibility of another human being's life or death in my hands shakes my confidence. I'm so scared that I am going to make a mistake that will harm someone. I just feel "weird". I graduate in May and I'm happy about that but I just don't know if I'm ready. I feel motivated and know that I have to commit to lifelong learning and I LOVE to learn. How much is the unit I will be working in going to expect from me? Do they expect me to come in and be able to take a pt. flawlessly? I will be with a preceptor for 4-8 weeks, or longer, but is that enough time for me to acclimate? I just need someone to validate how I feel and let me know that my fear will make me smarter and less likely to make a mistake! Do these feelings sound normal? Am I just wigging out for no reason? This kinda sucks!!

I was just wondering, to those of you who have graduated, is it normal for me to be scared to death. I am an excellent student and in the top 3 of my class. I have studied like a nerd and feel that I have a pretty good understanding of patho and etiology. I have a predicted 99% chance of passing boards based on our NCLEX prep program. I have only ever failed 2 tests in nursing school and it was by 1 question each time. I'm comfortable in clinical settings and feel that my brain is worth the 30K in student loans I have to pay back, however, the thought of being on my own and having the responsibility of another human being's life or death in my hands shakes my confidence. I'm so scared that I am going to make a mistake that will harm someone. I just feel "weird". I graduate in May and I'm happy about that but I just don't know if I'm ready. I feel motivated and know that I have to commit to lifelong learning and I LOVE to learn. How much is the unit I will be working in going to expect from me? Do they expect me to come in and be able to take a pt. flawlessly? I will be with a preceptor for 4-8 weeks, or longer, but is that enough time for me to acclimate? I just need someone to validate how I feel and let me know that my fear will make me smarter and less likely to make a mistake! Do these feelings sound normal? Am I just wigging out for no reason? This kinda sucks!!

normal,.....however, unless your school was very heavy on clinical time, i would be looking for a longer orientation; upwards of 12 weeks...a LITTLE fear is a healthy thing

Back to the original topic.....

I graduated in the top quarter of my class in 1979 and in all honors classes. I scored an 1190 on the old SAT (which would be much higher on today's). I had an AFROTC scholarship to college. My first degree was Electrical Engineering. I CLEP'd out of college english back in '79. I graduated from college in 84.

I worked in Space Operations for both the USAF and NASA. I have been a computer programmer for 17 yrs.

Imagine the laugh I got when, even AFTER seeing my COLLEGE transcript, I was told that I would have to take the CPT to determine placement!!! :icon_roll Soooooo, there I sit taking this silly exam... :typing. I take my scores to the student success center and there the lady looks at them and says, "Wow! What are you? A genius?" :smokin:

So it doesn't matter what your background is.....the CCs will usually require you to take a placement exam. Annoying? Yes. A real problem? Not hardly. :p

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

I realize how frustrating it is to have to deal with the placement tests -- but this practice is being driven by (wait for it.....) $$$$$. Funding for Community Colleges is based on very specific criteria. In our neck of the woods, CC's are basically not given any state funding for remedial classes and they also have to maintain an acceptable "pass rate" to continue getting any funds.

As if this wasn't enough of a bad situation, there seems to be an increasing percentage of HS grads who are not at all prepared to take college-level courses - so CCs are forced to provide more and more (non credit) remedial courses. I am sure that if anyone has a solution for this mess - your local CC district would love to hear it.

When I first started CC I had to take a college placement test for math only because I had taken dual enrollment english in high school, in which it gives you college credit for english. I did good on it so I didn't have to take remedial classes. Just the normal college algebra and statistics. My friend is now going to CC; however I feel sorry that she is taking these lower classes and wasting alot of money. BUT in her situation (I am sorry to say) she isn't the brightest out there, and just maybe these classes will help her in the end....It will just take longer to finish. I don't know what her major is but right now she is taking a class on life or something, she told me they talk about things like sex, politics, etc...I don't know what kind of class that is...

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