Recently, a coworker of mine killed a patient. Not on purpose, the MAR was handwritten and he didn't see the decimal point. The patient coded and ended up needing compressions. He was taken to the ER and ended up brain dead as a result. He's a relatively new nurse. I know the state was called and they showed up, but they didn't come to my unit so I don't know what they were looking for. I've made a med error before but not one that caused injury or death, gave it at the wrong time, but it was the right med so nothing ever came from it but it was still scary and woke me up. All my coworkers have made a small med error at least once, but not one that has ever harmed anyone. What happens when a nurse kills someone? Do they lose their licence? We all know what happened but since it was so serious none of the administration will openly address it with us, like they think if they don't talk about it that it will go away. But I'm still curious to know, do they suspend your licence or do they take it? This is why I hate handwritten Mars. My coworker got fired so it's not like I can ask him, and I probably wouldn't anyways because I don't know him that well.