Do you look foward to go to work and if so what position and why?


Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, School Nursing, OB.

Is it even normal to be excited to go to work or is that asking to much? I've usually dreaded or been half scared going to work and now I'm in a position where I'm not dreading or scared but I'm sure not excited. To me it's a good job (school nurse) and there are aspects I enjoy (along with a lot of nuisances) but at the end of the day it's just a job and not a calling. This job works well for my family and my personality but I'm constantly wondering "what if". My mom loved her job and working (a different profession) and I know a few people who love what they do but I'm not sure if it's the norm or if I should just be content with good enough. Maybe it's just me...

Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.

I've heard it said that 10 percent of people LOVE their job, 10 percent of people HATE their job and the rest of us fall somewhere in between.

I think it is important to like some things about the job in which you are working while being able to tolerate the negative. Life is too short to hate what you are doing.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

I love my job. I know I am anomaly, but I am an ortho nurse, 2nd (3rd?) career so I started late, but I love where I work, warts and all, i am proud to work there and look forward to work. I get tired working 12 hour shifts, and there are parts of nursing that are draining, but there are in every occupation.

I think a lot pf people come here to vent, so it may seem negative, but we all need to let off steam and we are the ones that can relate to one another. Most of my classmates love their jobs, too. I think it is finding the right job. I have my dream job and my dream hospital.

Specializes in Pediatrics and PACU.

I have been an RN for nearly 14 years. All of that time has been spent in the Pediatric setting (critical care and pacu). In all that time I have never had a day that I did not want to go to work. However, that being said, there have certainly been many days that I thought would never end, lol. As the old saying goes "Work at something you love and you will never work a day in your life"

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Love my job! I just transitioned to the ER, and it is a peds only ER so even better.

I might be on the honeymoon phase of my new position, but I spent 1.5 years on the peds floor and liked it as well, now the ER I love it! Finally found my niche

Right now I look foreword to going to work and didn't mind having to work the holiday this year, dressed as an elf and handed out presents to my pts

Specializes in ICU, psych, corrections.

I work as a Correctional Nursing supervisor and while I don't love my job nor do I feel it's a calling, I enjoy going to work. I like my coworkers and the officers, the environment suits me and the money cannot be beat. It's also a stop on my 5 year plan to DON so I'm okay with not "loving" my job. I loved my job in the ICU. Really loved it. But it took too much out of me and I was not good at setting boundaries, taking my work home with me and allowing the deaths of patients to crawl into my heart. Not a good combo. My current job works well with my personality, family life and my own personal schedule.

Specializes in Pedi.

Work is work. It's not meant to be the source of one's enjoyment or excitement. I like my job but to say I "look forward to it" would be a lie. I don't go to bed at night thinking "I can't wait to wake up and go to work." I wake up and think "I can't wait until work is over so I can go to trivia, go play hockey, watch the game, go to dinner, etc." Work is a means to an end for me. If I suddenly became a billionaire, I'd quit my job and spend the rest of my life as a nomad.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.

Emergency. Love it. The teamwork aspect from transport to medic to MD is completely over the top of what I experienced on the floors. While working 1:1 with a critical patient, I never even have to ask my coworkers to watch the other patients. When I check the computer for new orders on other patients, meds, tests, vital signs are just done. They just take over. I do the same for them.

I work with people who are like family. We've been through so much together that even though we have wildly different personality types, it doesn't matter. They've always got my back, I'll always watch theirs for them. New people are like new siblings. Everyone helps them along until they can hold their own.

Edited to add:

Per KelRN215's post...

Looking forward to going to work approx 30%

Just going to work 60%

Hating the idea of going in 10%

(We all have times when we just need a break!)

Specializes in Medical Oncology, Alzheimer/dementia.

I like what I do, but I don't look forward to going to work. I don't dread it either...I just go. It's one of those situations that get better once I'm there, and I put in my time giving 100%, then I go home. It is my job, and not my life.

I love my work, it's definitely a passion and I would do it on a volunteer basis if that was possible (legal, part time and I didn't need an income) but I rarely look forward to going to work. It takes a lot of energy which I don't find until I get started. After I getting rolling I'm not waiting for it to be over and the day goes by quickly. I'm a home health case manager in a semi rural area.

I work from home and I love it, best job I have had..:cat:

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

I LOVE my job. I look forward to going in. My coworkers are my second family.

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