Published Oct 4, 2011
19 Posts
I have 72 days until I get pinned and I am so not motivated. I am overwhelmed with every aspect of school. I've completed my preceptorship which was amazing! Now I'm onto clinicals, I completed my first day yesterday. I have 9 more to go. They end on the 11th but then my final exam is on the 23rd and my EXIT HESI is on December 7or or that terrifies me. Any advice on how to overcome this?
125 Posts
That fact that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train about to run your butt over should be motivation enough!! You're just tired, I know it's been a long tough road. Hang in there!! Focus on the future and what you'll be doing next. I can't wait til I can say I've only got 72 days left. Good luck and congratulations!
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
You overcome it by picturing what it will feel like if you don't make it through. That is what I do. My pinning is Dec 9th. Time is flying by. Our schedule is opposite yours - two months of clinicals, then preceptorship is the very last thing.
302 Posts
Whats the difference between clinicals and preceptorship?
Clinicals are done with a clinical group and a clinical instructor at the clinical site. The clinical instructor is responsible for teaching, evaluating, grading etc. Preceptorship, for us anyway, is one on one with a nurse, working his/her shift with them, no instructor on site, having them guide you as you take on the role of primary nurse for the assigned patients. It is also referred to as "transition" in my school. And at the end, he/she fills out information about the student and gives opinion whether the student is ready to graduate.
64 Posts
i'm in the same boat as you. i have 79 days to go. today was my last clinical day (i hope), and i had a horrible patient (od in icu who didn't want help), followed by a horrible drive home (cut off on i-5 and then brake checked at 70 mph). i have a massive pass/fail test on monday, hesi with score >850 needed. i just want to leave this stupid school and get on with my life! i'm so tired of the homework and the studying and the ******** with classmates and instructors! i just want to scream at some of them, "hey, grow up and learn something."
does anyone else get the feeling that some of there classmates are going to kill a patient when we graduate???
so in other words, i could use some motivation as well at this point.
425 Posts
I need an answer to the original question :-/ tired of it. Must take it one day at a time, because to look at my schedule just makes it worse...good luck!
starmickey03, MSN, RN
643 Posts
Starting to apply for RN positions and new grad programs may be some good motivation
Good Luck!
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
OP I feel the same day. Pinning is on December 20th and it takes all I have to stay motivated. I'm tired, broke, and just wanted to finish school. I pray that God will bring me through this. He is my rock. I try to stay motivated my keeping my eyes on the prize. I know that time will fly by. I have a total of 4 more exams, 7 clinical, and 8 lectures left. WE can do this.
825 Posts
I still have 13 clinicals left. UGH - They suck this semester!!!
I have 1 more test in Med-Surg - that I can miss over half the questions on and still be okay, thank goodness!
Then on to Leadership, which should be a pretty easy class. Final is on Dec. 8th and pinning in on the 16th. I am also counting down the days until it is all over!!!
CrufflerJJ, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,023 Posts
I think it's perfectly normal for your "apathy meter" to be pegging by now. Just keep plodding on, one day at a time.
As to your exit HESI, you might want to consider taking my approach. At this point, either you know the material or you don't. Trying to cram little useless freakin' bits of knowledge into your overloaded brain will not work. Just relax (as best you can), do 3-4 hours of cursory review (mainly so you can tell yourself that you DID review the material - especially stuff from earlier in your nursing school career), and go with the flow.
GOOD LUCK! You CAN do it. You WILL do it.
307 Posts
I am in the same boat. I have pinning in 71 days and graduation in 72 days..HESI next Thursday plus I start 2 clinicals a week, twelve hour shifts in less than 2 weeks. I have finished my preceptorship, I have been applying for RN positions, but I STILL have no motivation anymore. I am burnt out on school and am just tired. I work as a tech night shifts while going to school and it takes a lot of effort to just work 3 shifts a month. I am hanging on barely just to make it through the exams every few weeks and I am broke. Just remember, we are almost done. Don't come this far to quit!