Christmas in the spirit or not?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Are you into the Christmas spirit this year or not?

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59 members have participated

short of watching my kids open presents..........i just am not into it this year.

me :rolleyes:


Moving over Christmas stinks! I did it three years ago. The first thing that went up in the new house was the tree and the heck with everything else! It was the first thing that was unloaded and the first thing that looked right. Everything was still in boxes. It was a good thing I had wrapped all of the Christmas gifts because I wouldn't have known if it was a gift or if it had to be unpacked. It turned out to be a good Christmas anyways, but the moving part of it you could have kept...

Specializes in ER, PACU, OR.

hmmmmmmm no :rolleyes:

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Let's see...

Will probably have enough $$ for stuff once property taxes are paid. What sicko put the deadline for property taxes just before Christmas anyway?

The Kid wants a PS2. OK. Now if I can just find one after payday next week...

I'm working 7A to 7P Christmas Day.:( :o :mad:

I'm 1st up for Comp Time if they don't need everyone who's scheduled. :p :cool: :)

There WILL be a fabulous pot-luck to which I will happily contribute.

I gave up on Christmas Trees--more $ for presents!

I don't do outdoor lights--too scared of heights.

IT DOESN'T SNOW IN SAN DIEGO!!! If I need to see snow (and I DON'T) I drive to it. Have all the snow you want w/o me!

I'm about as much into Christmas as I need to be.

Just smile, have a good time anyway!!

Feliz Navidad! Sandi

Specializes in Home Health.

Chatty, don't you know, Santa comes a day to early to the nurse's children's houses! :D (Keep track of all those little white lies, they will remember!) We did the same thing! And when the kids were older and I had to work Christmas, they always begged to be able to open one present early, so we just made Christmas eve our Christmas. And my in-laws always found some restaurant open and took my poor little motherless family there.

Another thing I ditched, the real tree. I LOVE real trees, and I do NOT feel bad about cutting them down, after all, people make their livlihoods this way. I was supporting the economy.

Anyway, 2 years ago, my husband was home recoup'ing from laminectomy #2, and decided he would put up Xmas lights as a surprise for the kids, he was feeling so great, he took the chance. Well, he fell off the roof, flat on his back! Kinda put things in perspective! I went out that evening after we spent all day in the ER, and bought a fake tree, it is beautiful, and now, I can decide to just pull it out and put it up whenever I want!! PLUS, with the kids having so many tree allergies, it is really much healthier for us. If I need pine scent, I get a candle! BTW, hubby's back has been F'd ever since!

PS, try this (NO I am not Martha Stewart!) put 2 sticks of cinnamon and a few whole cloves in a small pot of water and simmer on the stove, your house will smell great!!! You can also put this in a small crock pot(s) in other rooms of the house.

I will also try the vanilla and cinnamin too... Tree is out for this year to be sure.... We are going "home" to New Mexico for a few days... I work Agency "down there" (too) and love working at the Heart Hospital... Maybe I will get into the spirit then.... so to speak...

One of the presents we purchased was ordering family photos from the pictures we had done LAST year... All 20 of us! I saw some great frames at WallMart in gold... eeewwww.....

I think what I dislike about the holidays is the rush rush rush to do something for your loved ones. The "more mature" I become, the more I realize the need to cherish those everyday moments of bliss with my family (especially after 9-11-01).

Honestly, this year I actually told my kids that the expensive gifts that they have grown acustomed to are not going to be a part of this years celebration. The concentration has to be (family wise) getting the move accomplished, doing "stuff" together, and concentrating on getting (financially) on a better path. It does help that my kids will be spending Christmas day with their father (to relieve some of the "present" pressure).

So the tinsle and hub bub that I would poo poo and dislike in the past is not really a part of my thoughts when I say, "I am undecided about Christmas". This year, I feel more accepting of my goal of "not giving into" the marketing mania to buy because you are sapposed to. I am comfortable with my decision to cherish our time together and not fill it with purchasing frenzy needs as I have in the past.

Heh.... maybe that means I do have the Christmas Spirit! Tiny Tim? What do you think? (lol....)

In peace,


Voted no, not in the spirit, but after reading some of these neat reply, had to add my $.02 worth...

I am working OT Christmas Eve and Christmas Night. Was kinda bumbed about that at first working 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., but hey, somebody has to do it.

The kids are grown with families of their own, and I respect their wishes for the kids to stay at home and play with their own Santa presents.... Always had a room full of toys Christmas eve for them, opened, and no one really remembered which one owned which present. The parents always scolded that Pap and Nana tried to out-do santa with the presents...

This year, each grandbaby is getting a nice amount BEFORE Christmas for the Santa fund at their own home... Will be different.

Best Christmas was last year. I worked 7 am to 3pm. all week of Christmas. The kids and grandkids,(spouses stayed home until Christmas Eve) came "home" and spent the night Dec. 23rd. My presents were wrapped, meals were cooked, dishes were done, and I DIDN'T HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER.... Spent equal time with my family, and my residents at work.... Was too good to be true.

This year we will be together, but I will see sleeping residents and be sleeping or tired for family......

Two of the grandbabies are traveling 600 miles to be with us from Dec. 26 - Jan l, so our togetherness will have to be the week after Christmas for the week..... So the holiday will last longer anyhow.....

Now that I put things in perspective,,,, Change mine to YES!!

This should be a great time this year-just finished the fall semester, did great on my finals, have vacation from work coming up and of course Christmas with my family-but my dad dropped a bomb on me today, my parents may be splitting after 17 yrs of marriage (actually mom & stepdad, but he's the only dad I claim!!)

My mother has been having a relationship, that she says has been non-physical, aka huge cell phone bill, time when my dad is gone, with a married family friend for the past 5 months. To sum up, I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach! I know I need to talk to my mom, but am so angry I know it is not a good idea right now. I also know there is 2 sides to all stories and my dad is involved in so many things right now that he feels responsible for not being a good enough husband, but he's been so involved this summer in building my mom the horse farm she's always wanted, so I know his motives were good. Now he's regretting that decision. He wants to know that it is really over, truthfully this time, or for her to go, because he wants an honest marriage. I know I'll be able to deal with this all in time, but my baby sisters (11,4) have to see it everyday.

Did someone mention wine??!! Pass me a glass!

**The good part of this season is the cinnamin candles everywhere! I love those too.**

BaaHumbug is how I feel. I'm working pretty much all through Christmas and New Years and so is my husband. None of my family is coming in this year. I've been having back problems(have an MRI scheduled after Christmas) and been having trouble walking. Work is bad enough let alone trying to shop. I did attempt some decoration and the tree is up with lights but no ornaments yet. I don't feel like baking. Just want it all to be over with and the pain in my leg to go away.

Well, I lost my post, so here goes again.

I love to bake for close friends and a couple of businesses we use in town, it helps get me into the spirit. In my first year as a nurse, working nights, there just isn't any time. My Christmas cards are still in the box. Had my parents out for TG and we celebrated Friday. I got them to help put up and decorate my (artificial) tree.

I feel like the holiday is very commercialized and that puts me out some of the time. I have some family that have everything they could need/want. I really like to surprise someone w/something they really need or would not spend their money on themselves for. I hope when we have a family to instill some meaningful traditions (however corny) so they will have great memories of family time together years later.

My husband and I are grateful for each other, our health and my job. Now that I'm out of school we are able to "manage" with his foot surgery, a car repair in Nov, a transmission in Dec (yes, same car...93K miles...NOT paid off) and a few gifts under the tree. Mind you we will be paying those out for some time. I am trying not to be discouraged about working Christmas night...along w/my coworkers and patients who will also not be at home. Hopefully I can bake for us that night as a pick-me-up.

Maybe I will get some cloves and cinnamon sticks....and a bottle of wine?? Hehe I am determined not to be an "undecided" if I can help it. :rolleyes: Lisa

.....not in the spirit this year. just want christmas to come and go fast. :o haven't even put up any decorations (partly b/c i'm not at home.....on travel assignment). this is the first year in five years i haven't had to work,...and for some reason,....i just want it to be over. :o

I love christmas.... its my favorite holiday..

Why?-- easy. Ever since we were little, we'd go to g-ma Sawicki's house in bensonhurst on christmas eve (remember, we're traditional italian's with a very polish last name... haha...) and have a beautiful fish dinner... lobster and all!!! Christmas Day, we'd wake up to presents under the tree, and a trip to aunt barbara's and uncle harolds.... they have this thing about stuffed bears, and now, stuffed santas.... then, with the snacks from her house (Smelling the grain pie and the chocolate pudding pie... yum) on the way to the other g-ma's family(yes, both sides were matriarical....) in Bushwick... where we'd have turkey with canned chicken gravy on instant mashed potatoes... it was great, followed by an awesome game of dredel.... Go Gimmel!!!! Woo!

G-ma Casuso (aka grams, my dad's ma, has now departed us... she was the greatest.... she lived in a predominantly black/puerto rican neighborhood which is a very tough one to live in... and here goes this little redhaired white woman commanding the respect of all... She was amazing) loved listening to 'grandma got run over by a raindeer' at top volume with all of her grandkids(I think there were about 11 at that time, theres more now) singing it to her... it was amazing.... She Was a christmas baby too... G-pa Casuso was a pro wrestler in Peru, then Chi-town in the 50's.... he was cool!!! taught us kids how to play cards....

It was great...

I love christmas... from back to its pagan routes, to what its become, I love the spirit we tend to get...

now, some of our tradition is different.... g-ma, and g-pa casuso are long passed, but, we remember them every christmas.... whether it be with a mass where we are all allowed.... ( I am not a christian...but, thats another story... I celebrate Yule while my family celebrates christmas-- similar traditions)

so... I am in the spirit... it is a time for rebirth and regrowth...



I'm not superly in the spirit, but am trying... My tree is up. I almost skipped it this year, but decided that with all that's happened I thought I'd be more depressed if I didn't. The reality is that I"m feeling really pressured right now - my own fault for not being more organized earlier!

My shopping is done and tomorrow I'm going to wrap - one of my fav. things! Each year I buy my paper and ribbons from Current Catalog so it all matches. This year my colors are red and gold. I take pride in the fact that my gifts are so well done that no one wants to open them! I've also gotten some creative things for people... I'm crocheting a table cloth for my mother. It isn't done yet, but I'm hoping to finish tonight or Sunday... I think that when I get to my parent's home I'll feel more festive!

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