Do you press "1" for Doctor?


Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

When calling in scripts to the pharmacy or calling to speak to a doctor or nurse regarding a mutual patient, do you choose the option that indicates you're calling from a Dr's office/hospital etc?

I'm a new nurse and most of the seasoned nurses I work with say they don't, they just hold the line as if they're a patient.

I think that's silly, and I figure even if I'm not the doctor, I'm calling on behalf of the doctor etc.

Isn't that what this feature is for? I decided I'd poll the audience and find out what y'all do.

When calling in scripts to the pharmacy or calling to speak to a doctor or nurse regarding a mutual patient, do you choose the option that indicates you're calling from a Dr's office/hospital etc?

I'm a new nurse and most of the seasoned nurses I work with say they don't, they just hold the line as if they're a patient.

I think that's silly, and I figure even if I'm not the doctor, I'm calling on behalf of the doctor etc.

Isn't that what this feature is for? I decided I'd poll the audience and find out what y'all do.

I never call pharmacies on behalf of doctors, but if I did, your way would make the most sense to me.

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.

I always 'press 1' for the Dr line when working. I've done it with pharmacies, labs, radiology, offices, medical records; with everyone and every time. I have never had anyone complain about it. Although I may not be the actual Dr, I am acting as his/her agent when calling.

How on Earth do your coworkers have time to sit on hold forever? I'm usually multitasking and need to get on with it.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I believe the recordings I use to hear said something like, "if you are a doctor, or calling from a doctor's office..."

Yep. I chose that option.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I check the "doctor's office" option, too. I found that most of the time they prioritize the call, because our reasons for calling usually straight forward. Having been the person answering incoming calls, I try to deal with the least complicated first. I don't like to keep patients on hold, but I know I can better address their issues when I have more time to listen.

Yep. I press #1 for provider if it will skip the wait time. I work in a LTC and we are the ones who call things in for the MD.

Never had a problem.

Here's the truth, from someone that used to program the systems for answering services: It doesn't matter. Pressing 1 usually just skips the rest of the options menus. It doesn't make it much faster. It doesn't bump your call to the top of their phone cue.It just cuts off all the menus and gets you into the cue. There's no reason not to press it. Hell, there's no reason for everyone not to press it. 99% of the time the person answering the calls has no way of knowing what option you pressed, either. It's a rare phone system that makes that kind of differentiation.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Yes, #1 for the doctor is the option you should choose.

That said, nowadays, medical practices receive incentives for electronic prescribing. I'm an APN and am responsible for my own scripts. I either E-Rx them or if they are controlled substances, I have to write a script. The same with all my physician colleagues in our practice.

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

"If you are a physician, or physician's representative...." >pushes button

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.
Yep. I press #1 for provider if it will skip the wait time. I work in a LTC and we are the ones who call things in for the MD.

Never had a problem.

Same here. It never even occurred to me to not do it, but it seems like everyone always tells me they called Dr. so and so and didn't get a call back, but when I call I get right through. There isn't enough time as it is! lol

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.
Here's the truth, from someone that used to program the systems for answering services: It doesn't matter. Pressing 1 usually just skips the rest of the options menus. It doesn't make it much faster. It doesn't bump your call to the top of their phone cue.It just cuts off all the menus and gets you into the cue. There's no reason not to press it. Hell, there's no reason for everyone not to press it. 99% of the time the person answering the calls has no way of knowing what option you pressed, either. It's a rare phone system that makes that kind of differentiation.

We frequently get new orders for meds we don't have on site, so we have to call them in and go get them. That, and we run out of some narcs on weekends if they weren't re-ordered in time, so unless they're a schedule II we have to call them in too.

I'm pretty sure my facility is from 1910. We even do nurses notes by's crazy.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I always use the MD line.

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