Published Sep 1, 2018
35 Posts
Has anyone ever used a synthetic urine specimen???
103 Posts to beat your UDS? Surely that's not what you're asking?
I'm just gonna sit back and wait...
79 Posts
The question is, do you really want to lose your license?
SpankedInPittsburgh, DNP, RN
1,847 Posts
Well I never even heard of fake pee so I guess the answer is no. I'm of the belief that the only thing I can do to pass these pee and blood test to to not use drugs or alcohol so I don't. Its the deal I made with the BON and I'll stick to my part. I still worry about false positives but I really cant do anything about that
379 Posts
I am sure they would figure it out. They live for catching things like this. It is sent off to a lab after all. They aren't stupid.
Big Blondie, ASN, BSN, MSN, APRN
495 Posts
No. But I've heard of it.
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,204 Posts
Someone submitted a fake urine for a pre-employment physical at one of my jobs. It came back as a non-human specimen and employment was denied.
161 Posts
They test for that. A girl in my AODA class got busted for that ( along with my 48 per year with the state, I had to pee once a week for AODA). Something with the creatinine not being in the human range, I believe.
Kel65, MSN, RN
315 Posts
And whoever would try this should be sure to use their nursing license as toilet paper. This is the big leagues. They can catch that kind of stuff.
bitter_betsy, BSN
456 Posts
Someone submitted a fake urine for a pre-employment physical at one of my jobs. It came back as a non-human specimen and employment was denied.Hppy
I would love to see a Davey Do cartoon about this..... the images that pop in my head... alien with an ID card... a cat... thanks for the fantastic visuals!!!
65 Posts
YES!!!!!!!!! @DaveyDo
As to OP, fetish urine works only on home tests. I used to work at a sex shop. But I also don't use drugs, so my biggest concern on drug tests is how much water can I humanly drink to pee enough? LOL
1,476 Posts
YES!!!!!!!!! @DaveyDo As to OP, fetish urine works only on home tests. I used to work at a sex shop. But I also don't use drugs, so my biggest concern on drug tests is how much water can I humanly drink to pee enough? LOL
True story...during one summer break for college years ago, I decided to get a temp job at my mother's place of employment as a secretary. I, the perfect angel child who still to this day has never used or tried any sort of illegal drug or abused any prescription drugs, drank too much water prior to my pre-employment drug screen (I have kidney issues so I was concerned I wouldn't be able to pee)...this came back as inconclusive/diluted, and to that employer anything that isn't a negative is automatically treated as a positive. Even with a doctor's note describing my kidney/bladder issues, it was a no go.
And that's the story of how the only child of my mom's who actually never did drugs failed a drug test at her place of employment.