CCAC Spring 2011

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Just wondering if anyone else on here has applied to CCAC for the spring 2011 semester?

wow jason, with those scores you should go to Harvard:rolleyes:

hopefully nursing school will teach you to be humble.

You lucky people, taking the computer version! :) It felt like forever waiting on scores for the paper version-- about three weeks. And nah, not harvard. Another top college, but didn't do me much good.I don't think you can really study much for the verbal portion of the exam; you either know it or you don't. There are simply too many words in the English language to be able to now learn them for the exam. And the reading comprehension you either have or you don't. A lot of people recommend not reading the passages too deeply-- just do a basic skim, highlighting in your mind the impt points. I think the best way to prepare for the exam is to just make sure you are fresh on basic math, basic algebra. I think there were a few questions that required you to know basic formulas, ex. area of a triangle= 1/2 bh. And you could definitely freshen up on some of the science if needed-- ph, lipids, carbs. There was a question about the life-cycle of the ants-- the whole egg, larvae, pupae sequence. A little taxonomy-- domain, kingdom, phyllum, class, order, faminly, genus, species. Chemistry basicslike what is an enzyme, substrate,tincture, catalyst. H ions cause acidity. That sort of thing. And then basic physics. And if you freak out when you get to the physics and think "I just guessing here at this point," don't worry. I felt that way too, and still did fine on it. Some of the questions are not graded into your score, but you won't know which are and which aren't.

I highly recommend going to the library and taking a couple practice exams-- my scores were basically exactly the same on the practice exams as they were on the real thing, literally down to how many I missed on each section.

Hi jason I think I know you from wed eve micro!!! look in your private messages :>

Allegheny day here--i'm so excited!!! but nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys get your books yet?


btw: wasn't trying to offend. I'm all for humility; I just don't necessarily buy into the same definition of it as you do :) It is just a test score. All you have to do is a "pax results" search on allnurses, and you'll find entire 20+ page topics on it, with everyone listing their scores.

Specializes in ICU, Step-down, CCU.
I don't know if they do the lottery system at all the campuses. I know that when I registered today, she told us that mon/tues lab/lecture was set for us (I thought there was a choice, guess not?) and then we could pick our clinical date of either wed or sat since both still had spots open. Hospital site for evening program is going to be mercy and allegheny general, tentatively.

The lottery system varies by campus. Allegheny there will be a list that gets posted across from M720, the early bird gets the better choices, last on the list gets what is left over. In 101 you "should" have gotten a note to call registration and sign up, 102 and beyond is the list.

Calu, they pick for you. Not a quite a lottery per se, but you can make requests on what you need or cannot have. Of course it is all based on availability.

Boyce is lottery, 100% all semesters.

North I have heard is a lottery too as is South.

Specializes in ICU, Step-down, CCU.
Hi jason I think I know you from wed eve micro!!! look in your private messages :>

Allegheny day here--i'm so excited!!! but nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys get your books yet?


ask around, there are some you really do not need (ie, they are ancillary) and you will NEVER crack them open. If you REALLY want them, I suggest renting them. The same goes for 102 and beyond, some books will carry from semester to semester, those you want to buy. Those that are specific like maternity, psych, and ped's you will use for 3-4 weeks and never use again. I only suggest this because most nursing students are poor, don't waste money on books you will never open or use for 3 weeks and never use again.

i appreciate the info. thanks!!

The lottery system varies by campus. Allegheny there will be a list that gets posted across from M720, the early bird gets the better choices, last on the list gets what is left over. In 101 you "should" have gotten a note to call registration and sign up, 102 and beyond is the list.

Calu, they pick for you. Not a quite a lottery per se, but you can make requests on what you need or cannot have. Of course it is all based on availability.

Boyce is lottery, 100% all semesters.

North I have heard is a lottery too as is South.

Thank you!!

Yes, thanks for the info about the list :smokin:

I lost the paper for cal u's cpr class i believe it was this saturday but i am unaware of the times does anyone know?!!

is anyone here attending boyce's orientation tomorrow? if so, do you know if it is really supposed to last from 5-10 pm? that seems so long! also, do clinicals start for everyone the first week of classes? thanks!

Cal u cpr is this saturday from 8:30 to 12;30

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