Chinese births in U.S. hospitals?

Nurses General Nursing


Has anyone noticed the increase in Chinese birthing homes?

Chinese women being promised a "painless" birth in the united states?

Articles about how it's cheapening citizenship etc? Is there a weird conspiracy in this? Is it one of those lets-cement-the-middle-class-things?

Specializes in ER, Med-surg.

Honestly anyone who has the long-term organizational skills, patience, and financial resources to gather 30K, travel halfway around the world while heavily pregnant, raise a bilingual child who can obtain admission to American university, and otherwise start planning their immigration 2-3 decades in advance is probably by definition a strong future asset of a citizen.

Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

Totally agree, but you are considered a bigot and racist when you ask politicians about restricting citizenship

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

This is your opinion. There is also the law which says otherwise and if you do not like it, then in this country it is up to you to attempt a change. Good luck with that.

I personally wonder why people who invest required $500000 in phony businesses get green cards while those who pay the same and more for a BMT in St. Jude to save their child do not. After all, it is an investment of a kind, and folks who are able to make that sort of money legally should be welcome in America the Great.

Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

It's in the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, passed after the Civil War. They had to put it in the Constitution because those charming bigots down south wanted to argue that former slaves were not US citizens.

Specializes in NICU.

I've seen a lot of Chinese parents using surrogates here.

Specializes in Hospice.
Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

That would mean that anyone descended from immigrants arriving here since the end of the American revolution are not citizens, wouldn't it?

Any foreign citizen giving birth in the US should not be given US citizenship. When you give birth in Germany as a foreign visitor, your child is not given German citizenship and the child's citizenship automatically becomes that of the mother.

Our Constitution says otherwise (14th Amendment).

What you are proposing would require a Constitutional amendment (to nullify section 1 of the 14th Amendment), something that is incredibly difficult to achieve.

That would mean that anyone descended from immigrants arriving here since the end of the American revolution are not citizens, wouldn't it?

The German law is applicable to visitors, not immigrants. The women who are entering the US to give birth, are on visitor visas, they are not immigrants. They are entering the US under false pretenses and demonstrating that they believe money makes them above the law.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
The women who are entering the US to give birth, are on visitor visas, they are not immigrants. They are entering the US under false pretenses and demonstrating that they believe money makes them above the law.

These women do not break any law. They enter with tourist visas, stay their allowed time and come back. As long as they do not break any laws in between these points, nobody should care what they are doing. They are free to enjoy their time here, like you and myself. Giving birth doesn't interfere with any US law I know of.

I am surprised to see such blatant xenophobia on nursing forum. Nothing new for me personally - I was treated like **** by other nurses just for being an immigrant, but it is beyond me to understand how other women, mothers and nurses can speak like that about other women who, for most part, just want to deliver their babies safely and without barbaric manipulations like opening cervix by hand and pressing baby out by applying external force (both are still common in Russia, China and some other countries and done without any anesthesia whatsoever). The citizenship for the baby is a bonus which is really difficult to use before the child becomes an adult, and emigration of parents can be still 10 years later. Medical tourism is an industry which brings good money - shouldn't we welcome its development?

Specializes in Hospice.

@ dishes: But they have the same non-citizen status as immigrants. Any child born before an immigrant becomes a legal citizen would be affected as well ... and their children and so on.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
@ dishes: But they have the same non-citizen status as immigrants. Any child born before an immigrant becomes a legal citizen would be affected as well ... and their children and so on.

Nope. Visitor status and even most incomplete immigration status (like "applied and waiting for application for political asylim to be accepted") are two VERY different things. Visitors cannot legally work under any circumstances, their financial rights are limited, they cannot get any public assistance ever except for private charities, cannot enroll in public education, cannot get US driver''s license or SSN, they do not pay federal taxes, etc. "Potential" but legal immigrants have limitations too but way less of them.

BTW, if one parent is a US citizen by birth but for some reason never entered the US after that and his or her child was born outside of the US, the child does NOT get authomatic citizenship at birth. It is a common misconception, but things are way more complicated and one of the conditions to grant US citizenship to the child is long enough physical stay of the parent within US borders.

Citizenship Through Parents | USCIS

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