Dead Babies...To Get It Off My Chest

Nurses General Nursing


I was floating to the ED this AM and everything was peaceful with kidney stones and inflamed bursas when a mother came screaming in with the dreaded blue baby in a carrier. I assisted in coding her for three hours. She had a subdural hematoma and had been shaken. I was dismayed to learn that she had an anoxic brain injury from being shaken several months prior this.

I'm sick.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
This post really hits home right now. My son is on Cocaine and he is shaking and hitting his daughter. She is six months old, but she was a preemie. She is a really good baby and I feel helpless. I have notified social services and the military. My son is in the Army. I am looking into getting a lawyer, but I really don't know what my chances are of getting the baby away from mom and dad. I feel like something really bad is going to happen. All of this on top of nursing school!!

I'm so sorry to hear about this, mom4jesus. You must be frantic all the time, worrying about your little granddaughter. Please, please do get a lawyer and do whatever you can to keep her safe. Someone HAS to listen. Meanwhile, your AN family will be here for you. :icon_hug:

This post really hits home right now. My son is on Cocaine and he is shaking and hitting his daughter. She is six months old, but she was a preemie. She is a really good baby and I feel helpless. I have notified social services and the military. My son is in the Army. I am looking into getting a lawyer, but I really don't know what my chances are of getting the baby away from mom and dad. I feel like something really bad is going to happen. All of this on top of nursing school!!

why not try reporting this to the police?

any other place for your granddtr, would be better than where she is. the


I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. Wow. Makes you wonder if this delicate little soul is in a better place free of pain and anger tho. Or even thanksful on some level?

Take care of your heart, those experiences sure do hurt.

Specializes in M/S, Travel Nursing, Pulmonary.
I know things like this happen every day, I know someone personally whose child was shaken by a caregiver. But I don't understand it. I never will. I have two beautiful children. They drive me crazy at times. When I had my first, my daughter, my husband was in Iraq, and for the first 2 months she never slept. I held her all day and night. She had colic and cried constantly. At times I thought I would go crazy, and maybe I would have if I hadn't had such supportive parents and friends. But I never once would have shaken her, or my son. There is nothing sicker than a parent that could hurt a child, a baby. How could any person hurt an innocent kid?? It breaks my heart to think about it. If anyone hurt my child, I don't care if it were a friend, my parents, my husband....they just better hope the cops find them first because I would hurt them in unimaginable ways.

And I have to say a big thank you to the OP and all the peds nurses for having such an emotional and sometimes heartbraking job. I always thought I would want nothing to do with peds, but lately I have been thinking about it. I think caring for someone who is helpless, someone who couldn't help the situation they are in, would be a wonderful career. And having kids myself, and being through some scary times, I can empathize with the parents as well. But I wonder if I could handle all the horrible things on a daily basis.

I'm with you. I dont want to understand it.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
This post really hits home right now. My son is on Cocaine and he is shaking and hitting his daughter. She is six months old, but she was a preemie. She is a really good baby and I feel helpless. I have notified social services and the military. My son is in the Army. I am looking into getting a lawyer, but I really don't know what my chances are of getting the baby away from mom and dad. I feel like something really bad is going to happen. All of this on top of nursing school!!

I'm with Leslie: Call the police NOW, if you haven't already. NO six-month-old infant is old enough, or strong enough, to take being hit........let alone a fragile one like your granddaughter. Please, please, don't let her become a statistic---report this abuse right now, tonight!!

This post really hits home right now. My son is on Cocaine and he is shaking and hitting his daughter. She is six months old, but she was a preemie. She is a really good baby and I feel helpless. I have notified social services and the military. My son is in the Army. I am looking into getting a lawyer, but I really don't know what my chances are of getting the baby away from mom and dad. I feel like something really bad is going to happen. All of this on top of nursing school!!

if they live on base, or in base housing; i am not sure anyother route is available to you than the military.....try his c.o. and the chaplains office.....perhaps even the MPs.....good luck

my state is like this, yet they just passed a big gay adoption ban. except, to make it constitutional they couldn't just pass a gay adoption ban, so they passed an everyone-not-married adoption ban. there were already 4 kids to every one foster care spot. "family values" my ass. it's downright depressing.

You must be from the same state as me. It just ****** me off. The people who want to pass these laws have no clue about the shape of the system they are trying to "improve" upon.

OP I am so sorry you had this to deal with, you definitely need to talk to someone.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I think with this bad economy we are going to see more devastating child abuse cases. My state just enacted significant cuts to child welfare agencies due to our state's budget deficit. The agencies were spread too thin before, let alone after the budget cuts.

I totally agree. This economy is truly driving people crazy. I am so saddened that it seems to always be the school systems and programs that effect children that experience cuts first. Why dont we invest in keeping our future generation bright and healthy?? Another cut was for the quality of reduced meals at the schools. For some of those children, that IS the only meal(s) they might be looking forward to each day.:sniff:

Specializes in M/S, Travel Nursing, Pulmonary.
I totally agree. This economy is truly driving people crazy. I am so saddened that it seems to always be the school systems and programs that effect children that experience cuts first. Why dont we invest in keeping our future generation bright and healthy?? Another cut was for the quality of reduced meals at the schools. For some of those children, that IS the only meal(s) they might be looking forward to each day.:sniff:

Before I went to nursing school, I was a CNA at a nursing home. A certain male nurse who became shift supervisor was going to school to become a counselor. He minored in finances. I figured he did that to keep his finances together. He explained to me that most people with mental illness have financial problems. He wasnt going to give financial advice like stock market stuff to his clients, but he figured minoring in finances would help him relate better and he could help a little in that area.

A lot of other nurses said this was a dumb route to go with your education. Wonder what they think now?

very smart idea !!

Specializes in NICU Level III.

dead/dying babies are one thing but when it's the preventable stuff or the care provider inflicted's HARD.

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