Caught a 12-pounder!


I caught a 12 # - 2 oz. baby yesterday. It was the 2nd largest I've ever cared for in 16 years; beaten only by one who was 13# 8.5oz.

He was longer than the tape measure on the scale. He was 22 1/2 inches. The tape only goes to 22 1/4 - had to guesstimate. 15 1/2 inch FOC. Vag - forcep - McRoberts - SPP - shoulder dyst. - no tears, no stitches. Had to bag him for a minute, though. Thought mom would never push him out.

G4 P3 w/ hx of 6+, 7+ & 8lb. siblings. You guessed it - gestational diabetes, diet controlled. ... NOT!

His sugars were ok though. I would have lost money if I'd bet on that. I even transitioned him in a level II bed 'cause I was so sure he'd end up on an IV. He surprised me.

Anyone else caught any big ones lately?

Specializes in LDRP.

There was an 11#11oz baby born lady partslly recently.

funny story is, mom was offered a section b/c us said the baby was 9 pounds or so. she'd previously had 8 pound babies and said no to the section :)

Specializes in orthopaedics.

back in april we had a baby girl delivered 12lbs 7 oz 22.5 in she had the roundest moon face i'd seen in a long time.

her sweet little arms were full of folds. mom weighed about 350 hx of htn gestational diabetes. baby was under the bili lights for a few days.

Specializes in Brain injury,vent,peds ,geriatrics,home.

Never caught one but my neice was 12 pounds she looked like a three month old when she was born!

Specializes in OB L&D Mother/Baby.

Holy Moly. I joke that now we're doing sections for anything over 8lbs, or at least the moms are offered sections, Our OB's would freak if they thought they were dealing with a 12lber.

Both of my kids were 10lbs (well first was 10-4 and second 9-13). Both born lady partslly and had no problems, came out screaming. I was not a gest diabetic. My family just has a history of big babies. I'm not a big person so people tend to think I'm exhaggerating or something when I tell them that I did it... and with no epidural none the less LOL. I'm scared of having any more cause I've seen my fair share of shoulder dystocias, and just plain scary deliveries.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I have a friend who was 14 pounds when he was born. His mom was home alone and had him on the kitchen floor! He ended up playing ball for the Dallas Cowboys for 13 years. He is one big dude!

My grandson was almost 10 pounds. He was born lady partslly without even a tear on mom - who weighs all of 110 pounds herself. (She probably made it to 140 lbs. when she was pregnant.) It's hard to remember they're newborns when they come out that big.

Specializes in OB, lactation.
Holy Moly. I joke that now we're doing sections for anything over 8lbs, or at least the moms are offered sections, Our OB's would freak if they thought they were dealing with a 12lber.


Specializes in L & D; Postpartum.

Years and years ago, long before we tested everybody for Gestational Diabetes, we had a baby who weighed 15 pounds 4 ounces! No kidding. Mom was tall, about 6 feet and a large woman, but not what you'd call obese. C-section and I want to say for a prolapsed cord, but not sure anymore. That kid was in our NICU for quite a time and it was a long time before he could hold his head up by himself. He'd be close to 30 now.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

woweeee owweeee!

The biggest baby I've helped out with during my doula years was 11lb. 2oz., 24". He was as long as the warmer unit in the nursery. The babe arrived by c-section, but doc was very willing to go ahead with a vag delivery. After explaining the risks/benefits, he said that he'd be very happy to try a vag delivery and almost looked disappointment when mom said that it had been a long day, she was so tired and that she wanted to go ahead with the c-section.

Although this is not confirmed, my grandmother believed that she was over 14lbs at birth. As SBE said, "woweeee owweeee!"

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

The biggest one we've had in recent years that I can remember was a 12#8oz lady partsl. Bad shoulder dystocia, broken humerus, very bad break. Mom had a big tear too.

The biggest one I've ever heard of was a 5th baby weighing 13lbs born at home on an intact perineum. That was caught by my massage therapist who was a CPM in Louisiana for many years.

Specializes in nursery, L and D.

We had a 12-13 born over intact was something like 5'1".

I, personally, had a 10lb4oz baby (my second ds), and he was 22 1/2 inches long...........I'm 5'3" and couldn't breath for the last 8 weeks!

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