Published Feb 28, 2009
177 Posts
Many moons ago when I spent one year as a traditional college, student anyone could take intro to chem,bio or algebra. I need those classes to apply to most of the programs on my list(for 2010 admissions).
I have looked into attending these classes at a few community colleges. All of these schools want everyone to be tested and then the school determines if the student can take an intro class or needs a few development classes first. In other words, I would have to spend time and money taking the developmental classes before the intro classes...time and money I do not have.
To me it seems silly to be forced to take a developmental class before enrolling in an intro course,kwim?
Is this the norm? Do local high schools offer these intro classes to adult learners? Help!
887 Posts
There's a placement exam usually for math and english but I've never heard of one for intro to bio or chem. Usually the intro classes are the development classes for Anatomy and Physiology.
47 Posts
This is typical of community colleges because their admission standards are very low. At a traditional college, they already know you are able to handle the work in an intro class or you would not have been admitted. At community, they give everyone a basic skills test (usually math and English)to see if they are ready for intro classes. I even had to take the test and I already had a BA and was halfway to my masters in education when I decided to change careers! If you do not meet the minimum standard, you take remedial classes. It is designed to help students succeed. If you are concerned about the test, brush up on whatever your weakest skills are before you take it and you won't have to worry about taking remedials. Good luck!
1,237 Posts
Have you tried registering as a nondegree student. The tuition may be higher than it is for a degree seeking student, but ask anyway.
152 Posts
The nursing program I am in offers testing to see if you need these classes before you start, it is suppose to help in your classes once you get to them. I guess you can see it as a waste of time and money but if it means you get thru bio, anatomy, chem and everything else the first time instead of taking it multiple times I think it's smart. Also use it to help your GPA. Nursing school is all about jumping thru the hoops get use to it.
704 Posts
Have you even taken the placement tests yet? If you have and feel that you have truly been placed at a level lower than your capabilities I would strongly suggest that you look into either studying and retaking the placement test(s).
Try to consider that remedial classes are necessary for some people and that there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are one of them. Having too much pride is a bad way to start this long and stressful journey. I personally don't think it is silly that students are forced to take remedial classes because in many ways they are unavoidable. Plus, it is a waste of money for the school if a bunch of people enroll for classes they aren't ready for and then drop them and get a refund because they are failing. Spots in certain classes are very valuable and competitive at my school and they work to fill them with qualified individuals.
1,465 Posts
Our community college has a placement exam for English and Math only. I was able to bypass that for awhile by just taking 1-2 classes at a time. Once I applied to the nursing school, I had to take the test. I had already taken basic English, so I just had to test for my Math skills. I do find it odd they would be testing for anything else.
637 Posts
At community colleges in my state most of the science courses have college level english and/or math competency requirements. So while you don't need to be tested for e.g., bio or chem you do need to have taken basic college english and/or math or be able to test into these courses in order to take the science courses. This may be what OP is talking about.
69 Posts
Thats the way it works in most community colleges in my state. You take placement tests for only math and english but you have to pass them and test out before you can take either college algebra,eng comp, chem or bio.
400 Posts my local cc, you only had to take a placement exam if you hadn't taken certain courses when you were in high school. i never had to take a placement test. i feel for those who do
I just wanted to say that I have not taken any placement tests yet and have no idea what to expect. It's not a matter of pride or thinking I am above the rules. A few friends and I were talking and contemplating that forcing people to take a number of classes to prepare for the sought after class might also be a school's way of making money during a bad economy.
1,051 Posts
The test is free, and it you are ready for the intro classes you should be able to pass no problem. If you do not pass then you will more than likely not do very well in the college level course for the test you failed. It's not fun to take remedial, but it is necessary if you need it to move on.