Can I wear the scrubs for an interview?



I am an experienced RN trying to find a new hospital job. I will have to go to the interview right after work. I won't have time to change my clothes. Would it be inappropriate to appear at the interview wearing scrubs?

Thank you for your advice.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I have worn scrubs to interviews, but this was during a time when my local employment market was far less competitive. I would not do it today.

If you must wear scrubs to the interview, quickly explain to the interviewer that your shift at your current workplace just ended. They'll be likely to understand why you wore the scrubs once they have this explanation.

Good luck to you!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I'd go with a safe option like having a change of clothes with you that you can slip into in a bathroom or locker room. You only get 1 chance to make a first impression, and in this current job market appearance will matter. Go business casual, try to leave work early, and look professional and polished.

Thank both of you for the responses. I work on the floor and can't leave early. I guess I will keep my clothes in my car and change them if there is enough time.

I would really try to change clothes- it helps you look professional and shows that you care about the interview.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

I would wear scrubs to an interview out of necessity but never on purpose. Your best bet, as others have suggested, is to just be truthful and explain briefly why you're in your work scrubs. The interviewer will either see you as a dedicated and hard worker or as someone that didn't plan out their interview with them as best that you could have. I hope for the dedicated and hard worker perception...but you got to do what you gotta do though.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

I have changed from scrubs to a skirt suit many times. Gotta say, putting on Spanx while sitting in your car in the McDonalds parking lot is more challenging than you can imagine b

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I would change. I had an interview that was scheduled right after my night shift ended. I changed into a pant suit for the interview.

The manager who interviewed me told me she was impressed that I had changed. She had been expecting me to show up in scrubs because she knew I was coming from work.

I got the job

On the occasions I've been in this situation, I've always taken a change of clothes to work with me and changed before arriving at the interview. How long does it take to change? A few minutes? I would never show up to an interview in scrubs unless it were some sort of emergency (like my car containing the change of clothes blowing up, but then, come to think of it, I probably wouldn't make it to the interview, period). :)

Specializes in Author/Business Coach.
Specializes in PICU.

No, change. You want to make a professional appearance. Anyone can wear scrubs, you want to be a nurse.. dress for success

Specializes in Psychiatric, Aesthetics.

As a former corporate manager, all I can advise is this; if you want the job, bring a suit and change in a bathroom (or car...). Seriously, tho, make the effort, it sheds light on you in a positive way. It will also speak volumes on your thoroughness and dedication and how you will employ those qualities.

Good Luck!

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