Published Nov 14, 2018
3,393 Posts
Looking for your thoughts on a recent debate in my district. Thanks for any insight!!
If a student has diastat ordered to be given in case of a seizure lasting >5 minutes, do you send this on a field trip with no nurse?
12,646 Posts
Absolutely not. NYS has laws on this.
1,263 Posts
In our district, if a student is ordered Diastat a nurse must attend the field trip. We also cannot delegate any medication expect Epi auto-injectors.
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
I have such a student and I do send the medicine with his teacher on a field trip; after I have a one on one with the teacher about the seizure management plan.
100kids, BSN, RN
878 Posts
Nope. We send it with a Nurse or the parent attends the field trip.
BrisketRN, BSN, RN
916 Posts
Yes. There is a trained individual (in this case, a teacher) on the field trip. We have one overnight trip a year and mom goes along to give all of the morning & evening seizure meds.
291 Posts
It has always been my understanding that only a nurse or administrator may administer Diastat
NurseMom1972, RN
31 Posts
Our district (and state) allow for delegation of Diastat to trained personnel.
Check your state website and go by that. I called Albany myself. NO Diastat kid is ever without an RN, not an LPN, an RN!!! Or the kid's parent.
0 Posts
Yes, but not because I would expect the teacher to give it. We have a student who had a 45 minute long seizure at home two weeks ago because his PARENTS did not know how to give it (major failure on big name hospital neurology clinic if you ask me). They finally called EMS, who arrived and gave the Diastat and seizure stopped within one minute. SO, I make sure it is available so in an emergency, a licensed person would be able to give it.
scuba nurse, BSN, MSN, RN
645 Posts
No, they can call 911.
That's part of the plan, anyway. You always have to call for something like that.
I've stood, Diastat in hand...911 on the way.